Sunday, July 3, 2011

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes: Sunday 3rd July 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) No one believes the lies now being spread and if these concern you don’t lose sleep over it. Attempts to nip a rumour in the bud could have the reverse affect. The more it is discussed, the further it will spread. You would do better to completely ignore the gossips. Any of your friends who believe what’s being said clearly don’t know you and aren’t really friends at all. The people left who know you and stand by you are your true friends and these friendships should be cherished.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Avoid taking on responsibility that rightfully belongs to someone else. They may resent your interference if they’re trying to challenge themselves. Equally if this is a person who shies away from hard work, you aren’t doing them any favours by encouraging their lazy ways. A needy neighbour or lackadaisical colleague will try to take advantage of your kindness; they will only get away with this if you let them.
Gemini (May22/June21) Think first before spending limited resources on non-essentials; you don’t want to make a bad situation worse! Splashing out on a treat for yourself or loved one’s isn’t worth it if you can’t afford it. Talk over the possibility of taking on an extra job, with your family. There is money to be made from performing a service that is needed by a majority of the public on a daily basis. This may mean less time for friends and no time at all for relaxation but it’s worth it as a temporary solution to your financial problems.
Cancer (June22/July23) Someone isn’t telling you the truth to escape responsibility for their actions. What they don’t realise is you can easily see through their lies. If you’re reluctant to challenge them yourself because you are too emotionally involved, ask someone else to intervene. This person can take an unbiased view of the matter and is more likely to get to the bottom of the problem. To take your mind off your problems spend a few hours away from your usual haunts.
Leo (July24/Aug23) You don’t have to go out with friends to have some fun in fact you may be aware of a need for some time alone. Changes are occurring in your life and your next step needs thinking through thoroughly. Spend some time thinking about what you would like to achieve most over the months ahead. Something is telling you a partner or loved one will object to your ideas and that’s what’s keeping you from pursuing certain aims.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) A group that used to give you a sense of belonging is not the same as it used to be. New members have brought in new ideas and you aren’t sure you like these changes. Whereas at one time everyone knew each other, it might seem as if no one has a clear picture of their individual team mates any more. The more respect and harmony there is within a group the more enjoyable it will be. Suggest team activities or outings that will help you all get to know each other.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) There’s tension in a close relationship when past matters come up for discussion. You can’t afford to sacrifice your own needs for the sake of a partner or close friend’s happiness. You’ve always done your best to please others but you’ve got to start thinking about yourself. Why do you always put their needs first? Work on your self worth, admit to your insecurities and strengthen your self esteem. Start standing up for yourself.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Stay open minded and contact with others from another culture will be enlightening. Travel plans may include a variety of people from a variety of places. Although language may at first present problems you will quickly fall into the way of things. Don’t forget those you’re mixing with may be finding your ways strange too! If you respect their habits and customs, they are likely to show you the same kind of consideration.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) If you’re robbing Peter to pay Paul, wrestle with your financial problems; don’t bury your head in the sand. Seek opinions from people you respect and trust. Ask a financial expert for strategies on handling your finances and saving money. Before deciding on anything, talk it over with a partner. Joint decisions will be needed for joint money accounts and shared financial responsibilities. Make a long term financial plan that suits you both and stick to it.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) It isn’t your fault a relationship is going through problems so why keep blaming yourself? There’s feeling guilty and being guilty and you aren’t the one who has caused all the mayhem. Turn your critical mind to this matter and on analysis, you will see a lot of the time it is six of one and half a dozen of the other. A partner has cleverly loaded all culpability on you and for a while you believed them. This isn’t how any relationship is supposed to work.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A situation could have been a bit better but looking at it from another perspective, it could have been a lot worse. Compared with your recent successful endeavours, a new strategy won’t succeed quite as well. A gamble may not pay off but you won’t regret having tried. You thought you could make it work and you will have done your best. In hindsight, you might see how you could have made better use of strategies.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Are you making full use of your talents or are they just going to waste? If some skills have grown rusty think about taking a class in your favourite creative pastime. Spend some time in quiet contemplation or just being alone to reflect on your current lifestyle. Are you sacrificing your creativity for the sake of pleasing a practical partner or derisory parent? If so, they will continue to chip away at your confidence unless you take the initiative and go against their wishes.

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