Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tunisia - enters a new democratic era / تونس -- يدخل حقبة ديمقراطية جديدة

Published on Nov 22, 2011 by
http://www.euronews.net/ Tunisia has entered a new era with the opening of a democratically elected constituent assembly, ten months after the ousting of President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali.

The body's 217 members will tasked with drafting a new constitution. It is dominated by the Islamist party Ennahda, whose secretary general Hamadi Jebali will be prime minister.

Its two junior coalition partners take the posts of Assembly Speaker and the largely ceremonial role of President.
دخلت تونس عهدا جديدا مع افتتاح الجمعية التأسيسية المنتخبة ديمقراطيا ، وبعد عشرة اشهر من الاطاحة الرئيس زين العابدين بن علي.

فإن أعضاء الجسم 217 المكلفة صياغة دستور جديد. وتهيمن من قبل حزب النهضة الاسلامي الذي الامين العام حمادي الجبالي وسوف يكون رئيسا للوزراء.

اثنين من شركائه في الائتلاف المبتدئين اتخاذ مناصب رئيس المجلس ودور شرفي الى حد كبير للرئيس.

Egypt - Cairo protests demand end to military rule / مصر -- القاهرة نهاية الطلب الاحتجاجات على الحكم العسكري

Published on Nov 22, 2011 by
http://www.euronews.net/ Egyptians took to the streets of Cairo on Tuesday to demand an end to military rule.

Protesters called for a 'million man march' in a bid to seal a quicker transition to democracy.

They accuse the army of 'stealing' the revolution that ousted Hosni Mubarak. Egypt's generals took power after he stood down in February.

The military-backed cabinet offered to quit on Monday over clashes that have killed at least 26 people and wounded some 1,700 since the weekend.
استغرق المصريين إلى شوارع القاهرة يوم الثلاثاء للمطالبة بانهاء الحكم العسكري.

ودعا المحتجون عن "مسيرة مليون رجل" في محاولة لابرام أسرع الانتقال إلى الديمقراطية.

انهم يتهمون الجيش "سرقة" الثورة التي أطاحت حسني مبارك. تولى الجنرالات في مصر الحكم بعدما تنحى في فبراير شباط.

عرضت الحكومة المدعومة من الجيش الى الاستقالة يوم الاثنين خلال اشتباكات أسفرت عن مقتل 26 شخصا على الاقل واصابة نحو 1700 منذ مطلع الاسبوع.

From: AssociatedPress  | Nov 22, 2011
Egyptians began flowing onto Cairo's central Tahrir Square Tuesday as protests demanding the country's military rulers step down entered a fourth day, despite a crackdown that has killed at least 29 people. (Nov. 22)

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Russia - Putin 'booed' at Moscow martial arts event / Путина освистали в Олимпийском - Так кого освистали в Олимпийском?

Published on Nov 21, 2011 by
http://www.euronews.net/ Boos and jeers are hardly the sort of reception you would expect for Russia's most popular politician.

And Vladimir Putin is not known to have faced such heckling before.

But, as he stepped into the ring and took the microphone at a martial arts event in Moscow, the prime minister struggled to make himself heard.

Broadcast live on Russian TV, the scene has become a huge hit on YouTube.

Uploaded by on Nov 20, 2011
Премьер-министра Владимира Путина, который приехал лично посмотреть на бой Федора Емельяненко, освистали в прямом эфире. После уверенной победы Федора над американцем Джеффом Монсоном Путин вышел на ринг лично поздравить русского богатыря с долгожданной победой, однако его недлинная речь сопровождалась низким гулом и свистом с трибун, особенно поначалу, пока он не перевел фокус на Емельяненко.

"Дорогие друзья, сегодня у всех любителей боевых искусств, любителей боев без правил большой праздник. И этот праздник состоялся благодаря мужественным, открытым настоящим мужчинам, которые приехали из шести стран. Спасибо им большое. И мы все от души поздравляем Федора Емельяненко, настоящего русского богатыря. И не только потому, что он силен. Не только потому, что у него замечательные мышцы и реакция, а за его характер. Он русский богатырь. Поздравляю тебя, Федя", - сказал премьер.

Совсем иначе трибуны приветствовали самого победителя, когда Путин передал ему микрофон. "Большое вам спасибо. Слава Богу за эту победу. Спасибо вам большое, спасибо вам за поддержку, за ваши молитвы, за все. За вашу любовь", - сказал Емельяненко. После каждой фразы он прерывался, слушая шум трибун, которые посредине речи принялись скандировать его имя.

Примечательно, что при повторе кадров с поздравлениями от премьера на канале "Россия-2" наложили другой интершум (фоновый звук трибун), и негативных проявлений в адрес Путина уже не слышно.

Помимо Путина, на вечер боев в "Олимпийский" приехало множество ВИП-гостей: среди них были мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин, чемпионка мира по боксу среди профессионалов Наталья Рагозина (она сидела рядом с Путиным), лидер команды "Русские Богатыри" Александр Муромский, теннисист Марат Сафин и гимнаст Алексей Немов. Также на турнире присутствовал министр спорта, туризма и молодежной политики РФ Виталий Мутко. Всего "Олимпийский" собрал 22 тысячи зрителей.

