Saturday, December 10, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Stars for Sunday 11th December 2011


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're ready to move forward with some changes you've been considering for a long time. It's time to break free of confining relationships and arrangements. Some will think you're being callous, but they don't understand the price you've paid for being loyal. You're the type who needs to express yourself, even at the risk of scandalising the public. Somebody's got to tell the truth, and it might as well be you. If stuffy traditionalists can't handle it, that's not your problem. 
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Having a secret gives you a new lease on life. As a general rule, you devote your life to nurturing others. This leaves precious little time for your own needs. Seize this opportunity to write a book, master a musical instrument, or take up a sport. Don't tell your loved ones about this new interest. You're doing this just for your own happiness. If others hear about what you've been doing, they'll try to get involved or interfere. A little privacy will go a long way towards cultivating contentment.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Joining a group will be liberating. Sometimes you worry your ideas are too radical for the general public. By aligning yourself with other visionaries, you'll get the reassurance you want. Launching a project will give you the freedom to experiment with new techniques and high tech equipment. Sure, you'll make a few mistakes along the way, but that's all part of the learning process. Fortunately, the other members of your team won't be averse to trying new things.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) An absent authority figure forces you to make up the rules as you go along. At times, you'll get into trouble for taking the initiative, but that can't be helped. If you wanted to get approval from the powers that be, you'd miss a golden opportunity. You'd also let down customers who are depending on you to finish work in a timely fashion. Continue to obey your instincts. They will put you on the path to success, and might even prompt you to start your own business.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You may be called away on an overseas trip. This unexpected turn of events will change your outlook. Suddenly dead end situation will be rife with possibility. That's because you'll realise there are all sorts of places you can live or jobs you can do. Putting yourself in an unfamiliar setting is one of the best ways to grow, both personally and professionally. You're a lot more versatile than you realise. Will yourself to break away from a familiar routine.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Unexpected changes involving your partner's income cause you to alter your spending habits. Whether you take a loss or get a windfall, you should be putting more money into savings. Having a financial reserve will provide a cushion against lean times. Think of yourself as a squirrel gathering food for the colder months. Resist the urge to take out your frustrations on your loved one. The two of you are in this together. When one becomes too tired to work, the other can pick up the slack.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Taking orders from a demanding partner has become tiresome. You've always been quick to keep the peace, but lately, you've become rebellious. It's time to assert your needs, even at the risk of causing an argument. Insist on choosing the movie, restaurant, or holiday spot. Be more aggressive when your ideas are challenged. Above all, defend your career goals. If you have to go return to education or move closer to a centre of industry, so be it. Your friend should give their support.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your schedule is becoming more unpredictable, which is difficult for you. You're a creature of habit and hate not being able to make set plans. Unfortunately, your job requires you to be flexible. This means having to go in to the office at a moment's notice, or float from one part of the office to another. If you're looking for work, you might have to take a series of short assignments to make ends meet. You'll be offered a full time position after completing a temporary stint.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Taking up an unusual sport or hobby is creating problems in your personal life. Your nearest and dearest are worried you will hurt yourself. While it's true you need a greater element of adventure in your life, it's also true you have responsibilities to others. Stop putting yourself in the path of danger for the sake of thrills. If you need a physical outlet, you can protect yourself with safety equipment. Wear a helmet, pads, and sturdy gear and refrain from taking foolish chances.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your home life is undergoing significant changes, whether you want them or not. It's better to prepare yourself for these transitions, or you'll waste valuable energy on clinging to the past. It's important to give a greater element of freedom to a relative who has been overly dependent on you. The sooner the two of you are able to attend to your own problems, the better your relationship will be. You're tired of feeling joined at the hip, anyway.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Updating your technical skills will make you a hot commodity on the job market. You're a fast learner and will have no trouble learning to operate a gadget or write a software program. This type of knowledge will give you a great deal of freedom. Executives won't be able to micromanage you when they have no idea what you do. All they'll want is for you to fix their problems so their businesses will stay up and running.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) The things you once held dear now seem relatively unimportant. You're ready to leave inconsequential matters behind for the sake of something vital. If that means leaving a job that is making you miserable, so be it. You're better off taking a position that pays less but provides greater emotional fulfilment. Of course, you still need to meet your financial obligations. Strike a healthier balance between earning a living and finding contentment. You can't put a price on happiness.


