Saturday, January 29, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 29th January 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Getting involved with a group of activists gives your spirits a lift. You're tired of settling for second best. Getting organised will help you make impressive changes to an old fashioned institution. Resist the urge to abolish this institution altogether. It still has merit and can help lots of disadvantaged members of the community. Don't be surprised when one of the volunteers starts throwing flirtatious glances your way. You're never more attractive then when you're on a mission.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Forming strong alliances is the secret of success. Reach out to those who share your concerns. Together, you can bring about impressive changes to your surroundings. It's not too much to ask to live in a safe, beautiful environment. Fix any dangerous spots, clear away rubbish, and brighten up dreary areas with flowering plants. Everyone's mood will improve once you start working as a team. It may be necessary to confront a toxic member of the community, too.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Instead of doing what is expected of you, ask what you really want out of life. Playing music, writing stories, painting pictures or taking photographs can fulfil your creative instincts. It doesn't matter whether your hobby has anything to do with your job. In fact, it's probably best you pick a pastime totally unrelated to your work. The more varied your lifestyle, the happier you will be. You've been blessed with so many gifts; why limit yourself?
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Resist the urge to make people too dependent on you. Teaching your romantic partner, children, and colleagues how to perform your duties will make everyone happier. Sometimes you wonder whether people value you or the jobs you do. By fostering everyone's independence, you'll eliminate the question. Actually, your friends and workmates appreciate your warmth and good humour. Once you give them the ability to help themselves, they'll love you even more.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) It's not your responsibility to make sure everybody is all right. You can only attend to your needs. If someone else is miserable, stop and offer some words of comfort, but do not assume their burdens. You have enough on your plate as it is. Besides, there is a wonderful opportunity to go out and have fun with friends. Turning this chance aside for guilt is pointless. You deserve to enjoy a little rest and relaxation. If others would rather wallow in misery, so be it.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Nobody can demean you without your permission. If someone keeps making disparaging comments, try to get them to change their ways. A public confrontation will work best. Bullies like these can't handle being shamed in front of others. It undermines their power. All the teasing and mocking you've endured is a result of jealousy. You've always been an unapologetic individualist. Your refusal to fit in with the crowd has made you a target of an insecure person's wrath.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You're the life of the party, so no wonder all these invitations keep pouring in. It's important to spread yourself evenly over several social groups. You're always juggling several groups of friends. One set would never satisfy your curiosity. If you've neglected a certain crowd, correct the problem now, while you have a chance. It will take a long time for you to catch up, but you'll be glad you made time for them. Old friends remind you of how far you've come.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You can be really charming when you want. Right now, you're intent on getting support for a business initiative. Attracting investors will take work, but that doesn't scare you. You'll keep chipping away until you raise enough money to launch your plans. People who put their faith in you will not be disappointed and you'll quickly repay them. Independence is very important to you. The whole reason you're going into business for yourself is to break free of restrictions.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You're starting to realise you're a small piece of a much larger puzzle. This is a comforting thought. In the past, you wondered if there was any rhyme or reason to your life. The answer is a resounding yes. Even if you have experienced tremendous heartache, it was a means to bring you to a higher level. Channel your grief into a creative endeavour. Helping those who have difficulties will bring you a special happiness.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You've always had a strong need for family, and that's highly evident now. Throwing a party for your nearest and dearest will be a labour of love. You'll enjoy organising the food, music, and decorations. When the big day finally arrives, you'll have arranged things so it will be easy for you to sit back and enjoy the festivities. An older relative will have valuable career advice. Follow it to the letter. It may seem old fashioned, but it will work.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) High ideals help you to achieve impressive results. You simply refuse to settle for anything less than excellence. When others complain you are too exacting, you laugh off their objections and double your efforts. You're absolutely impervious to cynicism. This makes your enemies furious. They keep waiting for you to put a foot wrong. What they don't realise is you won't be upset, even if you do fail. That's because you know it's better to try than accept the status quo.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Stop thinking everyone is better adjusted than you are; we all have our strengths and weaknesses. You've been blessed with a strong intuition that lets you know what others need to thrive. By relying on this gift, you'll remain a valued member of the community. Remember you can be oversensitive when it comes to criticism. If somebody offers you a suggestion, don't take it as a rejection. Treat it as a valuable piece of advice.

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