Irina H #5752 -
Inna I #9745 (I met her!!!) -
Elena N #5772 -
Larisa K #7743 -
Natalia Z #9102 -
Irina L #5794 -
Oksana M #9851 -
Anna T #5555
Alyonochka S. #9871 -
Julia S. #3942 -
10 counts of fraudulent action if this is the case!
for the exposure of this agency click below
for the exposure of this agency click below
The ladies mentioned earlier written to Australian...ME!!!
Irina H #5752
Knock, knock... :) Reply Printable version
Irina from Kremenchug, Ukraine girl pictures more photos
Date: 29 August 2008
Hello my dear xxxxx!
I was caught with your profile... that's why I'm writing you my letter now.
I think if you are at this site we have the same goals... I (and it seems to me you too) wish to be happy first of all. And what happiness we can speak about if we have no love? Love and tenderness, trust and sincerity, with to share everything with beloved one means happiness.
Speaking about myself I can say that I almost happy. I have a daughter, she is everything for me! She is the only present my ex-husband had left me! I love her so much! But you know, I think that every woman need to feel her man’s love… need to know that she is necessary for someone… I have very tender heart…so many warmth in it… but I haven’t man near me for give him all my love and care..
You know, yes, I’m not a girl of 18-19 years old…. But I have experience in the life.. and now I really can value what is love and care for people… I search for a serious relationship. I value loyalty and trust. I feel two people should have the same goals and ambitions for life. This gives them a common path to follow. Always find time in each day to talk to each other. Wake each day respecting another person. Know that two people can never be the same that they will have different opinions from time to time. However to respect this, take decisions together. Never go to sleep angry with each other but holding each other. To support each other's ambitions. I wish to be proud of the man in my life.
And what about you? What means happiness and love for you? I hope we have similar opinions about this, and if not, I'd like to get know about your point of view...
And last question for today... What do you think; do we have a chance to be happy together???
Hope to get your reply very soon dear!
Inna I #9745 (I met her!!!)
Hello, xxxxx!
To read or not to reply or not reply...The questions you may ask yorself now....
I understand that you receive a lot of letters from the ladies everyday...But please, let me have a piece of happiess with your letters...I really liked you. And I decided to send you a piece of my hot heart...Can you feel the warmth?
My name is Inna and I am very friendly girl from Ukraine. I live with my family and I am very proud of them. I want to have the same very friendly and loving family. I am very serious and family oriented girl. I am very hard working and like to do different work about the house. So...I will be a good wife...)))
I want to find my soul mate, my man...who will love me, who will respect me...I will do all the best to make him happy, to create good and strong family.
I will do all the best to show you that I am serious about correspondece.
I have my future golas and I want to share them with my second half...Maybe it is you?...
I hope you will save from the cold Kingdom of Lonleiness...I will show you pure and diamond sky...
Life is a book we all read it. Love is a blessing we all need it. Always be happy, always have a smile because remember... in this world we are just for a while!
I am waiting for your reply...
Best wishes,
Elena N #5772
First step to happiness Reply Printable version
Elena from Kremenchug, Ukraine girl pictures more photos
Date: 17 October 2008
Hello xxxxx!!!
I sow your profile in internet and could not resist the wish to write you... You know, in my life very rare i dared to do things which i really wanted to do. Sometimes people don't have courage to make the step to their happiness because they are affraid to be disappointed... I know that in life everything is possible and maybe you will ignore me, maybe...But also it is possible that you are a man whom i can make the happiest person in this world, who needs my care and tenderness, and who also feels alone in this huge world. I will never know you, if don't try to make aquentance with you today and if you not answer me....
I feel that we have a lot of common interests and we can make the life of each other more happy!!!
I really want that you answer me, and i am waiting impationly for your letter!!!
Your Lena
Larisa K #7743
My saviour.... Reply Printable version
Larisa from Simferopol, Ukraine girl pictures more photos
Date: 13 September 2008
My dear xxxxx ,
I turn to you because to tell you about my only wish and hope in my heart - to be your caring wife and best close friend. My life have been so full of events so far and now I want to stop. I want to stop for a lifelong moment. I want to look over my life and see, what have I gained and what have I lost.