Italy - euronews interview: Prime Minister speaks to Euronews / Italia - Primo ministro parla a Euronews

Published on Dec 10, 2011 by On his first EU summit, the new Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti was one of the protagonists of the long marathon to save the euro and strengthen fiscal discipline in member states. Monti played the role of mediator between Great Britain and the others, seeking agreement between the 27. Euronews Margerita Sforza spoke to him and first asked him if the agreement of the Council of Europe is enough to save the euro?
euronews interview: Mario Monti: "L'accordo di Bruxelles ha alcune ombre ma è molto buono"

Published on Dec 10, 2011 by Mario Monti ha partecipato al suo primo Consiglio Europeo in veste di premier e alla lunga maratona che ha portato a un rafforzamento dei vincoli di bilancio e a un patto fiscale per salvare l'Euro.

Monti ha mediato tra la Gran Bretagna e gli altri paesi europei cercando fino all'ultimo di evitare che Londra si autoescludesse. La mediazione non è riuscita ma il risultato è tutto sommato buono ha spiegato il premier a Euronews

Europe - EU summit: The world reacts after David Cameron says no

Published on Dec 10, 2011 by Markets, have slowly grown more positive after most European countries agreed to a Franco-German plan on fiscal unity.

That is despite David Cameron's decision to veto the move after he failed to secure a set of exceptions for Britain, making it the only one of the 27 EU nations to say no.

The European press were mostly unified in saying he has made a mistake, and isolated his country, perhaps paving the way for Britain to leave the EU altogether.

In the German daily, Der Spiegel, the headline read 'The man who said no to Europe' adding:

Cuba - Exile flotilla puts on a display for dissidents / flotilla exilio pone en una pantalla a los disidentes

Published on Dec 10, 2011 by Cubans living in exile marked the upcoming International Human Rights Day on Friday by sailing a flotilla of boats about 20 kilometres off the coast of the capital Havana.

On the eve of the day to commemorate the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, Cuba's Ladies in White were prevented from holding a march by government supporters, who protested outside a house where a meeting was being held.
Publicado el 10 de diciembre 2011 por Euronews cubanos que viven en el exilio marcó el próximo Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos el viernes por la vela de una flotilla de barcos de unos 20 kilómetros de la costa de la capital, La Habana.

En la víspera del día para conmemorar la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos, de Cuba, las Damas de Blanco fueron impedidas de realizar una marcha de partidarios del gobierno, que protestaron frente a una casa donde se realizaba una reunión.

Пицца "Фары" музыкальное видео и тексты / Pitstsa "Lights" music video & Lyrics

Uploaded by on Dec 10, 2011
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Режиссер - Евгения Опельянц
(c) 2011 Монолит
Пицца лирика - Фары
А ты прячешь глаза за фарами,
И всё идёт чередом как до,ре,ми.
Твои мысли поют гитарами
И тревожат душу минорами.
А вокруг все гуляют парами,
И друг друга чувствуют порами,
А ты прячешь глаза за фарами,
И тебе непременно здорово.

Когда станем однажды старыми,
И усталость на плечи горами.
Не забудь меня, а то мало ли,
Какими мы станем синьорами.
Тебя жизнь выжигала пожарами,
И мою не измерить приборами.
Скоро нас перенасытят угарами
И запустят седины в бороду.

И не важно какими странами,
Мы не заменим родного города.
Мы останемся другами, братьями,
И сегодня мы выпьем поровну.
Те, кто время крадет между парами,
Никогда не назовут ворами.
Мои мысли поют гитарами,
Почему-то все больше минорными.

Ты не заметишь, как пролетят года...Пролетят...
Меняются люди, боги им судьи, они...Все простят...
Ты не заметишь, как пролетят года...Пролетят...
Меняются люди, боги им судьи, они...Все простят...

Жизнь особо никогда по голове не гладила,
Правда ведь?
И теперь, приятель, поверь, ударов на всех хватит,
Надо бы звякнуть матери, что-нибудь сказать ей.
Что у нас все впоряде, на нашей съемной хате.
Среди будь все еще плавает мой худой катер.
Спокойной ночи пожелать ей, пожалуй, хватит.
А что еще сказать? Об остальном не с ней, не для ее ушей, может даже не для батиных.
Так много наших, кому медом намазано здесь.
Там ничего не было, а тут все есть.
Гуляй - не хочу, все рвут покорять Москву.
Но покоряются ей сами, и просто живут.
Меняясь на глазах до неузнаваемости,
То ли взросление это, то ли предательство.
А мы накинем фары, и будем такими как есть.
Одна любовь, одна жизнь, одна песня.

