Saturday, July 16, 2011

Libra - Daily stars for today 16 July 2011 -

Standing your ground with those who you dislike or for whom you've little respect is easy. You're superb at manipulating them into feeling comfortable, all while you encourage them to do what's convenient for everybody, but most especially you. Those closest are another matter. With them a frank approach is essential.    

not your star sign? then click here -

USA yesterday - Will 9/11 Hacking Bring Down Fox News? Murdock´s friend of 52 years Les Hinton resigns

Uploaded by on Jul 14, 2011
News Corp will soon be investigated by the FBI for allegations that 9/11 victims' phones were hacked by Rupert Murdoch employees. Richard Eskow of Campaign For America's Future breaks explains.
  1. Les Hinton resigns from News Corp | Media |
    15 Jul 2011 – Hinton, who has worked for Murdoch for over 50 years, told staff at the Wall Street Journal he had no option but to resign.
  2. Dow Jones CEO Les Hinton resigns - CBS News
    15 Jul 2011 – Hinton's exit comes after Rebekah Brooks' recent resignation from News International following the phone hacking scandal.
15 Jul 2011 – 9/11 phone claim digg: US Works With Sudan Government Suspected Of Aiding ... 9/11 phone claim AP source: FBI reviews News Corp. ... mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. sought to hack into the phones of Sept. ... of Congress wrote to FBI Director Robert Mueller demanding an investigation, ...

Astro Aspects July 17, 2011 Sunday Moon Void of Course most of today in Aquarius.

Uploaded by on Jul 13, 2011
Astrological conditions of the day, shown through the daily sunrise horoscope and the aspects of the changing chart. This forecast is for all zodiac signs and is also meant to teach through showing practical methods in astrology. For more information, please see

Astro Aspects for Saturday July 16, 2011 Positive aspects to Saturn and Mars!

Uploaded by on Jul 13, 2011
Astrological conditions of the day, shown through the daily sunrise horoscope and the aspects of the changing chart. This forecast is for all zodiac signs and is also meant to teach through showing practical methods in astrology. For more information, please see or

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 16th July 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're excited to go out and enjoy yourself with friends. People are drawn to your dynamic personality, and it will be easy to find romance. Beware of surpassing your budget. You can enjoy yourself without breaking the bank. Someone who is older than you wants to form a business partnership. The two of you will make an impressive profit, provided you take care of sales and your fellow workers look after the day to day operations.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Beware of being too generous with your time and resources. Your boss will ask you to work over the weekend but you have better things to do. For one thing, there's a creative project that has been tugging at your heart. You've been blessed with considerable artistic talent. When you don't put these gifts to use, you feel tired and depressed. Trust your intuition when it comes to putting an inventive twist on a traditional medium.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You're afraid you have bitten off more than you can chew. Usually, you have no problem accepting new challenges. This situation is a little different. The people you're working with have a lot more education and experience. They'll have to correct you quite often before you learn the ropes. Put your pride aside and be open to suggestions. With a little patience, you'll push past this awkward phase. Meanwhile, let an attentive lover relieve you of errands while you're so preoccupied.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Favourable publicity is coming your way. People admire the distinctive spin you put on everything. You'll be in a lot of demand and will get a couple of invitations. Choosing one will be difficult. Somebody is going to be disappointed if you don't show up to their event. That's the price you have to pay for being a superstar. When in doubt, stick close to family. A generous relative will give you an heirloom or gift of money.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Don't make any promises you can't keep as you can't afford to jeopardise your reputation. It's better to err on the side of caution, especially where your best friend, lover, or business partner is concerned. You're incredibly busy now, and can't take on any more responsibility. Your chief focus should be learning a new skill. It will take a lot of time and effort to master this subject, but when you do, you'll be able to afford a long distance trip to an exotic country.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Long term security is your first priority. You want a job which has set hours and decent pay. This position will cut into your free time, but it's only temporary. Right now, you have to focus on saving money. Take this opportunity to set up a savings, retirement, or college fund. Even putting a little money away over time will make a big difference in a few years. Do yourself a favour and get the ball rolling now, while you're in a strong position.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) A dynamic friend, lover, or business partner encourages you to develop your creative talent. In the past, you were reluctant to press your agenda, fearing it was selfish or unrealistic. Now you're starting to realise your dreams are within arm's reach. All it takes is the courage to grab them. Beware of using your pulling power to get into someone's good graces. It's better to start this relationship on friendly ground. Sex always complicates things, and you've got to keep things simple at first.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Taking up an unusual sport will dramatically improve your health. You must be more active, even if it means waking up earlier or going to bed later. The key is to establish a routine. If you get into the habit of exercising, you'll start looking forward to it. An intimate relationship has been taking a lot out of you. Establishing healthy boundaries is critical to the success of your relationship. If you keep on giving without asking for anything in return, resentment will set in.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A red hot romance lends spice to your life; you and your amour won't be able to keep your hands off each other. If you're single, you will meet someone special at a gym, on a jogging path, or in an exercise class. Keep your eyes open for someone with distinctive hair. Listen to an older friend's advice regarding an educational opportunity. Taking a class will make you a hot commodity on the job market, provided you're willing to make some short term sacrifices.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your domestic routine is undergoing some big changes, allowing you a lot more freedom. Instead of doing all the chores yourself, you'll be able to delegate them to relatives or roommates. Alternatively, you can hire someone to do the cleaning. An impressive promotion can be yours, provided you're willing to undergo a series of interviews. Beware of overdoing it at a party, or you'll pay the price afterwards. The last thing you want is to get sick during your time off!
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Exciting news about your community gives you a measure of pride. It just goes to show you can make great things happen, provided you band together with your neighbours. You've always been something of a revolutionary. You don't want to cause trouble; you just want to make life better for everybody involved. You've never seen the reason for accepting second best. Fortunately, you have a respected legal expert in your corner, which will make it easier to fight future battles.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) An unusual job will be awarded to you, which is music to your ears. You'll have to keep odd hours and perform some unfamiliar duties, but you'll welcome the challenge. Put a portion of your earnings into savings on a regular basis. You'll build a nice nest egg over time, which will be a cushion from financial hardship. Beware of flattering your superior too much. You'll win their respect more by keeping your nose to the grindstone and doing a good job.

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#havejustwatchedONtv - "La Isla" en epañol tve1 - trailer starring: Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson, Djimon Hounsou, Michael Clarke Duncan, Steve Buscemi, Shawnee Smith

It has a happy end
Uploaded by on Nov 29, 2010
Lincoln Eco-Seis y Jordan Delta-Dos se encuentran entre los cientos de residentes de un complejo cerrado a mediados del siglo XXI. Al igual que todos los habitantes de este entorno cuidadosamente controlado, todo en sus vidas cotidianas está controlado, aparentemente por su propio bien. La única salida -y la esperanza que todos comparten- es ser elegido para ir a "La isla"-el último rincón sin contaminar del mundo tras un desastre ecológico que, según se dice, se cobró las vidas de todos los habitantes del planeta excepto las de ellos. Lincoln, que últimamente se ve acosado por pesadillas inexplicables, está inquieto y se cuestiona cada vez más las restricciones que le han impuesto a su vida. Pero la verdad le coge desprevenido cuando su creciente curiosidad le lleva a un terrible descubrimiento..

English Trailer