Отсмотрев бой, Путин приехал к патриарху Кириллу и поздравил того с юбилеем, вручив букет белых роз, сообщает РИА "Новости". Предстоятель РПЦ поблагодарил главу правительства. "Насколько я знаю, вы прибыли с хорошими вестями", - сказал он. Путин рассказал о победе Емельяненко, и патриарх присоединился к его поздравлениям: "Я давно знаю Федора. И, конечно, его поздравляю".

Uploaded by on Nov 21, 2011
Зрители боев без правил якобы освистали Владимира Путина, вышедшего на ринг поздравить с победой Федора Емельяненко. Однако пишут об этом люди, которые в Олимпийском не были, и СМИ, чьих корреспондентов в спортивном комплексе не было. Правда.Ру попыталась разобраться, что же случилось в воскресенье?
Spectators MMA allegedly booed Vladimir Putin, which was released into the ring to congratulate on the victory of Fedor Emelianenko. However, write about it are people who were not in the Olympic, and the media, whose reporters in the sports complex was not. Pravda.Ru tried to find out what happened on Sunday?

France - Paris could not be missed in Anoushka Shankar's European tour - "Sinister Grains"

Published on Nov 22, 2011 by
http://www.euronews.net/ Paris could not be missed in Anoushka Shankar's European tour. With her latest work, Traveller, Ravi Shankar's daughter traces the Indian roots of... flamenco.

The show blends the passion of gypsy music with the hypnotic sounds of Indian classical music.

Anoushka Shankar said: "For me making music is obviously something I love to do, but it's also a way to explore... so to make an album that is in a genre that is completely new to me, was almost like taking myself out of my comfort zone and having to survive, in a way.

Uploaded by on May 3, 2011
sound track by Anoushka Shankar "Rise" album

"Dream House" trailer - in UK Cinemas Friday 25th November 2011 - Starring: Daniel Craig, Naomi Watts, Rachel Weisz, Marton Csokas, Claire Geare

Uploaded by on Jul 20, 2011
Some say that all houses have memories. For one man, his home is the place he would kill to forget. Daniel Craig, Naomi Watts and Rachel Weisz star in Dream House, a suspense thriller about a family that unknowingly moves into a home where grisly murders were committed...only to find themselves the killer's next target. Successful publisher Will Atenton (Craig) quit a high power job in Manhattan to relocate his wife, Libby (Weisz), and two girls to a quaint New England town. But as they settle into their new life, they discover their perfect home was the murder scene of a mother and her children. And the entire city believes it was at the hands of the husband who survived. When Will investigates, he's not sure if he's starting to see ghosts or if the tragic story is just hitting too close to home. His only clues come from Ann Paterson (Watts), a mysterious neighbor who knew those who were shot. And as Will and Ann piece together the haunting puzzle, they must find out who murdered the family in Will's dream house before he returns to kill again.

"Parked" trailer - in UK Cinemas Friday 25th November 2011 - Starring: Colm Meaney, Colin Morgan, Milka Ahlroth, Stuart Graham, Michael McElhatton

Uploaded by on Sep 8, 2011
 Directed by Darragh Byrne, starring Colm Meaney and Colin Morgan (Merlin). Fred lives a quiet, isolated life in his car, having lost all hope of improving his situation. That all changes when he forms an unlikely friendship with Cathal, a dope-smoking 21-year-old with a positive attitude, who becomes his 'neighbour'. Sharing laughs, and the hard times too, Fred and Cathal find the simple, free pleasures of life.

Cathal is determined to make Fred sort his life out, and it works. Fred modifies his car, beats the welfare system and makes a friend in Jules, an attractive music teacher who lives alone nearby. But Fred struggles with his pride to tell Jules about his 'home', and Cathal's life is threatened by his escalating drug habit. As they grow closer, the influence of these three outsiders on each other will change their lives.

Visit www.parked.ie for more information

"Take Shelter" trailer - in UK Cinemas Friday 25th November 2011 - Starring: Jessica Chastain, Michael Shannon, Katy Mixon, Shea Whigham, Kathy Baker

Uploaded by on Jul 15, 2011

Take Shelter hits theaters on September 30th, 2011. (USA)

Cast: Michael Shannon, Jessica Chastain, Shea Whigham, Katy Mixon, Kathy Baker, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Ray McKinnon, Robert Longstreet


Curtis LaForche lives in a small town in Ohio with his wife, Samantha, and daughter, Hannah, a six-year-old deaf girl. When Curtis begins to have terrifying dreams, he keeps the visions to himself, channeling his anxiety into obsessively building a storm shelter in his backyard. His seemingly inexplicable behavior concerns and confounds those closest to him, but the resulting strain on his marriage and tension within his community can't compare with Curtis's privately held fear of what his dreams may truly signify.

"Take Shelter" features fully realized characters crumbling under the weight of real-life problems.

Take Shelter trailer courtesy Sony Pictures Classics.