Monday, February 14, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Monday 14th February 2011

 Russell Grant's Weekly Horoscopes w/b Monday 14th February

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You may win an argument but you won't emerge unscathed. Investigate points made by those opposing you. Someone's words will leave you questioning your own views. The price to pay for standing up to the opposition could be the end of certain ties or obligations. If all depends on a judge's decision and if they decide in your favour, not everyone will feel justice has been done. You'll be happy with the outcome but that doesn't mean you don't feel for the loser.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Either someone is going through a mid-life crisis or they're having an off day but they aren't being cooperative. Working together will be by no means harmonious when you happen to disagree on a number of subjects. It's high time they learned how to sort out their own problems and stop relying on your patience. Leaving them to manage on their own may sound selfish but it could be necessary.
Gemini (May22/June21) It might seem as if everything you do is wrong and you can't please anyone. At least once an hour tell yourself something positive. There are good things happening today, you just aren't noticing them! Eat regularly and make sure it is healthy food you go for or an imbalanced body will encourage feelings of negativity. Walk away from emotional scenes before they get out of hand as these could lead to hostility and distort rational thinking.
Cancer (June22/July23) The more inquisitive you are the less chance there is for you to be bored. Even in everyday situations there are ways and means to delve deep beneath the surface so the mundane can suddenly seem miraculous. Take the views outside any window: have you really looked at what you can see or are you taking it all for granted? Take an interest in what's going on and involve yourself more in the world around you.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Another person's mistakes may not just affect them but you and other people indirectly too. Reflect on recent activities and you might acknowledge you have been too quick to take care of others while neglecting the most important person, yourself! Once you realise how someone has been taking your kindness for granted, you will know it's time to give yourself a good talking to. You cannot keep allowing people to use you like this.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Respond in a calm manner to someone's brutal words or angry behaviour. If this doesn't work, the next best option is to just ignore them and walk away. If you feel you didn't handle a situation very well, take time afterwards to reflect on what happened. Extract whatever wisdom or joy you can get out of it and that way you will learn from the experience and may react better the next time a similar instance occurs.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) That certain tingle which is a mix of romantic anticipation and excitement is likely to be with you today. Joint plans you are making or that have already been made will take your mind off mundane matters. You just want to get through your work and other responsibilities as quickly as possible. A Valentine verse or a special text message will trigger off a wave of romance you will never forget.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Someone will try to justify their jealous behaviour; but there is no excuse for anyone to behave badly. This could feel like a repeat of a drama you have both been through before. Proof if you need it that they aren't ever going to change. You're tempted to forgive and forget because to walk out will reinforce their belief that 'it always happens to them.' Unless you stop this problem once and for all, it will always happen to you, too.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A coincidence cannot be accounted for even if you are adamant there is an explanation. Something you aren't aware of has led to today's events; something is too much of a coincidence not to have a reason behind it. Has someone taken it upon themselves to be your Guardian Angel or could a friend have manipulated circumstances in order to bring something special about? You might never find out the answer.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You've been working far too hard; it is time now to indulge yourself in beneficial activities. Whatever it is that makes you happy, whether it's reading a historical novel, watching a good documentary, listening to your favourite songs or taking a brisk walk, for a few hours today, that's what you should be doing. A low budget evening out could result in you meeting some new people who will become firm friends.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You are trying to find meaning in the things you do in order to live a more purposeful life. Goals, hopes and wishes may change periodically, depending on your situation and relationships at different times. Currently you're more spiritual as you want to feel you learn from your past mistakes and can use this knowledge to improve your lifestyle in the future. If you are making steady progress towards current targets, you're doing well.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Without love, affection and companionship you cannot live a happy life. If a relationship is starting to look frayed around the edges, have you been getting your priorities all wrong? It is entirely possible you have been putting work, social or other commitments first while leaving loved ones to fend for themselves. If you haven't been there when they needed you in the past, you can right this wrong by dropping everything and putting them first.

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