Showing posts with label ukrainian dating agencies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ukrainian dating agencies. Show all posts

Thursday, December 31, 2009

"I had a contact who was working in UA Dreams. And she said that most of mails are written by translators, girls don't even know that somebody are sending mails from their accounts.

On other hand, girls sometimes go to such agencies to get free professional photos. But they have to sign a contract, by which they have to answer on calls, than foreign clients calling them."

reference (this has been edited or "doctored" so the link does not work)
but this will take you to the Poltava Forum

Help me find Alina K (Poltava) from UADreams - Poltava Forum - Traducir esta página
30 May 2010 – Alina (AlinaK#9931) or anyone who recognizes her from this ...
and go to this post

I received this information today and would confirm my thoughts that Lidiya P #8135 may not have written the 80 letters to me. That her identity was used in exchange of the professional photos. When it came to meeting she (or should I say they) had to finish the relationship. I was invited and refused in March & August 2008. My questions about a visit were evaded in February/March 2009 and refused on 12 October 2009


Before writing to a Ukrainian lady read this for your own good

"У меня был контакт, который работал в Dreams UA. И она сказала, что большинство писем написаны переводчика, девушки даже не знаю, что кто-то отправляете почту со своего счета.

С другой стороны, девушки иногда посещают такие учреждения для получения бесплатной профессиональной фотографии. Но они должны подписать договор, по которому они должны ответить на вызовы, чем иностранные клиенты называя их ".


Я получил эту информацию сегодня и подтвердил мои мысли, что Лидия P # 8135, возможно, не написали 80 писем ко мне. Эта личность была использована в обмен на профессиональные фотографии. Когда дело дошло до встречи она (или я должен сказать они) должны были закончить отношения. Я был приглашен и отказался марта & августе 2008 года. Мои вопросы по поводу визита уклонился в феврале-марте 2009 года и отказался от 12 октября 2009

It Was A мошенников подвергаться - доказательство первоначального письма направляются в более чем одним человеком, который является преступлением подвергаться - доказательство первоначального письма направляются в более чем одним человеком, который является преступлением
Форум опытные члены зная тревожные признаки мошенничества операции

Прежде чем писать на украинском даму читать это для вашей же пользы

Консультации - Если вы подозреваете, или стали жертвами обмана?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Russian & Ukrainian Ladies - Thinking of putting your profile on an online dating site?

You should be aware that this industry has a very bad name and that it has attracted men that place false profiles on sites because they have had a bad experience with online dating, with the site that you are thinking of joining, or a similar one.

There is no guarantee that the man you are writing to once you have joined is married, has a partner, and is writing to many other ladies. Can you afford to waste, months, years of your life writing to a man that has not intention of marrying you, is playing games with you or does not exist.

Does the agency ask you to sign an exclusive contract? Do they give you a cooling off period? Do they force you to reply to every man whether you like them or not? Do they allow you to exchange full name and address if both you and the man are mutually in agreement (without you meeting in Russia or the Ukraine first)? Does the agency have a Schengen Visa Agreement Service?

Some agencies will steal profiles from social websites such as - see this article (Dasha´s experience - If you find this has been done to you please report the site to your nearest police station

It is known that some sites use Ringers. They could have obtained the Ringer by mutual agreement or tricking the lady to have her photos taken, possibly by offering her a free photo portfolio shoot, which does not exist, and then using her photos without her permission on an online dating site. If you find that this has happened to you please report it to your local police for the agency has stolen your identity and you could find that the men that have been tricked by the agency start posting your name and the letters that you did not write, but showing you as the author, on the internet.

Some Ringers knowingly participate by earning money for their services which is deceitful as the agencies are advertising that their ladies are marriage minded and willing to move overseas when they are obviously not. If an agency is found to be using these practices they can be found guilty of criminal fraud and in the eyes of the law, their credit card processor, the credit card company and all those involved (i.e. the ringer) are equally guilty.

It is quite possible to keep the cash flow going the agency’s translator will alter the content of both your letter and the man that you are writing to in order to keep you both apart. If the writing goes on longer than 9 months then the warning signs should start going up

Only between the prospective Bride and prospective groom can we clear this very tarnished industry up