Friday, September 16, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Saturday 17th September 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Why can't you be free to be yourself even if it leads to a blazing row? Your restless mood is due to the fact you aren't happy to settle into routines other people are now comfortable with. To go along with them without complaining will be to dig yourself deeper into a situation you aren't happy with. Others may be comfortable in a rut but you want more out of life. You'd much rather be out and about enjoying yourself and this could lead to you and a partner accepting your differences and choosing your own paths.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) What a difference a day can make! Where confidence has been distinctly lacking, you are now ready to take a deep breath and go for it. You will need to be mentally tough if you are up against a talented opponent. Prepare yourself well. Even if you don't make it to the top, you could enter an elite minority who have made some remarkable achievements. Getting involved in an environmental project to promote wildlife will be great.
Gemini (May22/June21) Budgets are being cut; the right funding balance must be struck between protecting existing conditions and new initiatives. The way you approach a joint endeavour has been totally transformed. This is all due to new roles being allocated and the different responsibilities you are now taking on. It might feel as if you're spending every waking moment trying to work out the best way forward. You need to prove new initiatives are good value for money.
Cancer (June22/July23) Appearances are deceptive; if you're watching an incident from the sidelines you may not be viewing everything that is going on. If you see something approaching eccentricity be ready to spend time digging underneath this behaviour. Anyone challenging rules or policies isn't simply making waves for the sake of it even if that's what it looks like. They could be finding it difficult to speak out on something they feel strongly about. But a system's not working and any support you can offer will help boost their self esteem.
Leo (July24/Aug23) In the long run, what's best for a friend or loved one has to be their decision even if you think they're making a big mistake. Your interest will be appreciated but only in small doses! Eventually the concern you are showing will start to seem more like interference if you won't give others the space they need to make up their own mind. It might seem as if the Sun has been switched off when someone close announces their plans for the future. Although you don't like what they're doing, they will go ahead anyway.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Your past experience will be invaluable to a job you take on today. Inspiring results along with words of encouragement from someone who rarely offers praise will put you in a cheerful and confident mood. A further boost to your spirits will be when a combined effort gets an awkward job moving when it has so far defied solo attention. This success will brighten your relationships and encourage you to seek out other people who might share the same interests or hobbies as you, to compare notes.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) What can be achieved now is a careful balance between facing facts without squashing your natural enthusiasm for life. If you are determined enough you can defeat the problems you are confronted with and still find you're enjoying yourself. Surround yourself with friends who view the world through optimistic eyes. Listen to your true nature calling you and follow your instincts. It is time to work on making your hopes come true. Anyone who has been trying to convince you otherwise no longer has a hold on you.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Insecurity and plain old fashioned jealousy is what lurks behind a friend's scathing comments and criticism. You won't be happy with anyone who starts to pick faults with a newcomer who you feel could become a special friend. Others in your life have noticed the chemistry between you but one person stands out as resenting the time you are spending with newcomers. They can't see that you aren't switching your affections and there is room in your life for more than one friend! They're blind to the fact they're slowly pushing you away.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Without the right documents or approval you could find yourself stuck in the one place with nowhere to go. Once you are in a position to move on you're still likely to face hurdles on the road ahead. This won't stop you. You never expected it to be easy and the tougher the challenge, the more determined you will be. You aren't a one to live your life half heartedly. If a dare or challenge takes nerves of steel, you still just want to go for it.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Someone from a distance who you've never met before is making life difficult for you. Whether you're in touch via email or the internet, they're constantly plaguing you with messages, requests and comments about their life or yours that are starting to sound intrusive. What began as a way to meet people and enhance your social experiences is now causing you a lot of anxiety. The best way to deal with anyone who is harassing you is to ignore them altogether. Cut ties completely, push them out of your mind and focus on your most intimate relationships.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Despite a colleague's antagonistic attitude you'd be hard pressed to find a more hard working and conscientious person. Any unexpected demands made on you now won't cause you more than a passing frown. When you think of everything other people have done for you recently, you won't mind putting yourself out for them today. Someone's mood will improve as the day progresses. Later on, plans concocted in tandem will have a better chance of working out than independent ideas.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You can think of plenty of ways to show your loved ones how much you appreciate all they do for you behind the scenes. Any attempts to keep those you love feeling happy will be a pleasure for you. Seeing their joy makes you cheerful too. By sign you are a natural for considering the comfort and contentment of others and following this desire today will be worth it. Their enthusiasm is contagious putting you in an upbeat and rather silly mood. Within your local community, your reputation is on the upswing.


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