Monday, August 30, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Monday 30th August 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Only with the cooperation of others who are involved can you make a difference in a messy situation. Ideas are discussed, plans made and you're happy to have a go as long as others are too. If you sense a lack of enthusiasm or if it seems people are making all the right noises without any intention of seeing their promises through, you may decide to give up altogether. There are lots of other things you can do.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Constantly raking over the past isn't being helpful and may curb your future success. It would be better to push whatever's bothering you to the back of your mind and start thinking about something else. If you're concerned about mistakes made either by you or another, does it really matter who is at fault? What's important is how you resolve the issue. You could for instance accept joint responsibility and start working on a compromise.
Gemini (May22/June21) It's not often you are lost for words but something you witness or hear today will leave you struck dumb! There are deep seated reasons why someone has let things get out of hand. They could be depressed or some other illness may limit their potential; this makes it hard for them to explain themselves properly to others. There are people who can help and you might do your best to persuade a person who seems to have a serious problem to ask a professional.
Cancer (June22/July23) Careless words will cause hurt and irreparable damage to relationships; people won't forget what has been said. For this reason, be cautious about what you say. Someone's attempts to put humour into a tense situation could backfire on them. They're trying to be witty but it won't be taken that way. Even you might misunderstand their motives and you could end up bickering with others and wasting your time, energy and capabilities.
Leo (July24/Aug23) A series of small victories helps you persuade those in power to change policies for the better. Inappropriate practices which do nothing to bolster anyone's confidence are now put to a stop. Change, from time to time can be for the good as you will be proving today. New suggestions will be aimed at encouraging people to accept challenges without feeling they will look a fool. You take pride in helping others expand their repertoire of skills.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) You might want to take a more analytical approach to an emotional matter and there is nothing wrong with that. If today's successes and failures are a learning curve, you will have learned and discovered a lot between getting up this morning and going to bed tonight! Romance takes a backseat but not because a current relationship has gone off the boil. You are apart for business or family reasons.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) You will be pleased to see someone today when you hadn't expected to be able to talk to them. Whatever has been keeping you apart may not be entirely resolved but at least circumstances are improving and you will get the chance to talk. You also have a lot to think about. This won't ease the guilt of having to cancel or postpone some evening social arrangements in order to put personal matters first. Sometimes you just have to think of yourself!
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Someone who has been behaving badly wants another chance. It seems to you that you have given them every opportunity to turn around. Even so there are others who will plead their case and you will listen. What people may not realise is how sensitive you are and although you want to be logical about it you can be swayed by emotions and will once again agree to let others try again. All the while you're putting yourself through the stress of wondering whether they will repeat old destructive habits.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Risk is an unavoidable aspect of the choices you make today and there seems to be no avoiding the surprises this brings. Accept what happens philosophically as no matter how many promises are made and how strongly you trust those who are making them, the future holds no guarantees. Friendships come under favourable stars and you will want to treasure the happiness current romantic experiences bring.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Someone doesn't realise the seriousness of a situation and it's up to you to get them to face facts. Your boss or someone else at work may accuse you of exaggerating an issue. This proves they don't know you at all. The point is: you've weighed up all the positives and negatives and you can see the likely consequences if changes aren't immediately made. Your sensible attitude should help you gain the support you're looking for by the end of the day.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) People are working tirelessly to achieve a mutual goal; you feel inspired by their efforts. A dilemma you are facing has you confused and it could waste a lot of time going over and over and over the same facts and figures, trying to sort it out. Since this won't get you anywhere you might ask a friend or colleague to take a look. It may come as some surprise when they explain it almost straight away and you realise you missed the most obvious!
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A strange occurrence is meant to be. The one thing about such surprises is it takes the monotony out of the days and suddenly things start looking more exciting. A partnership issue won't be as easy to resolve when there is a problem with the convergence of two external factors. One may have to do with in-laws or another third party, the other is increasing costs. This ultimately means having to lower your expectations to make a joint goal more affordable and achievable.

Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope

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