Friday, January 14, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes Friday 14th January 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Focus on getting the job done instead of what you have planned for the weekend. The day will fly by as you organise materials, check in with colleagues and get to grips with the job in hand. This is your chance to make a name for yourself in your chosen field and people are working behind the scenes to help you. The only thing standing between you and success is an impressive performance. That won't be a problem; you always perform best under pressure.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Your ability to laugh at yourself is an attractive quality; no wonder you have so many admirers. Take this opportunity to throw a big party. People don't feel like they have to stand on ceremony with you. If they make a mistake or eat with the wrong fork, you won't hold it against them. In fact, you'll work to cultivate a more casual atmosphere and encourage guests to talk and joke freely. If you're looking for love, you could find it with a creative new arrival on the social scene.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) An outgoing, vivacious personality like you has no problem finding new friends. Be sure to attend a party this evening, even if you don't know many of the guests. You may meet some important executives, several of whom will boost your career prospects. Joining forces with them helps you bring goods and services to people in need. You love working on behalf of those who are struggling to make ends meet. It makes you feel like you're balancing the scales of power.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You've never been one to brag, which sometimes causes you to be overlooked. Instead of hiding your light under a bushel, let it burn brightly in the public sphere. Recently, you've pulled off an impressive feat that called on all of your organisational and executive abilities. At times, you've had to be downright aggressive to get the result you wanted. Now everything has come together in one, big beautiful package, you must claim ownership of it.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Your reassuring presence helps a friend from falling into a downward spiral. Reach out to a loved one who has recently lost a job, left a lover, or experienced a personal loss. Do your best to keep the atmosphere light and upbeat. If your friend wants to pour their heart out to you, go ahead and listen, but don't let them wallow in their misery. A health problem is starting to clear up, causing your sex drive to return with a vengeance.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) When other people get bored and give up, you dig in your heels and keep working until the job is done. This is one of your greatest assets and should be emphasised in job interviews. Don't be shy about promoting your strengths. They are not evident to the objective observer. By drawing attention to these gifts, you'll put yourself in the running for a high profile position. Love is yours for the asking. Shoot a come hither glance at someone sexy.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You have many interests, but don't let hobbies compromise your health. Work in a little exercise to your daily routine, even if it means reading, writing, or studying less. Take the time to prepare healthy meals. Make sure to get at least eight hours of sleep each day. The stronger you become, the more vivid your imagination will get. Suddenly it won't be so difficult to come up with original ideas. That's because your brain will be firing on all cylinders.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) If there's anything you hate it's when somebody beats around the bush. When a relative refuses to give you a straight answer to a direct question, you have cause for concern. Don't entrust this family member with any money or responsibility. Instead, do the job yourself. Dipping into savings may be necessary, but at your investment will pay off sooner than you think. That's because when you set your sights on a goal, you'll do anything to cross the finish line.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You've always been brutally honest, especially where family members are concerned. Although this trait has got you into trouble in the past, it will actually serve you well now. Someone who has been suffering from drug or alcohol abuse needs to be confronted. By doing this in a stern but loving way, you'll give your relative the courage to get help. It's about time somebody acknowledged the elephant in the room. Speak up now, while the stars are behind you.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Putting other people's needs ahead of your own will be rewarding. You're an extremely ambitious person who has no trouble elbowing rivals out of the way. Right now you're in a very secure position and don't need to be quite so avaricious. Take this opportunity to help somebody in need. Help them with complicated paperwork, letters of recommendation, or job training. With your help and backing your friend can work wonders.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Speaking truth to someone in power is marvellously liberating. Lately, everybody has been struggling under the weight of an oppressive leader. Tight deadlines, low pay and little recognition are ingredients for a bitter pill. Plan a confidential meeting with the person in charge. Outline the group's problems and give specific examples. Offer a list of solutions. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should be aimed at making the team feel more valued and respected.
  Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) People often accuse you of being dramatic and temperamental, but that doesn't bother you. You'd rather wear your heart on your sleeve than suppress your emotions for the sake of propriety. Because you are so forthcoming, you're able to enjoy passionate relationships that elude more repressed characters. If you've been harbouring a crush on someone special, it's time to come clean. A friendship will turn to romance with one heartfelt confession.

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