Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Inbox - SCAM ALERT "BUSINESS PROPOSAL" the bait $25.2M (Nigerian 419 letter)

If you are from Britain please forward details of the scam toThe National Fraud Authority (NFA)

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Peter Snaith [mailto:paulblack@yahoo.com]
Enviado el: Sunday, June 26, 2011 11:42 PM
Para: undisclosed-recipients:

Dear SIR/MADAM,    

Hello and how are you doing today Ma? Let me begin by first By Introducing you to my proposal, to join me in executing this mutual beneficial project. I believed that it marks the beginning of a lifetime business and interpersonal relationship with you. I would like to give you more information about myself. My full names are MR PETER R SNAITH, Born on the 14th of February 1955. I am an Attorney, married with 1 child. My address is 85 Fleet Street. London EC4Y 1AE, United Kingdom. Firstly, for us to proceed with this business transaction; I will first of all go to the court  here to secure some vital legal documents that will authenticate you as the hire to this inheritance claim, the court documents will be procure here through the Crown Court of England, a swear of affidavit, establishing you in claim as the beneficiary to the Decease; and sole legal executor to his estate valued at $25.2M. This is because of the exclusive mandate I have from the financial firm where the decease deposited the fund, to appo



If you reply to a Nigerian 419 letter this could happen to you

We expose Scammers - Ignore at your peril If you reply to a Nigerian 419 letter this could happen to you

Briton kidnapped by Nigerian gang in cash fraud

A BRITISH businessman told yesterday how he was kidnapped by a Nigerian crime syndicate after being lured to South Africa by the promise of a lucrative deal.
Josef Raca, 68, from Northamptonshire, flew to Johannesburg last week expecting to meet a syndicate of Nigerian businessman who were seeking his help to transfer a large amount of cash out of Africa.
Just minutes after arriving he was bundled into a car by a man and a woman who had been waiting for him. They then rang his wife in Britain and demanded £20,000 for his safe return. Mrs Raca called the police who with the aid of the South African authorities traced the call.
By the morning of the drop off, the members of the gang had grown increasingly nervous. They panicked and freed their dazed victim near the airport. When they went to collect the payment later, police lay in wait.
Eugene Opperman, a spokesman for North Rand police, said: "Intensified overt and covert police inquiries obviously made the kidnappers extremely nervous and so they dumped him before picking up the ransom. He was hungry, tired and very stressed. We are concerned that one day, one of these gangs will kill their victim."
Mr Raca said: "I don't mind telling you I was very frightened. I crawled and begged and kept trying to persuade them not to kill me. All they wanted was the Pin numbers for my credit cards. I told them I did not have any Pin numbers and told them to take my Tesco card instead because they would be able to get some petrol with it."
Mr Raca, who was born in Poland but came to Britain in 1952, was able to convince the kidnappers that the only way their ransom demands would be met was if he called his family back in Northampton. Slipping in a few words of Polish he told his wife, Aurelia, to contact the police.
Mr Raca was a victim of a so-called "419 Nigerian letter" - an advanced-fee fraud named after the section of the Nigerian penal code that covers the crime. An individual is sent a letter, fax or email apparently from an "official" foreign government or agency, that offers to transfer millions of pounds into the person's personal bank account.
Throughout the fraud, the victim is asked to provide advance fees for taxes, legal fees, transaction fees and bribes.
Britain's National Crime Squad said recent success in fighting the fraud, which started in Nigeria, meant the criminals were sending the letters from other countries such as South Africa. More than 78,000 "419" letters were received in London over the past three years.
The kidnapping of Mr Raca is the latest in a series of elaborate frauds perpetrated by criminal gangs in Africa.
The Sunday Telegraph has learnt that up to 1,000 British individuals and organisations are targetted each week.
The practice is not new but the increased use of email has meant that hundreds rather than dozens of people are now being approached. Last week, the Charity Commission wrote to more than 100,000 charities urging them to be on their guard.