I must say to you, my dear , that I have lost my love, my time, my passion and yet, I haven't found saviour.
You can have keys from my heart and bread for my life. You can renew my heart and make me believe in love again. You can make me satisfied with everything you can give.
I long to finally find my happiness. I am very caring, gentle and sensitive. I believe in true feelings that flow from one's heart and is obvious to anyone. I want to be happy and to make my close one's happy too. I want to fullfil your every need.
Give me a chance!
I wish I could look into your eyes now and tell you how much I care for relationships. It's so easy to loose and so hard to find and to build.
I want to have big, joyfull family. I believe that family is a piece of heaven here on earth. It's very precious and fragile.
I will listen to your every word and feel your every emotion. I'll never let you be without my attention even for a second.
I want to know your every wish and your every dream. May be we could make our dream come true together. Two is better than one, and something is better than nothing.
I treasure everything I have and everything I could have. Believe me, you will be the center of my universe and our future children will be my little gods.
I will take care of our house. It will be he coziest place ever, full of flowers, hand-made blankets and smell of just baked cookies. What do you think? Do you want to be at that place? Do you want to be near that woman?
I will be your support and your help. I will be your comfort and your encouragement.
I'll do everything so that evening after work you would happily return home, knowing that someone is waiting for you there, someone is missing for you and someone really loves you.
This is the home of my dream. I can't make it by myself. I'm looking for a lifepartner, so that I would have that very foundation, on which we together will build our family.
If you are alone and want to be with someone, if you are depressed and want to be happy, if you are just a man and want to be husband and father, I am willing to help you with that. Let's build our happinness together!
I'm not pretty silly young girl, but I am beautiful, mature and caring lady.
Do you want to try and find your happinnes with me? Write me!
I am impatiently looking forward to your letter!
You are my dear hope and precious treasure.
Natalia Z #9102
Hello Dear! Reply Printable version
Natalia from Zaporozhye, Ukraine girl pictures more photos
Date: 22 September 2008
Dear xxxxx
I am Natalia , a lady who wants to give her love... And maybe it is you who will take it carefully..?!I am energetic,active woman.If you like interesting company I will be the best one.You will never feel bored with me I like to have fun.By the way- I am attractive. Did you notice?:)
Yes I am attractive! But I am so lonely sometimes..Do you understand me?
Let us give the chance!I am tired to be alone and I have a gift for you. Try to open it:)
With best wishes
Irina L #5794
give me us! Reply Printable version
Irina from Kremenchug, Ukraine girl pictures more photos
Date: 10 April 2009
Hello dear xxxxx!!!
Today is a special day for me...Do you want to know why?
I have found you! And it means that I have a chance to become happy!
Life is so unpredictable and we can't know for sure what to do to find our happiness and where to look for it...but I know one thing...we should take any chance to become happy especially when our heart tells us to do it.
So it's my heart tells me to write to you this special letter, my mind tells me that everything is posible and my soul believes that my dream will come true!
I want to be open with you, I am full of love, passion, hope and joy and I don't have my man to share all these great feelings.
I need everlasting love, affectianate and faithful relationships and I need a real man! My man!
Help me to realize my dream! Give me us!
With much affection
Oksana M #9851 (From Sumy...When I said I would meet her, she had exams and couldn't meet me!!!)
Date: 18 November 2008
Subject: Hi :-)
Hello xxxxx!
How are you doing? My name is Oksana, I am from Ukraine and I am looking for my future soulmate. So as you can guess I decided to write you, because you are a very interesting person and so cute!
I am intelligent and smart girl, I live a very active life, I like to do everything in this life - sport, cooking, travel.
I think our life is very quick, so I try to make decision quickly and correctly, so I have seen in you very good person, and if you don’t mind, answer me as soon as possible!
Waiting for your answer with pleasure!
