President Obama and UK´s Prime Minister David Cameron announce the Afganistan withdrawal plans on television to the World and the Taliban and in my considered opinion more for political reasons to appease their voters. This costs our troops more lives than probably had the plans been kept secret. You did not find Sir Winston Churchill disclosing his plans in the second world war did you? The media in the UK show the Wootton Bassett courtage on television. In my opinion this should still go ahead but media coverage of it banned as with the announcement of deaths on the Daily news. Do the victims families really want this? You have Western television programs going behind the enemy lines and fraternising with the enemy to do a half hour program. In the first World war the residents of Wool in Dorset were told to close their curtains (according to my late Grandmother, a friend of Lawrence of Arabia) when the first tanks from Bovington Camp came down the high street - well of course they all had a peep. In those wars our leader did not disclose their plans to the media and the world - they kept them secret. We won those Wars
General Stanley A. McChrystal choose to speak his mind and President Obama got rid of him - I guess the Taliban just loved this decision. The politicians got Afganistan wrong from Day OnePoliticsHome | Gen Sir Mike Jackson 'wary' of talk about ...
20 Jul 2010 ... 21/07/10; General Sir Mike Jackson, former Chief of General Staff; The Today Programme, BBC Radio 4. Gen Sir Mike Jackson said that any pullout of troops from Afghanistan . ... - 10 hours ago
Wootton Bassett-11th March 2010
plagalcadenze | 11 March 2010
11th March 2010. Wootton Bassett. Five fallen heroes were repatriated through the town of Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire. Rifleman Liam Maughan - Rifleman Jonathon Allott - Cpl. Steven Thompson - Cpl. Richard Green and L/Cpl. Tom Keogh. PUBLIC DOMAIN News item.
Whilst at Public School when the UN troops were pinned down in a small area in South Korea around the port of Pusan., I put my finger on a map and said that if I was General McArthur I would invade here pointing my finger on the port of Inchon. 6 months later he did just that - I served in Korea during 1955 and 1956 with the Royal Signals - entered RMA Sandhurst where during my 2 year course 1956/58 I studied the 2 volumes of the American Condfederate General Stonewall Jackson which I think has subsequently made me very aware that polititicians should not meddle in Military matters unless they have been educated at West Point or RMA Sandhurst. I also admired the tactics of the German General Otto Skorzeny Google
the North Koreans & their allies did not enjoy the propaganda that the Taliban do
25 July and what did I say a few days earlier about politicians & media being the terrorist best friends?
Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Total: 1212000. Note: The figures vary by source; peak unit-strength varied during war. Casualties and losses. South Korea 137899 KIA 450742 WIA
the North Koreans & their allies did not enjoy the propaganda that the Taliban do
25 July and what did I say a few days earlier about politicians & media being the terrorist best friends?
Afghanistan war logs: Massive leak of secret files exposes truth ...
25 Jul 2010 ... As a huge leak of secret US military files exposes the true picture of the Afghan war, this gallery provides a snapshot of the struggle over ... - Cached - Cached
News for afghan war secrets leaked in usa
Afghan war logs: Taliban warns it is 'hunting down informants' - The US government has called in the FBI to help hunt those responsible for leaking tens of thousands of secret documents about the Afghanistan war. ... Sify - 1559 related articles »Jaundiced eye: Leaked Afghan War reports surprise few in a ... - Houston Chronicle - 46 related articles » |
1 comment:
I couldn't agree more. Politics and military affairs shouldn't mix. This doesn't mean that they coordinate actions sometimes. But Militay affairs should be out of political dispute or else should affect morale and discipline. Politicians shouldn't interfere either. There has been a lot of examples and most of them end in defeat.
I was a warrant officer of Venezuelan National Guard (a security force like Spanish Guardia Civil)and rarely took decissions.
I've studied some examples (mostly civil wars) and found out that political party follower units are the worst.
I studied at ESCOFA (Escuela de Comunicaciones de las Fuerzas Armadas)My job was to gather inteligence and report it to my superiors. Officers asked my opinion and took their decissions.
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