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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You can't afford to be overly confident where a love affair is concerned. It's not enough to be attractive and charming to win somebody's heart. You have to be a good conversationalist and be courteous, too. At times, you've been accused of being too self involved. Break the spell by being more attentive to the object of your affection. Taking a back seat to your amour at a party will make a good impression. You don't need to command the spotlight to feel good about yourself.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Doing everything on behalf of your partner makes you feel tired and depleted. It's time to make a few demands of your own, even at the risk of rejection. If a friend or lover can't compromise, you have to wonder whether your relationship is really worthwhile. The chance to study with an impressive teacher will fall in your lap. Take this opportunity to change course. You'll never get another opportunity like this. Besides, you're ready for a new adventure.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Overindulging in food and drink will be cause for great regret. Your system is too delicate to handle rich desserts and intoxicating beverages. If you want to give yourself a treat, let it be something like a book, gadget, or plaything. Your inner child is crying for attention. Ignoring it will cause a terrible outburst. A loved one could get a bonus, a rise or an unexpected windfall and they will want to share their good fortune with you.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Giving in to your whims is causing you to lose ground. You have big dreams, but will never achieve them if you keep straying from your path. Set aside a set time each day to study, work, or practice. If you don't, you'll start hating yourself for being so lazy. You've been blessed with considerable natural talent, but it won't serve any purpose if it continues to lie dormant. Let an accomplished friend or lover take you under their wing.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You hate being angry at loved ones, but it can't be helped. Someone who has been withholding affection makes you feel unappreciated and demeaned. It's time to demand the respect you're due. The way they express themselves may not be your style, but at least they will make you feel valued. A fitness regime will transform your body. You'll need to guard your private time like a tiger. Don't let friend tempt you away from a sensible diet.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Flattery will get you nowhere. In fact, it will make you look suspicious to a peer. Be honest in your assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. Offering constructive criticisms will forge a trusting bond that is almost impossible to break. These days, almost everyone is looking to have their ego stroked. A precious few want honest feedback. It's a relief to know your suggestions won't be taken the wrong way, as they have been so often in the past.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) A shopping spree won't fill the ache in your heart. You long for romance and adventure, but can't bring yourself to take the necessary risks. Summon your courage and make a move towards a dream you've had since childhood. Starting your own business, travelling to a foreign land, or making something of lasting value will give you great pleasure. It will also diminish your desire to spend money on worthless baubles. Luxury goods can afford fleeting pleasure, but they usually leave you feeling empty.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You won't be able to charm your way out of a difficult domestic situation. A relative or roommate is seriously displeased with your selfish behaviour. If you're going to enjoy a more peaceful home life, you must change your ways. Be mindful of how your habits create work for the people around you. Try to be more considerate of a housemate's sleeping and eating patterns. Remember, every action has a reaction. You will find a valuable antique on a short trip out of town.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You're being too lenient regarding a neighbour or relative. This manipulator has been repeatedly taking advantage of you. This time around, you don't have the money, time, or desire to help them. Issuing a refusal will put tremendous strain on your bond. A temporary separation is the best thing that could happen for the both of you. At long last, you'll be able to objectively evaluate what each brings to the other's life. Making the most of your household resources will save lots of money.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Friends don't agree with your religious or political beliefs. It can be really difficult to have a civil conversation when tempers are running this high. Agreeing to disagree may the only option to preserve these relationships. Even then, you're not sure if you want to stay friends with people who have such radically different values from yours. Your powerful personality helps you make inroads to a new social circle. It's time to team up with people who sympathise with your world view.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Working independently gives you confidence in your personal life. Suddenly it doesn't seem so difficult to confess your innermost secrets to a trustworthy lover. Your dreams of making money through philanthropy are closer than ever. If you're looking for a job, apply to a humanitarian organisation, hospital, or university. Your vision will bring about the changes necessary to make this institution thrive in difficult financial times. This time around, the powers that be will give you free rein.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Just because someone doesn't share your beliefs doesn't mean your friendship is doomed. On the contrary, you'll benefit greatly from talking with somebody who has a totally different perspective on love. Your own attitude may be too possessive for a relationship to flourish so try to chill out a little. Taking charge of a fundraising effort will yield impressive results. You love throwing your heart and soul into a mission that is designed to help people less fortunate than yourself.
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