Sunday, March 6, 2011

libya today - The process of dropping _ _ _ military aircraft _ Libyan 3-5-2011 Free Libya!

Uploaded by on Mar 5, 2011
DO YOU APPRECIATE THE UPLOAD VIDEO FROM LIBYA!!! THUMBS UP THE VIDEO! As they said in Egypt. Once the fear is overcome, you become an unstoppable force for democracy. We have religious leaders in America. On Tv, In Church, Not dictating to us. Good luck. America exists because of a revolution against tyranny. One citizen one vote. No taxation without representation. America was founded on the basis of freedom. Freedom of religion, right to assemble, right to bare arms. As a great american said "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. UPLOAD VIDEO FROM LIBYA!!!

Britian´s Ministry of Defence says it will not comment on Sunday Times claims that eight members of the SAS (said to be in plain clothes) have been seized by rebel forces in Libya.

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