----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 10:22 AM
Subject: I will pay for you... (or more if you choose)
OK, I didn't believe this one either
when I first saw it.
It LOOKS too good to be true.
But I have to warn you, if you
ignore this now you will regret
it later.
Compensation Plan EVER CREATED!
Urgently Check my Site:
OK, I didn't believe this one either
when I first saw it.
It LOOKS too good to be true.
But I have to warn you, if you
ignore this now you will regret
it later.
Compensation Plan EVER CREATED!
Urgently Check my Site:
suggest you do not click - why have they used a tinyurl.com if the site was genuine?
Its BIG, and like it or not, you
WILL be hearing about it, so you
may as well just take a look now.
You WILL be hearing about how
people are making m0ney JUST
for signing up!
Literally… enter your name
and email and you're done.
There are definitely benefits
to getting into this one early.
Will YOU get those benefits?
Or will someone else?
It's really up to you!
Go here:
suggest you do not click
Its BIG, and like it or not, you
WILL be hearing about it, so you
may as well just take a look now.
You WILL be hearing about how
people are making m0ney JUST
for signing up!
Literally… enter your name
and email and you're done.
There are definitely benefits
to getting into this one early.
Will YOU get those benefits?
Or will someone else?
It's really up to you!
Go here:
suggest you do not click
The Product that: Everybody Wants
Everybody Needs! and Everyvbody can Afford!
NOBODY can say "NO" to!
Best Wishes,
Margareth King
This message is sent in compliance of the new email Bill HR 1910.
Under Bill HR 1910 passed by the 106th US Congress on May 24, 1999,
this message cannot be considered Spam as long as we include the
way to be removed.
Per Section HR 1910, Please type "REMOVE ME PLEASE" in the subject
line and send to easyprofit777@gmail.com All removal requests are
handled personally and immediately once received.
As the end of this email is similar to "Your friend Nicanor has recommended this great product from Buddhaful" we suspect that the spammer is the same person - Mary has become Magareth King (suspect that is not the really names but padding for the emails. Really do not know why these people are wasting their time, and ours unless it is a scam! More than one IP so suspected scam as the sender is trying to hide their tracks
Information about the spammer/scammer?
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Reply-To: "Margareth King" <easyprofit777@gmail.com>
From: "Margareth King" <jezel110@mi.terra.cl>
To: juan@itccommunications.net
Subject: I will pay for you... (or more if you choose)
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 17:22:01 +0800
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Reply-To: "Margareth King" <easyprofit777@gmail.com>
From: "Margareth King" <jezel110@mi.terra.cl>
To: juan@itccommunications.net
Subject: I will pay for you... (or more if you choose)
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 17:22:01 +0800
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United States (USA) 
United States (USA) 
Philippines (PHL) 
Cebu City
We are sure that there is not a Margareth King in the region of Cebu City Philippines. Normally the last IP is where the email originated from
We are sure that there is not a Margareth King in the region of Cebu City Philippines. Normally the last IP is where the email originated from
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