- Highlighted companies: ViaSpace (OTCBB: VSPC)
- Thesis: Retired four-star general and former presidential candidate Wesley K. Clark joins the board at ViaSpace, an OTCBB stock with very questionable management and operations. Wes Clark resigns his directorship two weeks after signing on. ViaSpace appears to be involved -- to the tune of over $500,000 -- in fees with various penny stock promoters.
Note - the companies listed below could be genuine, but scammers use their names to scam people via a boiler shop operation - always do a search if approached by a scammer and if it is quoted on a stock market it will have a quote - in the case of Viaspace VSPC.OB the current quote today is $0.01. If the cold caller asks for more you know that you are a potential scam victim.
AccuPoll Holding Corp: www.accupoll.com
Advantage Signature
Allied Energy Corporation: www.alliedenergycorporation.com
Alternative Diesel Investments Ltd: www.planetdiesel.com
Amerossi Energy Corp: www.amerossi.com
Apollo Resources International Inc: www.apolloresources.com
Aqua Tech International plc: www.aquatechplc.co.uk
Arcadia Property PLC: (“Arcadia Developments/Arcadia Group”) www.arcadiadevelopments.co.uk
Atlantic Wines: www.atlanticwineagencies.com
ATS Specialists Inc: http://atsspecialists.net
Avitech LifeSciences Inc: www.avitechls.com
Azure Holdings PLC:
Bactrol Plc: www.bactrol.com
Biocide International: www.biocideinternational.com
Biodiesel of America: www.biodieselofamerica.com
Bio-Solutions Manufacturing: www.bio-solutions.com
Black Gold Oil and Gas: www.blackgoldgo.com
Carat Premium: www.carat-premium.com
CardXX Inc: www.cardxx.net
Chelsea Management Group: www.chelseamanagementgroup.com
China Wireless Communications Inc: www.chinawirelesscommunications.com
Claim Tracker: www.claimtracker.co.uk
Cobra Energy Inc: www.cobraenergyinc.com
Communications Research Inc www.cri-inc.biz
Creative Technology Holdings
CyGene Laboratories Inc: www.cygenelabs.com
Dephasium: www.dephasium.com
Dominion Pacific Plc: www.dominionpacificplc.com
Echo Resources: www.echoresources.net
Efoora Inc: www.efoora.com and www.virotek.com/efoora
Eldorado Exploration Inc: www.eldoradoexploration.com
Emissions Technology Inc: www.emissionstech.com
Entertainment Is Us, Inc
E-Screen Sensor Solutions, Inc: www.escreen.us
Eros Enterprises Inc (now IQ Webquest Inc): www.eros-enterprises.com
Excelsior Biotechnology Inc (now TargetViewz Inc): www.excelsiorbio.com
Fletcher-Flora Health Care Systems: www.labpak.com
Galaxy Minerals Inc: www.galaxyminerals.com
General Components Inc: www.gciworld.com
Golden Dynasty Resources Limited: www.goldendynasty.ca
Golden Goal International: www.ggi.tv and www.goldengoalinternational.com
Great Western Gold: www.greatwestgold.com
Green Ladder Home Ownership Plan Limited: www.greenladderuk.co.uk
Healthcare Holdings PLC
Hydrogain Technologies Inc: www.hydrogain.com
IQ Webquest Inc: www.iqwebquest.com
iDate Corporation (“iDate”): http://idatecorp.com and http://quechup.com
Immune Tree Inc: www.immunetree.com
Inflo Interactive, Inc: www.inflointeractive.com
Interactive Motorsport:
In Time Group: www.intimegroup.com
International Child Care Corp: www.iccmc.com & www.coadevelopment.com
KeyWorld International Ltd: www.keyworldinvest.com
Kinross Gold Corp: www.kinross.com
Linsure Holdings Inc: www.linsureholdings.com
Logistical Support, Inc: www.logistical-support.com
Material Technologies, Inc: www.maetech.com
Mobilestream, Inc: www.mobilestreamoil.com
Montenegro Capital PLC: www.montenegroplc.com
Mundus Environmental Products Inc.
Nanoforce, Inc: www.nanoforcetechnologies.com
Nano Science Tech: www.nanoscience-tech.com
Netjet Limited: www.netjetgroup.com
Neuropharm Limited: www.neuropharm.co.uk
New Century Energy Corp: www.newcenturyenergy.com
Netgates Inc:
New Millenium Medical: www.newmilleniummedical.com
Newlife Plastics PLC
Organic Recycling Tech Inc: www.ortechteam.com
Pantera Oil & Gas plc: www.panteraoilgas.com
Payweb: www.payweb.com
Pegasus Wirleless Corp: www.pegasuswirelesscorp.com
Pharma Holdings, Inc: www.pharmaholdingsinc.com
Pike Electric (USA): www.pikeelectric.com
Plasma Warehouse Group: www.plasmawarehouseuk.com
Police5 Group plc: www.police5.org
Prime Time Group, Inc: www.primetimestores.com
Private Trading Systems Inc: www.pvtd.com
O2 Secure Wireless, Inc: www.o2securewireless.net
Quantum Energy: www.quantumenergy.co.uk
Quantum Technologies: www.qtww.com
Qustar (Europe) Ltd: www.qustar.co.uk
Reality Racing Inc: www.realityracingtv.com
Regal Technologies: http://regal-technologies.com
Regenesis Centers, Inc: www.regenesisusa.com
Remington Ventures: www.rmvn.net
Satellite Newspapers Corp: www.satellitenewspapers.com
Screen4Health: www.screen4health.com
Sensitron (UK) PLC: www.sensitron.net
Simba Mines Inc: www.simbajamba.com
SIM4Travel Holdings plc: www.sim4travel.com
Skynet Telematics Inc: www.skamp.co.uk
Slogold Resources: www.slogoldresources.com
Smart Technology Inc: www.smarttechnologyinc.com
SPDG Technologies: www.spdgtech.com
SpecOps Labs Inc: www.specopslabscanada.com
St James Capital Holdings, Inc: www.stjcapital.com
Stolt Offshore S.A.: www.stoltoffshore.com
TajUK plc: www.tajuk.co.uk
TGC Industries Inc: www.tgcseismic.com
TPI International, Inc:
Transdermal Sciences:
TransGlobal Oil and Technology: www.tgoiltech.com
Triclean Enterprises Inc: www.tricleanent.com
TTCM China: www.ttcmchina.com
Turquoise Development Company: www.turquoisedevelopment.com
UK Euro Group plc: www.ukeurogroup.net and www.nomorefumes.com
Universal Delivery Solutions Group: UDS Group, Inc, www.universaldelivery.com
Viaspace Inc: www.viaspace.com
Victoria Oil & Gas plc: www.victoriaoilandgas.com
Vivadi plc: www.vivadi.com
VocalScape: www.vocalscape.com
Wellbeing Screening plc (now called Bio-med Incubator Plc)
Western States Auto: www.wsa-usa.com
Worldwide Bio Refineries Plc: www.wbrplc.com
XsunX Inc: www.XsunX.com