Friday, October 28, 2011

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes Saturday 29th October 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Beware of poking your nose where it doesn’t belong; everyone has a right to privacy. If you don’t trust a partner, it’s time to have a heart to heart talk. If your amour’s reassurances aren’t convincing, ask yourself whether your suspicions are rational or not. Have you caught them telling lies before? Do their stories seem farfetched? Do they have a pattern of going missing? Deep in your heart, you know the truth. You deserve a lover who is loyal and true.

"El amor no mira con los ojos, sino con el alma."
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You’re tired of playing follow the leader all the time; you have strong feelings and definite tastes. Having to defer them for someone else is depressing. The next time you have to choose a restaurant or movie, speak up. Press your point, even if it means having an argument. It may seem like a minor issue, but what’s really at stake is equality. Nobody should have to give up all their interests for the sake of a relationship. Stand your ground.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Being too demanding of your colleagues will make you very unpopular. Remember you want different things from your job. For you, it’s a calling. For others, it’s a way to pay their bills. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised if colleagues opt to attend family functions instead of staying late. If you’re offered a choice between earning a flat salary and a commission, choose the latter. With your drive, you’ll outperform the competition by a significant margin.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Don’t be naive about a blossoming friendship because a newcomer has romantic designs on you. It doesn’t matter if you are single or attached; this admirer is determined to win your heart. Try not to lash out at an old acquaintance who warned you about this possibility. When you were first alerted to the problem, you brushed it away like an annoying fly. Now you realise the threat is serious, you’re angry and embarrassed. Swallow your pride and admit you were wrong.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) It’s time to decide whether you’re going to take the path your family wants, or the one you desire. Your job requires you to project a luxurious image. This makes frugal relatives uncomfortable. Resist the urge to underplay your glamorous aura; it’s part of who you are. At first, you’ll feel judged. If you persist in dressing the way you want and attending the sorts of events that appeal to you, your kin will stop giving you grief about your celebrity status.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You lack the funds to study or travel, but don’t let that stop you from learning. You’ve been blessed with a keen intellect. Reading books that have always interested you will give you a greater understanding of the subjects you love. Granted, it is difficult to operate in a vacuum. Eventually your financial situation will improve. By that time, you can afford a good teacher and you’ll have lots of preparation for the coursework ahead.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Summoning your personal power is difficult when you’re indebted to others. Take this opportunity to create a plan by which you will fulfil your obligations as quickly as possible. If someone is emotionally blackmailing you, it’s time to cut the cord. You shouldn’t feel compelled to be in a relationship with anyone, especially out of guilt. Distancing yourself from this manipulator will be a huge relief. Fortunately, a protective relative will keep this pest at bay.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) It feels like you’re losing your identity to your best friend, lover, or business partner. You’re tired of suppressing your passion all the time. For some reason, your friend is threatened by your powerful emotions. They are always telling you to tone them down. This approach doesn’t work for you. You need a channel for your feelings, whether it’s a writing project, blog, or diary. Going to therapy can help, too. You need a place where you can talk freely, without fear of reprisal.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You feel the urge to isolate yourself from the crowd. Giving all of your time and energy to work has been exhausting. No matter how much you contribute, you never get the recognition and compensation you deserve. No wonder you prefer solitary pursuits. Writing, taking nature walks, and meditating give you a sense of fulfilment that your job never could. Fortunately, you’ll find a wonderful opportunity to earn money whilst working from home.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) At some point, you have to set yourself apart from the crowd. While it’s very comforting to have the support of a large group, you cannot distinguish yourself in its midst. You’re a lot more creative than you pretend. Expressing your imagination will attract lots of favourable publicity. It will also make you an expert in your own right. Pretty soon, you’ll be able to teach classes or start a business in your area of expertise. Stop hiding your light beneath a bushel.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Pride will be your downfall if you are not careful. Stop clinging to the stature of your position and do what is required of every member of your family. Doing chores, attending special occasions, and spending quality time with your nearest and dearest is essential. Using your job as an excuse to neglect these duties will create a great deal of resentment. Besides, there is more to life than career success. Balance your professional life by strengthening your personal one.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Imposing your ideals on others will drive people from your midst. Just because you are passionate about religion and politics doesn’t mean everyone else should be. We’re all made differently. Some value family above all else; others have a powerful social conscience. By showing respect for everyone’s values, even when they are different from your own, you’ll notice a remarkable change. Suddenly people will be more receptive of your ideas and appreciative of your talent.

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