Monday, October 18, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Monday 18th October 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Never before have you enjoyed such compatible and harmonious social relationships. Team events and competitive sports go well. Friends will urge you on but be careful about how much you say to your partner. There's some envy developing due to the time you are spending with some people. Loved ones are starting to feel pushed out. It will be annoying having to justify your actions to them but they do deserve a little consideration.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) Your inability to concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes makes you angry with yourself. There's something or someone you can't get out of your mind and you know this is distracting you. The fact you are falling behind with your work because of this makes it even more frustrating. Emotional energies run very high and you're liable to snap at people even when they are only trying to help you.


Gemini (May22/June21) After a sudden early morning rush, you could be surprised at how peaceful everything goes. A dilemma is quickly sorted out but could the resulting stillness be the calm before another storm? With a number of challenges ahead, you're going to have some difficult choices to make. The pace steps up again at the end of the day so if you get the chance to do some thinking earlier, take it while you can. You need to feel happy about all you are letting yourself in for.


Cancer (June22/July23) Sometimes caring too much can have a downside; someone finds it amusing to take advantage of you. It has become too much of a habit for them to expect you to do their bidding and this should stop from today. You get to maintain a better momentum in the work you do when you don't have to keep stopping to deal with other people's demands. Catching up with a friend later in the day might warn you of an event coming up you aren't particularly happy about.


Leo (July24/Aug23) You could catch wind of a possible new opening that you won't want to miss out on. Be discreet. As grateful as you are for the gossipy person who passed this information on to you, there is someone you would prefer didn't hear of this opportunity. Hold your tongue until you've been able to take positive action to safeguard your own interests. Keep your fingers crossed that what you've done doesn't reach their ears until it's too late.


Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Discussing happy memories will make you realise how much you are missing someone. A big question mark has something to do with whether or not you contact people you've not seen in years or will this cause problems in your current relationships? You might feel you have read a letter, notice or email incorrectly when it doesn't make any sense to you. Once all is explained it will have more meaning.


Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Treating everyone fairly is not so simple as you think when everyone expects different things from you. The people around you are quite happy to get on without your help and guidance. Others aren't so sure of themselves and they are the ones who will demand most of your time. In the middle are people who need a little encouragement but prefer to keep trying until they get it right. Someone will praise your leadership qualities.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're ready to face up to reality as you decide to deal with people in your life who have become unreliable. A friend has a habit of constantly letting you down. You've heard the same excuse so many times before you no longer believe it. You're on the ball today and you will catch someone out before they get the chance to once again fail you. The one person you can trust implicitly is yourself!


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A past agreement is opened up for scrutiny when it might seem the wrong decisions have been made. If you are involved in professional negotiations and deals, don't be surprised to find old arrangements are rehashed to bring them up to date with current developments. You get to meet and weigh up new people who you might be doing business with in the future. Your energy and high spirits keep you going through a busy day.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You wonder whether people have got their wires crossed or are they deliberately misunderstanding what you say? It might suit someone to feign confusion rather than accept your views differ completely from theirs. If you don't go along with their ideas and give an emphatic no, there should be no room for compromise. After all what's so puzzling about the difference between no and yes? You've given an opinion and now it is time to walk away.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) If it can possibly be avoided don't get started talking about a subject which always causes an argument. You have energy to spare today so why waste it in futile disagreements? Chances are, someone is waiting to bring up the matter as they just can't let go. Without any response from you it cannot be continued and you can look forward to a more harmonious and less stressful day!


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) An incident today is an example of how someone hasn't thought through the consequences of their actions. In anything that is new to you, you would rather question others about their experiences in this area and ask for views and recommendations before making definite commitments. Taking a peek at how other people fare will give you a good idea on what to expect if you start exploring new avenues.


Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope

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