Russell Grant’s Monthly Horoscopes August 2011
Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 6th August 2011
Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 6th August 2011
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're expending so much emotional energy at home, you don't have the strength for anything else. Beware of rubbing an authority figure the wrong way. If you can't handle the same level of responsibility, hand off your duties to someone else. That way, important jobs won't fall through the cracks. It's scary to give your power away to a colleague who is eager to clamber up the ladder of success, but don't worry. You'll have other opportunities to reclaim your power.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) An angry exchange shakes you to your core. You don't like loud scenes, but sometimes you have to vent your frustration. When you keep your feelings bottled inside, your health starts to suffer. Besides, you're sick and tired of being pushed around by someone who thinks they know what is best for you. You're the only one who can make the best choices for your life. Relinquishing your control will be a cause of tremendous regret. Don't do it.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You're spending money faster than you make it. In the past, you had no trouble conjuring up work assignments. Now jobs are scarce, and you have to tailor your behaviour accordingly. Eat in instead of going to restaurants. Avoid expensive stores that make you want to shop. Read a library book in favour of buying a movie ticket. Even small economies will make significant savings. Above all, don't feel pressured to keep up an artificial appearance of affluence.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) An oppressive lover or business colleague is making you crazy. Somewhere along the line, your partner got the impression you are a pushover. Nothing is further from the truth. Although you're very tender and nurturing, you also have a core of steel. Nobody can tell you what to do, especially regarding money. You'll put your resources where you see fit. If that means spending money on your home or family, so be it. Don't let your partner denigrate your priorities.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A hidden enemy is doing their best to undermine your work. Although you think you are surrounded with friends, there is actually a viper in your midst. This rival is insanely jealous of your warmth, vitality, and glamour. They will do everything in their power to make you look incompetent. Take pains to cover your tracks. If you have a deadline, make sure your work is submitted both electronically and on paper. That way, you'll have a record of when you turned it in.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You're getting a lot of pressure to attend a party, but you don't want to. You'd rather spend time with an attentive lover, and who can blame you? Unfortunately, your absence will be held against you. It's better to put in a brief appearance than skip this event altogether. After all, you can't reach your objectives without the help of friends and colleagues. Take care not to discuss your private life with people who are apt to blab your news all over town.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) No matter how much you push, you won't be able to get your family to change their ways. You're tired of enduring toxic behaviour. It may be necessary to keep your distance from relatives who have drug, alcohol or emotional problems. Your attitude will seem callous to onlookers, but they haven't had to put up with all of this nonsense. When somebody asks why you're being so cold, just brush off the question. Getting drawn into an argument will be pointless.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your ideas are threatening to someone who clings to tradition. No matter how loudly the two of you argue, neither one of you will budge. It's possible you think a friend is in the grips of some dangerous cult or fanaticism. If that's the case, there's really nothing you can do, unless you think criminal activity is occurring. Notify the authorities if you suspect innocent victims are being exploited. Beyond that, steer clear of any attempts to convert you.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Resist the urge to try to manipulate someone with money. You can't buy someone's affection; at least, not for long. If the object of your affection seems to be interested in someone else, find a creative outlet. Playing music, drawing, or taking photographs will take the sting out of rejection. Furthermore, your artistic pursuits will put you on the path to romance. You'll meet someone who appreciates your special brand of charm while looking for a good place to work.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your powerful sex appeal is threatening to a person in your social circle. Lately, you've detected a seething resentment. It's coming from a friend who lacks your sensual allure. Although their jealousy is regrettable, you're not responsible for it. Just keep doing what you're doing, and don't apologise for attracting romantic attention wherever you go. Ultimately, your rival will show their true colours and be ejected from your midst.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You've been burning the candle at both ends. No wonder you feel tired and irritable. If you don't scale back your schedule, you'll burn out. Cancel some appointments, reduce your workload, and ask friends to run a few errands. That remarkable self sufficiency has its limits. By admitting your essential humanity, life will seem less of a chore and more of a satisfying journey. Healthy eating is a good plan, be careful about what you put into your body.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Friends don't approve of your choice of romantic partner. They think you're letting your lover walk all over you. While you bristle at such criticisms, there may be some truth to them. When you fall in love, you have a tendency to relinquish all of your power to your partner. This is a terrible mistake. After all, your amour was first drawn to you for your creativity, humour, and compassion. Subverting these qualities will cause all the juice to flow out of your relationship.