Saturday, September 17, 2011

Windows 8 build Dev Edition - Install on Viewsonic 10 Tablet (34 minutes)

Uploaded by  on Sep 14, 2011
Long story , just tune in to get the whole thing..

Some clue's?
What can you do after you deleted your curent Windows for this Test Version..

Windows 8 install on the viewsonic 10 Tablet
But is everybody Happy with this Move of Microsoft for giving away a Test version showing Windows 7 with a app on top of it? I bet you are but I,m NOT !!
Are they getting out of their MINDS at MS or is something else happening here?

WHY Did Microsoft act so Mean to the guys that showed the early versions
of windows 8 when it leaked to the net? 
I will tell you why..Because they opened a YOUTUBE channel and wanted no competition at all so all the guys showing a leaked 7950 got charged with copyright claim and
YOUTUBE had to take actions to prevent theirselfs from beeing sewed by MS!!

Why all this FORCE against people that in fact are
friends of MS????

Should not MS drop the claimes they call copyright clames..against these guys and Let YOUTUBE open their Sites again so they get back the movies they worked for years on..
and ARE LOST FOR EVER,,just because MS acted like a MONSTER !!
Karma will get back to you -who ever did this..

And now anyone even some idiot that HATES MS can Download the damn thing for free..

And my next Question is ..WHY DOES MS HAVE A YOUTUBE CHANNEL?
Is that fair against Google?
They fight Google but eat the fruits of their low can you go..

Anyway..let's get back to the Win8 test version.
is it Any good?

What can we test?

Let's take a look..

Windows 8 was fun but not longer then 30 minutes on the viewsonic because of stucking the whole Tablet and some strage Screen error..very
i had to delete it real fast again..but i will test it on another PC ..

Hope you understand this video and the Motivation behind it..
Of course nothing but love..even for Monster MS !!
GIVE US BACK OUR SITES AND DROP YOUR SILLY Claims against MS users and friends
..and you will have a friend in me again..Not until then,....

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