Friday, May 20, 2011

Inbox - SPAM ALERT "I am in America - write to me, we'll meet." spam can be scam. Never stopped a taxi for a Marina!

there are other ways to promote a website without using spam - just by hard work. we have not shown the link on purpose. The only Marina that I have come across is translator in their Donetsk office who I suspect "screwed" up my relationship with a a lady from Gorlovka.
ikillspammers says that uadreams have affiliates that send out this type of spam and we know that they use multiple websites. They have my email address so they could be behind these emails that we have been receiving this week. (have added this as I read the Libra weekly horoscope) as it could be pertinent. Envy by a third party can break up a relationship.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Kitty []
Enviado el: Friday, May 20, 2011 11:45 AM
Asunto: I am in America - write to me, we'll meet.

When you stopped a taxi for me, it was very nice, do not want to see me again? Marina.

Не беспокойтесь, я не принцесса будет связаться этого человека. Я должен консультировать другие мед ловушку

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