Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 15 December 2010

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It's hard to feel connected to others right now as your primary purpose is finding a career you enjoy. Unfortunately, this takes time away from your personal life. When you finally manage to grab some free time, you don't have anyone with whom to share it. The only way you can cultivate intimacy is to take an interest in others. Invite a friend out for coffee and enquire after their hopes and dreams. Go on a first date and vow to listen more than you talk.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Depriving yourself of good food and leisure time makes you irritable. Whilst it's admirable you want to get in shape, that doesn't mean you should drain all the joy from your life. Learn to exercise moderation. Treat yourself to a small dessert at the end of the day. If you've ramped up your exercise routine, reward yourself with a scented bath. Schedule time out for yourself. A sensualist like you can't live on bread and water alone. You need to satisfy your body, as well as your conscience.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You've lost your zest for life, probably because you're overburdened. Too much work and responsibility causes you to lose sight of the things you love best: games, parties, and books. Although people are relying on you to deliver the goods, that doesn't mean you should become a martyr to their needs. Devote an entire day to pleasure, even if it means postponing a project or your resentment will grow and your relationships will suffer. Get your priorities straight.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Home lacks the warmth and affection you crave. Maybe you live alone and have let your place go to pot. Perhaps one of your relatives or roommates is in a sullen mood. It's even possible that construction is wreaking havoc with your domestic life. Whatever the reason for this disturbance, you need to fight back. Have a heart to heart discussion. Add plants, sound barriers, and a white noise machine to block out distractions. You have the power to turn this situation around.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You're very self conscious and may want to avoid social situations. Usually, you have no trouble making conversation with people, but right now, you're just not in the mood. Maybe you need some time to fill your mind with new ideas and images. Read a book, go to a museum, or flip through the pages of a colourful decorating magazine. Even browsing through a jewellery store can provide inspiration. Your inner artist is crying out for attention. Stop ignoring it!
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You're pessimistic about surviving in a difficult economic time. The fact is you're far more capable than most people. If you put your mind to it, you can find a good job in an interesting field. It's all a matter of marketing yourself properly. Enlist the aid of a Leo or Capricorn when revamping your CV and practicing your interview skills. It takes somebody with a healthy ego to show you how to promote your talents.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) A gloomy outlook is affecting all of your relationships. People are sick and tired of hearing your dire predictions. If you don't have anything nice to say, remain silent. Better yet, make an effort to praise loved ones for the progress they've made. Offer encouragement for bold new plans, and stay focused on the good news. Optimism is a state of mind. If you train your brain to see the glass as half full, you'll begin to recognise the golden opportunities you previously missed.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You feel guilty for events that were beyond your control. Instead of wallowing in despair, take a more objective look at the situation. There was really nothing you could do to protect a victim against a bully. Forgive yourself for sitting on the sideline while the abuse occurred. Reach out to the person who was hurt, and explain what you were thinking and feeling at the time. Take up a cause that allows you to champion the underdog. It's time to make a fresh start.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Working with a team was fun in the past, but it's starting to lose its charm. You may want to take a break from a book club, sports team, or political organisation. This will help you develop your own ideas. In the past, you were eager to hear what others had to say about your taste, skills, and plans. You received lots of valuable advice from these collaborations. Now you're ready to become your own authority. Trust your instincts.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Beware of taking a job too much to heart. Although you've been entrusted with a great deal of responsibility, it doesn't mean you should act like a parent with your staff. Give your colleagues credit for being professionals in their own right. If somebody becomes rebellious, you can deal with them on an individual basis. Treating everybody like wayward youngsters will just cause resentment, though. People are much more prone to perform well when they're treated with respect.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) When the public embraces a fad, you run the other way. This time around you'd be wise to investigate a hot new movie, band, or book everybody is raving about. This work of art could have profound meaning for you. As a general rule, you take great pride in marching to the beat of your own drum. Occasionally you might want to try swimming with the tide. It will give you a sense of companionship you never dreamed possible.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You're so tired of reinventing yourself, but you really don't have a choice. The market has changed, and what you have to offer isn't as attractive as it once was. Acquire some new office skills. Get a makeover. Learn some cutting edge creative techniques. By expressing an interest in the here and now, you won't be put out to pasture. Intimacy issues drive a wedge between you and a lover. You need to forget your inhibitions if you're going to have a sexual breakthrough.

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