Ты не заметишь, как пролетят года...Пролетят...
Меняются люди, боги им судьи, они...Все простят...
Ты не заметишь, как пролетят года...Пролетят...
Меняются люди, боги им судьи, они...Все простят...
Ты не заметишь, как пролетят года...Пролетят...
Меняются люди, боги им судьи, они...Все простят...

Russia - election protests begin in Vladivostock / Россия - выборы начинаются протесты во Владивостоке

Uploaded by on Dec 10, 2011
Up to a thousand people gathered in Russia's eastern capital Vladivostok to protest against what they see as falsification of the results of last weekend's Duma poll.
Автор telegraphtv на 10 декабря 2011

До тысячи человек собрались в восточной столице России во Владивостоке в знак протеста против того, что они видят, как фальсификация результатов Дума в конце прошлой недели опрос.

Tweets Moscow protests Москва протестует keeping abreast of what is going on in the world

20 new tweets
The World News

Russian election: Crowds gather for Moscow protests - BBC News: Globe and MailRussian election: Crowds gather fo...
FRANCE 24 English

On The Observers: Pro-Putin youth set up camp in Moscow ahead of opposition protests
The Global Mail

Peaceful but noisy protests in Moscow.
Luke Harding

live-streaming Moscow protests now. Plus coverage of today's London demo

V : For updates from the protests in Moscow, follow They are doing a great job.
Mark MacKinnon/马凯

Police in front of Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow ahead of protests:

RT : At least 50,000 police and riot troops deployed in Moscow ahead of Saturday protests

From the BBC - RT At least 50,000 police and riot troops deployed in Moscow ahead of Saturday protests

30K (Moscow) expected to protests against election fraud Saturday - Russia - 50K police/riot said to be on hand.
Breaking News

At least 50,000 police and riot troops deployed in Moscow ahead of Saturday protests
mark little

Follow for great live Twitter coverage of protests
The Guardian

Russian election protests: follow live updates from in London + in Moscow
Laura Zetterberg

Putin faces wave of protests as opposition calls for new Russian elections- more than 35,000 to attend Moscow rally
tom jamieson

Huge protests in Moscow after The X Factor confirms Vladimir Putin will be mentoring Amelia Lilly in tonight's final.
Claudia von Salzen

For updates from the protests in Moscow, follow journos , , , . They are doing a great job.

RT crew of 30 people to cover protests in Moscow. Stay tuned on twitter &
BBC News (UK)

Moscow braced for mass protests
Peter Oliver

Police at revolution square getting ready ahead of protests in
Amanda Walker

Amazing lack of media trucks here for Moscow protests. Will be interesting see how state tv covers today if at all
Kanal PIK English

VIDEO: Moscow makes last-minute preparations for anti-election fraud protests
Oleg Kozlovsky

Read this post by about today's upcoming protests and unrest in Russia this week
The New Yorker

.: Russians plan protests: “Tomorrow, Theyll Shoot Us."

Fox News admits mistake in using Athens clashes footage in coverage of Moscow protests
The Washington Post

Protests continue in as Gorbachev calls for nullifying elections
elizabeth flock

Police are clashing w/ anti-Putin demonstrators in downtown Moscow, where 2 firebombs have been thrown into the crowd:
The Associated Press

Fireworks have been thrown during a second night of protests in Moscow over alleged vote fraud: -BW
BBC Breaking News

"Calm restored to streets of " following 2 hours of violent protests and around 250 arrests - says
Jon Williams

More protests in Moscow planned for tonight after Sunday's election. Tens of thousands of interior ministry troops being moved into city.

Europe - EU leaders win praise but euro doubts remain. David Cameron is defiant in his isolation.

Published on Dec 10, 2011 by The make-or-break EU summit has ended with Nicolas Sarkozy seen as a winner, after all member states but one agreed to more economic integration around the eurozone.

David Cameron is defiant in his isolation, insisting that blocking EU treaty changes was best for Britain.

Angela Merkel meanwhile succeeded in ensuring that a new treaty for the other 26 will impose German-style budget discipline.

And Mario Draghi, the new head of the European Central Bank, has been praised for shaping the emerging fiscal pact behind the scenes.