Warmly Oksana
Anna T #5555
Love is in the air... Reply Printable version
Anna from Kremenchug, Ukraine girl pictures more photos
Date: 07 May 2008
Hello dear xxxxx
Actually, to build relationship through correspondence is something new for me. I feel very exciting about it. I have good hopes and so light expectations. I am serious woman and I am looking for serious relationship. I want to meet a man who will understand me from the one sight and one word, who will feel each beat of my heart and will know what I want and what I need - love, family, passion... As for me I do not care in which country to live, I will follow my lovely man anywhere; whether my partner will be a little bit elder than I am, the main that he feels himself young inside; and I also think that appearance is not so important, the main that man is beautiful in his heart and soul.
Here in my country men don't understand that sex, romance and passion are the part of family relationship, they are indifferent and of course, such families can't last for a long time and so there are many divorces, also our men drink much alcohol that causes divorces. I want to create nice loving family where we will understand and respect each other. Sounds good?? :-)
So, I do hope that you are interested in writing me as well as I do.
I will be waiting impatiently for your reply!
With all my heart to you,
Alyonochka S. #9871
would you like to be mine? Reply Printable version
Alyonochka from Nikolaev, Ukraine girl pictures more photos
Date: 04 December 2008
Good day Dear Prince!
I write to you with one very important question: would you like to be mine?do you want to wake up every morning and see only me next to you? to hear my tender voice?please tell me about your dreams! I would like to hear them all!
I am a student at this moment. I am going to be an engineer. I like this profession and think that it is very interesting, but also I think that for such young lady like me the carrier is not the most important thing in life. I dream about creating my own family. I wish to find elder man, who will take care of me and will agree to accept my caress! would you like to know me better?
I am really very interested with you!
please write me back and let me know whether you are free and still in search!
Julia S. #3942 (When I was to meet with her in May 2008, she wrote that she met the man of her dreams and could not meet with me!!! Now she's back on site!!!!! Strange...Hahaha!!!)
Initial profile...
Julia S. #3942
21 years old
Age range of man: 25-55 y.o.
My Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English with dictionary
Religion: Christian
Education: Student
Occupation: student
Appearance: Attractive
Smoke: No Drink: Socially
Birth Date: 7/3/1986
Height: 5 ft 8 inch (172 cm)
Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg)
Build: thin I am right-handed
Eyes: blue Hair: blonde
Glasses or contact lenses: No
Marital: Single and No children
Do you want to have children? Yes
How many would you like to have? 2
Poltava branch
Current profile
Julia S. #3942
Age: 23 y.o.
Smoke: No
Drink: Never
Religion: Other
Birth Date: 3 July 1986
Height: 5''6' = 167 cm
Weight: 110 lbs = 50 kg
Eyes: grey
Hair: light-brown
Built: thin
Appearance: Attractive
Education: High School Diploma
Occupation: social teacher
Glasses or contact lenses: No
My Languages: English - Basic;
Means a few sentence
Ukrainian - Fluent;
Means is a native speaker, needs no help in speaking
Russian - Native ;
Marital: Single and I have children /1 female
Want's more children? Yes
How many would you like to have? 2
Age range of man: middle age,aged man,older then me with little age difference
NOTE***Now she has a child***
let's try Reply Printable version
Julia from Poltava, Ukraine girl pictures more photos
Date: 08 February 2008
Her first letter...
Hello dear xxxxx,
I'm writing you in great hope that you reply on my letter.
Though its not an easy thing for me to do the first step.
I'm anxiously would like to correspond with you as I am sure we could be happy together. What if I'm yours?? Lets don't miss your chance and try:)
Write me, please, your decision:))
I'm waiting to get reply...
From Julia
And final letter....
Julia from Poltava, Ukraine girl
Date: 08 May 2008
Hello dear xxxxx, thanks for your letter. I am sorry for my silence.
I am sorry for my sad letter. I have some news. I guess hey are not good for you. I had a correspondence with other guy and after a couple of letters he came to see me last week. We spent here a few days and tried to talk in English without the translator. We like each other and it was very beautiful time. He came very unexpectedly but he won my heart. Sorry but I wanted to be honest.
I wish you luck in your search
Take care
These were all first letters sent by those ladies...Do they match???
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