Showing posts with label whistleblower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label whistleblower. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ukraine Marriage Agency Trip Reflection by a Canadian

UALadyScam is a scam website. In this website I will show you what happened to me so that no one else will make the same mistake again. Because I am not a tech guy, I don't know how to do good web design. (I used Microsoft Webexpression templates to make this simple website.) But ALL the content in here is true! In total, I've spent more than $1,000 on this agency. ................... Click here to read my story

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Ualadys did repay the webmaster´s credits for unused e-mails when they had a row with which resulted in the split of the two companies.

Why not read his story and leave your comments - was it a scam or was it a misunderstanding? are the letters really been written by the ladies? if so are the contents of both parties censored? is there a whistleblower out there reading this. why not leave your comments on this contreversial subject below?