Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 28 September 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You have a rare opportunity to bring peace to a tense situation. Normally, you're the one who stirs up trouble. This time around, you're the one who can talk sense into two warring parties. It's because you're able to see both sides of the question. By showing sympathy to each party, you'll make everyone feel valued and validated. Trust your instincts regarding a financial situation. This is your chance to help an underserved segment of the community.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A regular job will be awarded to you, providing you with the framework of a secure life. This is music to your ears, as career prospects have been rather murky lately. Customer service is your strong suit. You have a knack for restoring your employer's good name in the community. Be honest with your employer about their past mistakes. Your blunt assessment will go a long way towards restoring the company's profit margin. A friend will invite you to a glamorous location.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Playing second fiddle to a romantic rival makes you furious. You're pretty liberal when it comes to relationships, but you do need to feel as though you're first in your amour's life. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a dance or music class. Keep your eyes open for someone who is considerably older or younger. The two of you will make a very exciting couple. Sure, your relationship will be unconventional, but you always enjoy stirring up controversy!
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Helping your family succeed is your first order of business. You could recommend a relative for a job or help a child study for exams. However you decide to lend your assistance, it will make a big difference to your loved one's future. You have great instincts when it comes to nurturing others. By obeying these impulses, you'll help your entire clan. What is good for one of you benefits the whole team. Put a little money aside for a youngster's education.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Exhibiting calm under pressure impresses an authority figure. It takes a lot to rattle your cage. An irate customer may threaten your job. Don't back down in the face of threats. By standing your ground, you'll be able to protect your boss's interests. This is a great time to sign a long term contract. You'll be able to negotiate some comfortable perks before committing yourself. Some may think you're too demanding, but your friends will admire your courage.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Your frugal habits are starting to pay off; at long last, you have the necessary resources to start your own business. Teaming up with an imaginative partner will help you attract a sizable clientele. Trust your friend's instincts when it comes to promotional campaigns. You should focus on creating the best products and services you can at the lowest possible prices. These days, everybody's looking for a bargain. The days of wild extravagances are long gone.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Nothing gives you a sense of purpose like assuming important responsibilities. In the past, you let others handle the heavy lifting. This time around, you volunteer for the tough jobs. Finding the right place to get advanced training will help your career prospects. Learning a foreign language will be especially helpful. Acting as a liaison for people from different countries will make you an invaluable asset to a hotel or holiday resort. Such a skill will help you make lots more money.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're very sensitive to the world's problems, and may feel prompted to get involved with a humanitarian organisation. Working on behalf of poor or abused people gives you hope for the future. This is because you'll be dealing with others who share your concern. Contrary to what the news media would have you believe, there are lots of people who are working to make the world a better place. Your perspective has always been affected by the company you keep.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A friend in need turns to you for help; your cool, calm attitude makes their chaotic world make sense. The best thing you can do for your loved one is remain logical in the face of panic. It's possible your friend will be too distraught to drive or perform any other serious chores. Offer to take over while he or she recovers. Don't be troubled if your friend indulges in a good, long cry. Tears can be very therapeutic, especially when faced with tragic circumstances.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Being organised is half the battle when working your way up the career ladder. Being ready with facts, figures, and paperwork impresses potential clients. It also reassures them that you will be able to handle any emergency that arises. If your boss is constantly searching for critical materials, you may want to take this opportunity to ask for a raise. Without your help, their efforts would fall flat. Nobody can argue that you're worth your weight in gold.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Although you're very open minded, you're not a big fan of change. Adopting a conservative approach towards romance will surprise a prospective lover. You have no intention of messing up an affair by taking things too far, too fast. If you're already in a relationship, you need to support your partner's creative talent. Hammer out an arrangement which lets your amour paint, write, sculpt, or design for an hour each day. Such an agreement will make your bond much stronger.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Although you're a giver by nature, it's time for you to make some demands on your loved ones. You've made so many sacrifices over the last few weeks you've become exhausted. Ask for favours in return. You've earned a long, leisurely day in bed. Friends can run errands and do some babysitting while you recuperate. If you don't feel well, fix some nursery food and watch some classic movies. Nothing soothes your system like comfortable favourites. You can always conquer the world tomorrow.


Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope

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