Monday, December 5, 2011

Russia - Setback for Putin as Duma vote plunges / Понижение для Путина, как Дума голос погружает

Published on Dec 5, 2011 by There has been a major shift in Russia's political landscape after the ruling party of President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin suffered significant losses in the country's general election. As counting neared completion it was set to win around 50 percent of the vote, down from 64 percent four years ago. That would leave the party with a slim 13 seat majority.
Там был большой сдвиг в политическом ландшафте России после правящей партии президента Дмитрия Медведева и премьер-министр Владимир Путин понесли значительные потери в всеобщих выборов в стране. Как подсчет близится к завершению он был установлен, чтобы выиграть около 50 процентов голосов меньше, чем 64 процентов четыре года назад. Это оставило бы партия с тонким 13 место большинство.
Putin's party dealt a blow in general election
Published on Dec 4, 2011 by The United Russia party of Russian president Dmitry Medvedev and prime minister Vladimir Putin has suffered a major blow in the country's general election, losing a large part of its parliamentary majority. As counting progressed it was on course to win around 50 percent of the vote, down from 64 percent four years ago. That would leave the party with a slim 13 seat majority, insufficient to push through changes to the constitution.
Единая Россия президента России Дмитрия Медведева и премьер-министр Владимир Путин был нанесен серьезный удар в всеобщих выборов в стране, потеряв большую часть своих парламентского большинства. Как подсчета прогрессировала было на курсе, чтобы выиграть около 50 процентов голосов меньше, чем 64 процентов четыре года назад. Это оставило бы партия с тонким 13 место большинства, недостаточно, чтобы протолкнуть изменения в конституцию.

Italy - Welfare Minister Elsa Fornero breaks down in tears during austerity measures announcement

Uploaded by on Dec 5, 2011
Italian Welfare Minister Elsa Fornero broke down in tears as she announced an end to inflation indexing on all but the lowest pension bands, a move that will mean an effective income cut for many pensioners.
Italiani ministro del Welfare Elsa Fornero scoppiò in lacrime come ha annunciato la fine di indicizzazione all'inflazione su tutti, ma le bande pensione minima, una mossa che significherà un reddito effettivo taglio per molti pensionati.

Ferraris, Mercedes and a Lamborghini involved in $4m super car pile-up in Japan

Uploaded by on Dec 4, 2011
Sports car owners out for a Sunday drive in Japan ran up a hefty insurance claim after a pile-up claimed 14 vehicles including 8 Ferraris, 3 Mercedes Benz and a Lamborghini.

Slovenia - Centre-left wins election upset / Slovenija - Center-levi volitvah zmagal razburjena

Published on Dec 4, 2011 by Zoran Jankovic has celebrated an unexpected win in parliamentary elections, but for Slovenia's centre-left leader there are plenty of economic and political challenges ahead.

Firstly, failure to win more than 29 per cent of the vote means he will have to seek several coalition partners. Secondly, Slovenia is slipping into a double dip recession and faces a credit downgrade.
Zoran Jankovic je praznoval nepričakovano zmagal na parlamentarnih volitvah, vendar pa za levosredinski voditelj Republike Slovenije je veliko gospodarskih in političnih izzivov.

Prvič, ni zmagal več kot 29 odstotkov glasov pomeni, da bo moral poiskati več partnerjev koalicije. Drugič, Slovenija je zdrs v recesijo dvojno dip in obrazi kreditno strmina.

Germany - Huge WWII bomb made safe in Koblenz / Deutschland - Riesige WWII Bombe unschädlich gemacht in Koblenz

Published on Dec 4, 2011 by A huge World War II unexploded bomb was one of two successfully defused on Sunday by German experts after the pair were discovered on the riverbed of the Rhine.

The larger of the bombs weighed 1.8 tonnes and was the most powerful yet to be found in the country.

Its discovery came to light after water levels fell due to a dry spell.

Nearly half the population of the city of Koblenz -some 45,000 people in all - were evacuated as a precaution before the bomb disposal team got to work.
Eine riesige Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht explodierte Bombe war einer von zwei erfolgreich am Sonntag von deutschen Experten entschärft, nachdem das Paar auf dem Flussbett des Rheins gefunden wurden.

Je größer der Bomben wog 1,8 Tonnen und war der mächtigste noch in dem Land gefunden werden.

Seine Entdeckung kam ans Licht, nachdem Wasserstände fielen aufgrund einer Durststrecke.

Fast die Hälfte der Bevölkerung der Stadt Koblenz-rund 45.000 Menschen in allen - wurden vorsorglich evakuiert, bevor die Bombe zur Verfügung Team an die Arbeit.

Germany - Schmidt attacks Merkel over response to euro crisis / Deutschland - Schmidt Angriffe über Antwort auf Euro-Krise Merkel

Published on Dec 4, 2011 by Former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt earned a standing ovation at the start of the Social Democratic Party's annual convention. It came after he was scathing about Berlin's response to the euro crisis.

The now frail 92-year-old said, "treaty change to enforce EU budgetary regulation would take too long," and he gave this warning:

"If we fail to solve the crisis, the importance of Europe will continue to decrease and the world will become a bipolar world between Washington and Beijing."

Der ehemalige deutsche Bundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt verdiente Standing Ovations zu Beginn der SPD-Jahrestagung. Es kam, nachdem er sich vernichtend über die Berliner Antwort auf die Euro-Krise war.

Die nun gebrechliche 92-Jährige sagte: "Vertrag ändern, um EU-Haushalt Vorschrift durchzusetzen würde zu lange dauern", und er gab diese Warnung:

"Wenn wir zur Lösung der Krise scheitern, wird die Bedeutung Europas weiter sinken und die Welt wird einer bipolaren Welt zwischen Washington und Peking werden."

Croatia - Four-party alliance wins majority / Hrvatska - Četiri strane savez osvoji većinu

Published on Dec 4, 2011 by Croatia's Kukuriku party will now guide the country into European Union membership in 2013 after ending eight years of conservative rule.

Zoran Milanovic who heads a four-party centre-left alliance promised "hard work" after winning a majority in Croatia's 151-seat parliament.

This week an EU accession treaty is due to be signed.
Hrvatska je Kukuriku stranka sada će voditi zemlju u članstvo u Europskoj uniji u 2013, nakon završetka osam godina konzervativne vladavine.

Zoran Milanović koji je na čelu četiri stranke lijevog centra savez je obećao "težak posao", nakon pobjede većinu u Hrvatska u 151-sjedalo parlamentu.

Ovaj tjedan sporazum o priključenju EU trebao bi biti potpisan.

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