Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Tuesday 3rd August 2010

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Don't commit yourself to new ventures until you know what you're letting yourself in for. The chance to give full vent to your creative instincts will be an opportunity you won't want to miss. Even so, if you are seeking promotion or advancement, you need to be selective about the jobs you now take on and more organised about how you approach your long term goals. Evening is a good time for furthering your romantic plans.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You have reached the end of the line as far as some family business is concerned; it's time to issue an ultimatum. So far your charm hasn't worked and neither have your persuasive attempts to get a housemate to see the sense of your ideas. Someone has tried your patience and as far as you're concerned you simply can't make any more concessions. Either people start responding to your requests or you're going to make some big changes within the family.
Gemini (May22/June21) Getting in touch with people over the telephone or sending emails is easier than face to face communications. There are matters you don't want to talk about and there's less chance of others bringing them up in conversation if you keep contact to a minimum. You will be surprised to realise someone understands exactly what you are going through; they won't be as scathing or as scornful as expected. You're still feeling too sensitive to open your heart to just anyone.
Cancer (June22/July23) Some unexpected expenses are creating havoc in your personal life. Going along with the suggestions of your partner or another loved one could leave you out of pocket and feeling miserable. Believing people knew what they were doing when they didn't has caused a problem that could have been easily avoided. If only you'd done something earlier. So waste no time in taking control of areas which need your intervention.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Keep new plans under your hat; some influential people could use your ideas to benefit themselves. Senior colleagues or someone with high standing in your local community may be caught in some underhand dealings. Concentrate on your own interests. Put in a little research and get started on personal plans. Just don't tell anyone what you are doing if they might in any way use this information to their advantage.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) If you are involved in an artistic or mystical pursuit expect to make great progress. In anything creative your good tastes are appreciated by others and you will get plenty of support in such endeavours. If you need advice on matters you are pursuing now you will get a speedy and helpful response from those who know what they are talking about. You're doing well, using your skills and imagination to work on better ways of improving things.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Before taking the initiative in a group project be sure you've got all your facts right. There is no point in inspiring others with your ideas only to discover they aren't feasible. Curb your excitement when it looks as if you're going to get your chance to move ahead with a special aim. Self control is necessary until everything is in place. Only then will you be able to relax and celebrate your efforts. Business and social goals will go okay if you are disciplined about it.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Emotions are stirred and a contentious matter heats up to boiling point. People are coming together to thrash out their differences. You won't like the way they go about it. If only others could settle old scores quietly it would be far less stressful. The chance to resolve matters through debate and sensible discussion has long since passed. It may take the intervention of a legal or professional team to get this settled now.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Acting on news received early in the day means cancelling arrangements for later. Be swift about it when there is something you must do. The longer you leave it, the more other people will feel annoyed and put out. A stroke of luck makes any change a blessing in disguise but not everyone is going to share your pleasure. Some may accuse you of being selfish by putting your needs before theirs. If today's opportunities aren't likely to be repeated for some time, you are being sensible in not letting this pass you by.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Difficulties in a close and important relationship could have a lot to do with your stubbornness. You don't want to hear other people's advice even if they're doing their best to persuade you to change your mind about a joint transaction. You've made your decision and you intend to stick to it come what may. A lack of flexibility could drive your partner away so in the long run you aren't making things any easier for yourself by digging in your heels.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) An influential person is likely to play an unusually fortunate role in your life. Someone has been observing you from a distance and they are ready now to pull a few strings on your behalf. There's the chance of making new friends through activities connected with your work or a group concern. Past hopes and dreams aren't as unrealistic as someone else was making out. In fact something you have longed for could come up to your expectations.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A problem you hadn't previously been aware of turns a pleasant situation into more of a challenge. Promises people have made you in the past have not been kept. There may be a need to think about a youngster's education and the possibility of making some changes in this area. It might seem as if whenever things are going smoothly you get information, news or someone arrives to mar the day!
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Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope

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