Thursday, July 7, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 7th July 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Try to contain your anger at a relative who is always falling victim to manipulators. Nothing you do or say will change your family member's behaviour, so why waste time getting angry? Abandoning yourself to pleasure is a far better plan. Splurge on a gourmet meal, spa treatment, or luxury purchase. Buying something expensive that you will use every day isn't an extravagance. Go ahead and spoil yourself with a few of life's little luxuries.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You're a lot more adventurous than usual, so this is a perfect time to schedule an overseas trip. Exploring an exotic country will lift your spirits and fuel your creativity. Alternatively, you may decide to publish a book or go to college. Any measure aimed at expanding your horizons is favoured. Turn a deaf ear to any anxious thoughts. If you were to listen to your inner critic all the time, you'd never get anything done.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You're in a spiritual mindset right now, seeking unity with a power that is larger than yourself. This doesn't mean you have to follow an organised religion. Rather, you can find fulfilment through activities which uplift and inspire you. Make time to appreciate nature, express your creativity, and listen to music. Such uplifting pursuits will give you a most attractive inner spark. Resist the urge to stir up trouble at a traditional organisation.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) All the wit and charm in the world won't impress an authority figure. The only way you are going to get into their good graces is through hard work. If you feel like you're in a toxic situation, ask for help. A friend may know of a good job or organisation that would suit you far better. Teaming up with a business or romantic partner will protect you from the abuses you've suffered in the past.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Your influence is growing by leaps and bounds, so it's time to make a power play. Apply for an executive position that has opened up, or run for political office. Your warmth and practicality are among your greatest strengths. Be sure to emphasise these straits when interviewing or campaigning. Someone with radical ideas will try to convert you to their point of view. Keep your beliefs to yourself. Talking about such issues in public will only cause tension and create enemies.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) A friend will make a pass at you, which is very upsetting. You have no intention of steering this relationship into romantic waters. Be honest about your feelings, and then stay away from your admirer for the short term future. If you don't, you'll just compound the problem. The relationship you really want is right in front of you. Take this opportunity to plan a romantic holiday with your amour. Treat your love like the rare and precious gift it truly is.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) The devil is in the details; by checking and double checking your work, you will make a good impression on the powers that be. Don't be surprised if you're given a prize or promotion as a result of your diligence. Unfortunately, your best friend, lover, or business partner will not rejoice over your success. In fact, they may pour scorn on it. That's not because you're unworthy; it's because they're jealous. Why apologise for your successes?
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your best friend or lover is suffering from a crisis of confidence. Make it your mission to build their ego back up again. Your lavish praise and encouragement will make a world of difference. If you're single, think about taking a short trip for pleasure. A change of scenery will help you see a work problem in a different light. A workmate who has been annoying you is just reacting to a lack of stimulation. Develop an important project together.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Sexual desire washes over you like a powerful wave. You're irresistibly drawn to a colleague who has an earthy sense of humour. Together, you can laugh at minor annoyances that would normally drive you crazy. If you're already in a relationship, turn your attentions to your partner. Set the stage for a romantic evening. When your amour sees all the work you've done to win their heart, they'll melt into your arms.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You'll be able to find a market for your expertise. Teaching a class or writing a book will be time consuming but pleasurable. You have the power to change people's lives. That's because you see the hidden potential in everyone you meet. By encouraging friends, family, and students to further themselves, they'll be inspired to develop their natural talents. Beware of letting an unpredictable relative wreak havoc with your household.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Angry words will be exchanged with a colleague. You're sick and tired of hearing people's lame excuses and whining complaints. Although lots of other people share your frustration, you're the only one brave enough to express it. Lay your cards on the table, but don't resort to petty insults. You don't want to look like a bully. On the plus side, your family is very comforting right now. Go to them for solace when work becomes unbearable.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You have a wonderful opportunity to expand your knowledge. If you want to enhance your education, ask an influential friend to write you a recommendation. Their words of praise will make all the difference to your future. Your financial situation is uncertain. There isn't a lot of money available for luxuries. Try not to dwell on your deprivation. You can still have lots of fun if you put your mind to it. It doesn't cost anything to read a library book or go to the park.

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