Horoscopes / Teen Deviyan: Moon Sign prediction by Meera for 28 June 2011

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Horoscopes / Teen Deviyaan: Numerology prediction by Shelly for 28 June 2011

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Horoscopes / Teen Deviyaan: Tarot prediction by Monisha for 28 June 2011

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Libra - Daily stars for today 28 June 2011 - www.shelleyvonstrunckel.com

Mars and your ruler Venus are both still accenting new ideas and ways you can broaden your horizons. As urgent as settling on one single plan and acting on it seems, therefore, this week's more about considering your options. What you learn over the next few days could substantially alter your priorities. 

not your star sign? then click here - www.shelleyvonstrunckel.com

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Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes: Tuesday 28th June 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Dividing your attention between a dozen trivial tasks will mean little if anything gets accomplished. You’re spending too much time on trifling matters and you know why. Your concentration has flown out of the window! An invitation you won’t want to refuse could arrive just as you were about to make other arrangements. An outing with friends is exactly what’s needed to brighten your day. This may lead to further enjoyable meetings with someone who has been out of your life for some time.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You’re more than usually aware of other people’s weaknesses and sensitive to their needs. You can sense someone’s nervousness about a job interview or examination and that’s why you also realise they don’t mean to be snappy or awkward. It’s just anxiety that is making them so tetchy. A slight misunderstanding won’t necessarily lead to a row because you have the sense not to retaliate. You might also help someone turn their weaknesses into strengths.
Gemini (May22/June21) You won’t get anywhere without proper planning. It’s no use leaving it to others to do all the groundwork. You won’t have a clue what’s going on and they’re more likely to resent your sudden appearance if you don’t show interest in a project from the very start. The more you prepare and practice the more experience you will gain. This also gives you the common sense to get out of the way of rolling boulders by anticipating problems before they arise!
Cancer (June22/July23) Every now and again you get the chance to step forward and help someone and this benefits you in more ways than one. Making a difference in another person’s life will help enhance your confidence to meet challenges on your own life’s path. You aren’t likely to hesitate so much due to a lack of experience if you encounter different situations through your voluntary efforts. Soon you’ll be jumping all over the opportunities coming your way because you know you can do it!
Leo (July24/Aug23) You love spending time with other people but that doesn’t stop you needing some quiet time to help restore yourself. The more hectic and noisy your days are, the more likely you are to need to spend a few minutes each morning or evening in meditation. This doesn’t have to be with incense, candles or special CDs. Just relax, focus on your breathing and let your thoughts drift. Let go of your worries and you will feel more able to cope with whatever life brings.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) You’ve always taken your responsibilities seriously but taking your work home with you could cause problems in the family. You’re finding it hard to switch off from your responsibilities even if your loved ones are urging you to relax more. If a deadline you’ve been given is extreme, talk to those in charge and get some help. You aren’t being unreasonable to ask for someone to take up the slack but you are being foolish if you don’t take time out for yourself.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) When a partner pulls out of joint arrangements, accept the fact this arrangement would never have worked anyway. Provided you find the confidence to continue on your own, you will see how much better you can do without them. This should be sufficient enough compensation for your disappointment. You might be taking over responsibilities normally performed by a person who works with you. Don’t think you can’t handle these on your own. Pitch in without complaining and you could be surprised by your capabilities.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Try to forgive rather than raise old issues that keep coming into your mind to do with the past. It is not a good time to seek answers. Bringing up old grievances will resolve nothing. If someone has managed to move on and change their life since an upsetting incident, leave it in the past. Bringing it out into the open could introduce further trouble in their life. It may even affect your respective families. Nothing will be gained through broaching old problems. Let it be.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Limit impulsive spending; your time will be better spent reassessing the family budget. Trust your intuition in financial matters and try to keep well abreast of what others are getting up to. A partner could be dipping into your joint account without admitting to it until it is too late for you to do anything about it. You need to get your timing perfect when it comes to entering a long term deal or contract; your hunches will keep you straight.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’re looking for excuses to absolve someone from having hurt you when you should be forgiving yourself. Your anger is not just with the people or person who is causing this emotional upset but you’re annoyed for having placed yourself in a situation where someone had the power to hurt you. You can’t imagine ever getting an apology from them, so the least you can do is forgive yourself then push this incident behind you.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) If you act on a hunch, it could turn out to be amazingly correct. Business appointments or following up a lead which may have some bearing on your own, or a loved one’s career could bring an unexpected turn of events. Your mind is working overtime as you ponder on exciting new ideas. Just don’t forget to pay attention to what others are saying to you while your thoughts are on the future. An intelligent woman with a good head for business could put some useful tips your way.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Why are you feeling guilty about wanting to pamper yourself a little when you know you’re worth it? How can you tell yourself there’s something wrong about enjoying the occasional treat when others around you indulge themselves regularly. Are you hearing a judgemental voice from your past that makes you embarrassed about needing to relax when you feel stressed out? Feeling and accumulating guilt is easy for a sensitive person like you.