Showing posts with label TUNAMI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TUNAMI. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Inbox - News from Japan 友人がtheTsunami存続するが、彼の家族や家を失った-どのようにできますが慰め?

Today I had an email from my friend Wanwan

He is alive but has lost his family and home the waves of the Tsunami  (tsu (津) were over 10 meters high where he lived

How can you comfort a friend that has lost all?

To contact his friends he has had to use a public facilitiy to which he has to travel far and does not know when he will come again but has promised to write again.

There are many people in the world that do not appreciate what they have compared with those in Japan, Libya and other troublespots in the world, either due to the elements of the weather or political problems.

On top of that many people are the innocent victims of terrorism







2011関東大震災 津波の瞬間 TUNAMI 

Uploaded by on Mar 12, 2011
津波の瞬間 TUNAMI