Showing posts with label astrolgy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrolgy. Show all posts

Monday, August 1, 2011

August Horoscopes by Susan Miller -

AstrologyZone: Астрология зоны Сьюзан Миллер 

0446678066 Planets and Possibilities: Explore the World of the Zodiac Beyond Just Your Sign
Susan Miller


Aries -
Your month stars for August
After a thrilling but gruelling period, the pace slows. Finally you’re focusing on practicalities in every area of your life. This is unexpectedly time-consuming, mostly because of changes in circumstance and opposition from others, which means rethinking plans. Bizarrely, the confusion triggered by the retrograde Mercury, from the 3rd to 26th, is helpful, because in seeking out the source of errors, everybody’s forced to review their goals. Thus by late August, both your objectives and certain pivotal relationships are considerably improved.

Libra - Your month stars for August 
Few things worry you more than confronting those who’re always unreasonable. Since this occurs frequently during August, you’ll learn a lot. A subtle approach or justifying your decisions, especially with complex situations on several fronts, just won’t work. You soon realise being forthright is the only way. And then, even if you risk causing upset, that you must stick firmly to your demands. Any initial anxieties are soon replaced by surprise and relief when certain perpetually troublesome individuals suddenly become uncharacteristically cooperative.

not yours? then click here for daily, weekly and for July -

note - to read this post - Susan Miller and Shelley von Strunkel in your own language
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

today´s Tarot and if you have a question that is on your mind ask YES or NO

Today's Tarot
Guided by forces few can imagine, the makers of custom floaty and strip pens were drawn to design this miracle of oil and plastic. The floaty pen oracle is imbued with the arcane power to provide very succinct, and often correct (about half of the time), answers to any yes or no question.

Today´s I Ching

Today's I Ching

Yin (New)
Yang (New)
Yang (New)
Yin (New)
Yin (Old)
Yang (New)
The present is embodied in Hexagram 17 - Sui (Following): There will be great progress and success, but one must be firm and correct. There will then be no error. More details...

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