Monday, September 19, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Tuesday 20th September 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Concentrate on getting ahead in your career and on settling anything that's bugging you regarding a joint concern. Your knowledge, skills and talents will be in constant demand at work or in the home. Fortunately, good health will allow you to withstand many pressures. All tasks ahead of you will be approached in an eager and determined fashion. Even so you may have to watch your step when working with older colleagues or relatives who might find your vitality somewhat overpowering!
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Stick to tried and trusted methods as you always like to do and a new creative project will go well. Promoting what has been tried and tested will make the right impression on those who matter. Don't be tempted by other people's ideas of taking short cuts in an effort to hurry things along. Mistakes could be made in the process. Take your time and you can make any changes you want as you move up the promotion ladder. Do what you always do best and do it your way or you might spoil your long term chances.
Gemini (May22/June21) You'll make better progress in all areas if you keep your feet firmly on the ground. If you're in the throes of trying to improve working or domestic conditions, someone's negative response will test your patience. Because of their constant criticism and the way they pull your ideas to pieces, they make even the most straightforward proposition seem complicated. Resist the urge to modify your plans just to keep others happy because they will work with a little perseverance.
Cancer (June22/July23) Having to focus on the more mundane areas of life and living shouldn't stop you from looking to the future. You won't be stuck in the same place or with the same commitments forever. So if you're starting to feel restless, this would be an ideal time to think about what you're going to do with your time and energy in the long term. Later, a hint of excitement keeps your interest engaged. In fact your imagination will be working at peak levels during the closing hours of the day.
Leo (July24/Aug23) A friend settles a debt you had forgotten about, providing you with extra cash to enjoy a modest night out with a loved one. A new venture tempts you strongly. If this is a money making scheme, too many people sharing too many ideas could lead to disaster. If it is a joint exercise, again you should be sure there is a limit to the number of people getting involved. You're in the mood for company but you're growing bored with activities shared with old friends. Join an organisation where you can connect with like minded others.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) You have a special skill that could put you in line for a new and exciting opportunity but there are conditions attached. The condition is: you have to push yourself forward and let others know of your talents and capabilities. Make good use of your ruling planet Mercury and use your communication skills to good effect. Step out of the shadows and sell your best qualities to those who are making all the decisions. When you're talking about something you're passionate about, you won't ever be at a loss for words.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Why ignore a strong desire for solitude? It isn't going to harm anyone if you turn down or postpone arrangements made with friends for just one day. If you aren't in the mood it's no use forcing yourself to try to be sociable. Don't worry about causing offence and don't fight this need for peace and privacy. No one will complain if you explain and there will be inner benefits through quiet contemplation and reflection. Greater creativity being just one of them!
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Energy surges through you, placing a progressive accent on your social and professional affairs. Prepare yourself for a busy day with a joint activity or community event taking pride of place. You are bent on making the most of every opportunity and you have bags of energy to help you do this. All team efforts and cooperative ventures are progressing well now. Associations with others will enrich your life adding a magnetic sparkle to your personality. It will feel good to be socially in demand.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You're run off your feet and trying to do too much at once will lead to mistakes that could be avoided. Slow down! Others are starting to notice how you're trying to cram dozens of chores into too short a space of time and how this benefits no-one. You can't possibly be satisfied with your work when even before one task is finished your mind is on the next job you have to do. On the other hand, if you can stop long enough to realise there are people who will take some of the burden off your shoulders and share the load, you will produce some fine work!
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) The urge to travel even if your journey covers only a modest number of miles is a one that's hard to ignore. You just want to escape routine and responsibility for a wee while. If you aren't able to get away, this desire for a change of scene will disrupt your thoughts. No matter how determined you are to keep your mind on the job, it continues to wander. You're restless and you could do with a break. Find a way to satisfy this longing.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Promises being made by others aren't ever going to pan out, no matter how hard you want them to. You want to believe or hope an exciting offer will be lucrative but instinct tells you that you're being deceived. Normally you can spot a scam from a mile away but today you half hope what you're being told is actually true. Use your common sense: if something looks too good to be true, then it probably is! Chain letters and other pranks promising luck and love should be filed in the waste paper bin. Anonymous emails should be deleted.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A friendship that started in a fairly low key way is slowly changing. You never really had high expectations for the long term of this relationship. So it will come as a pleasant surprise that it's starting to build into something meaningful and lasting. Devoting more time to your love life and social world will enhance your confidence, making you more vigorous and energetic. A loved one's enthusiasm will rub off on you as you find the courage to try something new.


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