Sunday, January 30, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 30th January 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Strong feelings are welling inside you, making you frightened. You pride yourself on exercising control in every situation. If you express what's in your heart, you're afraid everyone will lose respect for you. Your friends and family will be relieved by any display of emotion. They're starting to think you're totally indifferent to an upsetting situation that is affecting all of you. Now is the time to open your heart and share your feelings.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You're not sure how to cope with an erratic friend. You've always been loyal, but there's a limit to what you can endure. It's possible your loved one is struggling with an addiction or mental problem. If that's the case, you won't be doing them any favours by looking the other way. It's time to have a heart to heart talk. Explain why you're troubled by their behaviour. Draw a boundary, and explain the consequences of crossing that boundary. Stand firm.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) You have your own way of doing things. Unfortunately, one of your superiors thinks you should adjust your methods to suit their style. This drives you absolutely crazy. Nobody has ever complained about the quality of your work. The only reason you're being reprimanded is because the person at the top wants to exert their control. Instead of burning your bridges, do as you are asked. In the meantime, look for an opportunity that affords more autonomy.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Stop and enquire after an authority figure who is showing signs of strain. It's possible this expert is suffering from burnout. By volunteering your services, you will acquire some valuable skills. You could even get paid for your services. If you're too busy with your own work, gather the group together and devise a way to make life easier for the person in charge. That way, life will become less chaotic and you'll all be able to relax and enjoy yourselves.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You've always been one of the most popular members of the group. When someone finds fault with you, it comes as a terrible shock. Part of the problem is your critic is suspicious of anyone who can get along with so many different types of people. Stop trying to prove yourself. Just focus on having a good time and enjoying the many friends you do have. In time, this sceptic will realise you are being sincere. Until then, keep smiling and stay positive.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You'd rather sit back and collect information than form a plan at this juncture. Too many times, someone has voiced a complaint, only to have it addressed with an even more problematic solution. Now you're at the helm, you'll do things a little differently. People will complain at your slow response. You'll deflect criticism if you offer a timeline for response. If there's anything people hate, it's being left out in the cold. Be more forthcoming about your decision making process.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Someone will pour out their heart to you, which feels very uncomfortable. You'd rather deal with thoughts than emotions. Still, you must be more receptive to these confessions. They have a direct effect on your relationship. By offering your love and support, the two of you can move past problems that have undermined your affection. Find ways to help your partner express their feelings without opening up a new and possibly destructive set of issues.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Beware of becoming sarcastic when someone disappoints you. Your stinging remarks will only hurt and humiliate a young person who is doing their best. Their efforts may not impress you, but very few people have your resolve and determination. If your frustration gets too much, channel it into a creative project. Playing music, painting, writing, or dancing will burn off all the anger building inside you. Maybe the real trouble is you resent not having the opportunities others have had.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Unlike so many other people in your social circle, you're not prone to share your feelings in a public setting. This makes you a figure of mystery. Lately, everyone in your family has been struggling with a stressful situation. They're looking to each other for love and support. Come out of your shell to acknowledge you are suffering, too. Together, you can form a united front and conquer the demons that have been dogging you. Suffering in silence just makes it worse.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You would rather be respected than loved. Recently, you've been given some serious responsibilities and have no intention of letting them fall by the wayside. If that means reprimanding friends who aren't pulling their weight, so be it. Anybody who dares criticise you needs to take a hard look at their own behaviour. You're not asking anyone to work harder than you. Respect and reward all those who have done a fantastic job.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It always unnerves people when you're calm in the face of trouble. It's not that you are indifferent to suffering; quite the contrary. It's just because you don't see any point in wringing your hands over difficulties. You'd rather find a quick solution to the problem. Taking an objective attitude helps you focus. The next time somebody accuses you of being heartless, explain how you are uncomfortable with outward displays of emotion.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You're self absorbed, and who can blame you? It feels like everybody has been running roughshod over your feelings. If you don't do something nice for yourself, nobody will. Strangely, your friends, colleagues, and relatives will follow suit. People have much more respect for those who treat themselves with respect and dignity. If someone asks you why you've been so sullen, be honest. Playing the martyr might just make things worse.

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