Monday, November 8, 2010

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Monday 8 November 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Don’t mince words with someone who is completely deluded; in matters like these, you need to be blunt. Obviously, the person in question will be offended, but that’s better than letting them continue down the garden path. Be ready to defend your actions against a hand wringer who is always worrying about the proper way to do things. You tried being polite, and it didn’t work. At this point, brutal honesty is your only option. Stick to your guns.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) You won’t back down from an argument, no matter how formidable your opponent. Fortunately, you know just how to intimidate your enemies. Some may think your methods are questionable, but it’s only because they envy your determination. You must not be distracted by matters of conscience. If you sense someone has developed a crush on you, take advantage of the situation. Use your powers of seduction to gain some favour from this important executive.


Gemini (May22/Jun21) Your wit and charm attract romance like a flower draws bees. If you’ve had your eye on someone special, now is the time to make your move. Propose going out for a friendly drink or a cosy dinner. Before you know it, the two of you will be laughing like old friends. If you’re already in a relationship, enquire after your partner’s dreams. Together, you can formulate a plan to realise their dearest hopes. That’s teamwork at its best.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) It’s time to launch a fully fledged organising project. Get rid of all the clutter that’s been piling up for ages. If you haven’t used something in over a year, it should be sold, donated to charity, or thrown away. Important papers should be stowed in a filing cabinet, where they can be easily found at a moment’s notice. If the thought of such a project is too overwhelming, limit your task to a single closet, cabinet or drawer.


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You are very artistic, it’s very important for you to express your creative side. Put work aside for the favour of amusement. Playing around with paint, ink, paper, and photographs will give you lots of quiet pleasure and time to think. Alternatively, you may decide to restore an old piece of furniture. If you’re bored with your job, you may want to consider seeking a position related to childcare. Getting paid to play all day is your idea of heaven.


Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You’ve got a fine memory, and will have to contradict someone who tries to put a positive spin on a past mistake. Letting this liar underplay their missteps will only compound the problem. You’ve got to set the record straight, even at the risk of seeming like a tattletale. If you’re looking for a project, this would be a good opportunity to organise photos into an album. Going over these images will prompt you to recall some fond memories that make you nostalgic.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) If there’s anything that drives you to distraction, it’s an emotional confrontation. Unfortunately, an overwrought neighbour or relative could catch you off guard. No matter how much you try to appeal to their logic, they won’t listen. The best way to handle this matter is to back off as soon as possible. Refuse to engage this hysteric until they have calmed down or you’ll be pouring gasoline on an already raging fire. Err on the side of caution.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’re in no hurry to make a decision, which drives your loved ones to distraction, but no amount of begging and pleading will cause you to pick up the pace. You’ll mull things over and make your choice when the time feels right to you, and not before. If you’re longing for luxury, this is a good way to devise a budget that allows for the occasional splurge. As far as you’re concerned, life’s not worth living unless you indulge your sensual side.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Be quick and to the point in all of your communications. Beating around the bush will only frustrate your audience. If you’re scheduled to make a speech, open with a joke and limit your remarks to five minutes. Everyone will be eternally grateful for your brevity. Taking a crash course in a subject can be very beneficial. You don’t have to know all the niggling details; just getting the high points will be enough to carry you through.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Enjoy taking a little time to yourself; mixing with company saps your energy. Instead, read a book, take a nature walk, watch a movie, or make a diary entry. Anything that allows you to tap your inner resources is favoured. If the thought of attending a party makes you sick with anxiety, cancel. You don’t have to make an elaborate excuse. After all, you’re normally the responsible one. You deserve a break every once in a while.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You’ve always been a fascinating conversationalist, and that’s especially true today. This is a great time to go out with friends after work. You’ll have a great time exchanging stories and catching up with everyone’s lives. If you happen to meet someone new, the two of you will have lots in common, including an interest in electronics, science fiction, or ESP. If there’s anything you enjoy it’s comparing notes on your favourite subject with a sympathetic listener.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Choose your words carefully, especially when dealing with an executive. This prideful person can’t bear criticism of any kind. Therefore, you need to make your proposals in a way that doesn’t impinge on their past efforts. If you’re going on a job interview, you need to project an air of confident professionalism. Looking like a success is half the battle in getting a job. Never fear; you’ll be able to relax into your own style after you land the position.


Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope
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