Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Wednesday 1st September 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) There's a relentless increase in responsibilities when anything that's not being covered by others is given to you! Your hard work and perseverance does you credit and you can build a good reputation for yourself through your dedication to duty. Someone you talk to at the end of the day is making things more complicated than they are and rather than follow their lead you will take action to show how simple this issue can be.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You spot one problem straight away when introduced to a new job or venture and this will take others by surprise. They may have invited you to help because of your professional reputation and very quickly you get the respect you deserve because you know what you are talking about. Expect to get all the support you need for your ideas and suggestions because when all is said and done, you seem to be the only one with the answers!
Gemini (May22/June21) A late decision will mean a change of plans; you feel someone is trying to provoke you. Others know how much it means to you to reach a certain goal and yet they constantly get in the way of you reaching it. There may come a point when you will refuse to let them call the tune. For a wee while at least until you fulfil your current ambitions, you will make decisions to suit your own needs and leave others to fend for themselves.
Cancer (June22/July23) Take personality away from the politics and those in charge might start making more fair decisions. There is something you feel strongly about and you don't care if you annoy others as you persist in trying to gain their attention. You will shed your gentle persona today if that's what it takes to get people to take notice. Few people have the true measure of your nature as you can be unrelenting and more determined than others give you credit for.

Leo (July24/Aug23) Keep an open mind and be prepared to make some interesting discoveries. Above all, people are counting on you to be imaginative and to come up with the best ideas. Some information from the past which you never thought you'd need could help a friend this afternoon. You have the creativity, drive and support to achieve something worthwhile and you're doing this with people who are or soon will be very much a part of your life.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) It is through the little things you do for others such as keeping the house clean and tidy that you let them see how much you care. Someone's looking for affection and stronger displays of emotion but you can't force yourself to act in a way that doesn't come naturally to you. Don't they realise there are many other ways you try to show your love? After all who could be more faithful than you? If it's not enough for them, maybe this relationship is wrong for you.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Another person's carelessness causes total mayhem; they had no idea how tricky a job they've taken on would be. You wish you could have had a chance to practice in a safe environment but there's no time for that. Others will draw you in to help bring order to the chaos they have created. It's incredible what you can do when thrown in at the deep end. A dispute arising late in the day will compel you to play the role of peacemaker. Your diplomatic efforts will be rewarded by a sharp rise in other people's esteem for you.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) People are naturally looking to you for help, guidance and approval even in matters you don't endorse. Don't be bullied into doing anything you don't want to do. A hostile and tense atmosphere could surround a group activity with everyone ending up snapping and snarling at each other quite childishly. Leaving them to it and attending to jobs you can finish today proves how one person's actions alone can help progress a group effort.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Everyone has an opinion on a controversial matter; some will become agitated and cross when putting their thoughts across. Disagreements are inevitable whenever a group gets together and you don't always expect all to concur. Even so there's no need for anyone to get so outraged it upsets everyone else. You might be so appalled by this juvenile exhibition that you will prefer to stay away from further meetings.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Notice something different in a location you have visited a number of times before? An item has been damaged or is missing and no-one will admit to what has been going on. This could lead you to suspect you've put your trust in the wrong people. A loved one senses your disappointment and they will be going out of their way to make life easier for you. All the same you should steel yourself for some ups and downs.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Changes in the workplace will affect your home life; for the moment there seems to be no way around this. A variation to your usual working hours or the need to travel more could mean you get to see your loved ones less. The effects will be far reaching as far as your personal life and domestic arrangements are concerned and for a wee while you might expect the atmosphere at home to be unsettled.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Showing extreme kindness in the face of cruelty from others might shock people into realising the error of their ways. If there are problems trying to get on with someone and you keep failing miserably it might be time to change the way you communicate. Face it: you don't understand each other at all. Bringing in a mediator might help you reconcile your differences. This could make such a big improvement to your relationship you will wonder why you didn't think of it sooner.
Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope

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