Sunday, May 22, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 22nd May 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Denying your spiritual needs leads to real dissatisfaction. It has always been difficult for you to reveal your vulnerabilities. You're afraid enemies or rivals will try to take advantage of these weak spots. Still, there is a high price to pay for appearing invincible. Take this opportunity to let down your defences with someone you trust. Confess your fears and insecurities and let yourself cry if you feel the urge. Pretending to be strong will just make you more tired and anxious.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Don't expect too much from friends. Everybody is preoccupied with his or her own problems. If a loved one fails to ask you about a job offer, it's probably because he or she is struggling with finances. Try not to take their indifference personally. It may feel like a charitable organisation is always asking for donations. Stop opening your wallet every time you are asked. Sooner or later, these fundraisers will look elsewhere for aid. You shouldn't be their sole source of support!
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You're not really sure where you are going, which causes others to lose respect for you. Normally, people respond well to your happy go lucky attitude. Now everyone is anxious about the future. When the authorities think you have no serious plan for life, they'll champion someone else. A job that seems tailor made for you will be handed to another candidate. Take a few moments to clarify your goals for the week, month and year ahead. You won't be sorry.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) There's a big gap between the ideal and the real worlds. While it's admirable you want to serve the greatest amount of people with limited resources, this simply isn't possible. You'll have to make some difficult choices. Ultimately, you should help those who will benefit most from assistance. People with a history of drug abuse or crime are at a high risk to repeat their mistakes. You're better off helping those who are temporarily down on their luck.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Be very careful about embarking on a sexual relationship; if you're going to jump into bed, practice safe sex. Never put yourself in the path of jeopardy just for a couple of moments of fun. If you're already in a relationship, you may discover your partner has been harbouring a deep, dark secret. Try not to jump to conclusions. We all have things in our past we'd like to forget. Judge your amour by their current behaviour, rather than their old mistakes.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Beware of putting a business or romantic partner on a pedestal. You have a tendency to idolise the people you respect. This causes a great deal of problems. Nobody feels they can make even the smallest mistake in your presence. The pressure to meet your expectations becomes too great to bear. Invariably, the object of your affection messes up and you feel betrayed. Instead of engaging in black and white thinking, try to recognise that everybody has shades of grey.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) A mysterious health complaint is driving you to distraction. A specialist won't even be able to get to the root of the matter. It's hard not to despair, given all the contradictory advice you've received. Instead of throwing in the towel, double your efforts to conquer the problem. Keep a detailed diary of your daily routine. Include what you eat, when you sleep and all of your activities. When your symptoms flare up, write a detail account of them and note the time they occur.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Don't take a flirt too seriously. They are always making eyes at someone new. You are no exception. Instead of giving your heart to someone who can't appreciate it, hold out for an attentive lover. If you're already in a relationship, make a list of ways to make your amour feel appreciated. Their style is quite different than yours, so keep that in mind. You want to be worshipped and adored, while your partner may prefer heartfelt thanks for a thoughtful task.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Everybody is dumping their problems on you. No wonder you're so resentful! Still, you have to recognise how you have brought this problem on yourself. By allowing everybody to discuss their issues at length, while never discussing any of your own troubles, you've created a series of one sided relationships. Start making demands of friends and family, even at the risk of looking callous. Everyone sees you as their saviour, instead of a human being in your own right.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Stick to a schedule, even if it means cutting a meeting short. A neighbour or relative will be intent on discussing all their health problems. There aren't enough hours in the day to listen to all these complaints. It may be rude, but you'll have to walk away while your friend is in mid-sentence. If you don't go to the shops or get necessary jobs and chores done in double quick time, you'll be in bad shape for the week ahead.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Even if you hate putting too much emphasis on money, you have to admit it serves a practical purpose. Looking after your financial interests is critical. If a lover or youngster asks for a loan, prepare to refuse. You simply can't part with your hard earned cash right now. It's hard enough paying your own bills. Covering somebody else's debts is impossible. You'll soon find who your friends really are when you stop sharing your resources with everybody.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Your desire to be all things to all people will get you in hot water. Don't say one thing to a relative and then turn around and contradict yourself to a neighbour. Be consistent, even at the risk of causing an argument. The only way you will be taken seriously is if you articulate your principles and then stick to them. This may mean turning down some tempting job offers and suitors, but it's better than going against your conscience.

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