BP Oil Spill - Tony Hayward's Testimony Part 22 (2010-28)
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Until there is an official investigation into the accident that was waiting to happen which would conclude whether BP were responsible solely for the oil spill, or that the US Companies Cameron, Transocean and Halliburton, jointly or individually were responsible the American President Obama should not have vented his wrath on Tony Hayward. It was completely unjustified.
The White House should not have commented on Tony Hayward having a day off to go sailing at Cowes in the Isle of White England - or do they work 24 hours a day 7 days a week? People that live in glass houses should not throw stones.

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For those that believe in Karma it might be said that the Gulf Oil Spill resulted from what the US Company did in Bhopal and still have not answered for legally?
Tony Hayward is entitled to have a holiday home in Andalucia Spain but of course he has been in the public eye since 20 April 2010.
He has done a good job since handing over the oil spill operation to American Robert Dudley travelling the world in an effort to reassure people and not to fire sale assets to pay for the oil spill. If the American companies are found to be the guilty party then BP could claim 3rd party damages.
Where the company did go wrong was bowing to Obama to suspend the dividend and in doing so mislead the shareholders who could have sold their shares before they plummeted. The company assured shareholders that they could pay the oil spill costs and still maintain the dividends. If this was not the case then the shareholders (pension funds) were mislead and I believe this is crimminal.
England is not the Junior partner to America but an Equal partner. All countries in the world are equal partners Mr President. When you can accept that America might get more respect in the World
Until there is an official investigation into the accident that was waiting to happen which would conclude whether BP were responsible solely for the oil spill, or that the US Companies Cameron, Transocean and Halliburton, jointly or individually were responsible the American President Obama should not have vented his wrath on Tony Hayward. It was completely unjustified.
The White House should not have commented on Tony Hayward having a day off to go sailing at Cowes in the Isle of White England - or do they work 24 hours a day 7 days a week? People that live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Bhopal disaster
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For those that believe in Karma it might be said that the Gulf Oil Spill resulted from what the US Company did in Bhopal and still have not answered for legally?
Tony Hayward is entitled to have a holiday home in Andalucia Spain but of course he has been in the public eye since 20 April 2010.
He has done a good job since handing over the oil spill operation to American Robert Dudley travelling the world in an effort to reassure people and not to fire sale assets to pay for the oil spill. If the American companies are found to be the guilty party then BP could claim 3rd party damages.
Where the company did go wrong was bowing to Obama to suspend the dividend and in doing so mislead the shareholders who could have sold their shares before they plummeted. The company assured shareholders that they could pay the oil spill costs and still maintain the dividends. If this was not the case then the shareholders (pension funds) were mislead and I believe this is crimminal.
England is not the Junior partner to America but an Equal partner. All countries in the world are equal partners Mr President. When you can accept that America might get more respect in the World