Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes Tuesday 1st February 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Taking a little time for yourself is no crime. You've always been very generous about helping friends, attending fund raisers, and showing up for special occasions. Now you're craving a little peace and quiet. Arrange a solitary evening with your favourite book, movie, or music. Turn off your phone and pull down the shades. Friends will be disappointed when you turn down an invitation, but there will be other parties. Besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You're about to make a radical change, which is highly uncharacteristic. Normally, when you chart a path, you stick faithfully to it. Now you've realised you have given birth to a new dream, and can't waste any more time in an unfulfilling job or unrewarding relationship. It may even be necessary to break off with a group of friends who have been enabling a bad habit. Do whatever is necessary to be happy. You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Escaping an oppressive authority figure is your first order of business. Whether this means leaving home, quitting your job, or breaking away from a repressive organisation is immaterial. The important thing is to move on to greener pastures. Fortunately, a little extra money from an inheritance, refund, or legal settlement will allow you to make this transition fairly smoothly. Someone who has been making flirtatious remarks is yearning for your attention.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You're starting to question everything you learned from a charismatic relative, teacher, or leader. While their recent behaviour has proved disappointing, that doesn't mean everything they taught you was irrelevant. You have to create a belief system that is a reflection of your own conscience. Nobody agrees entirely with another person. That just isn't possible. Embrace your individuality and explore various cultures, religions, and philosophies. Your studies will prompt you to visit a foreign land. Go see how the other half lives.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A desire you've kept hidden refuses to lay dormant any longer. It's time to acknowledge what you really want, even at the risk of your family's disapproval. If you've been ensuring an unhealthy relationship, it's time to cut ties. Make it your mission to become financially independent. Find a way to earn a living and pay off your debts. Take steps towards creating a more secure, rewarding life. Stop rushing to put out the fires your partner keeps setting.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Put your cards on the table with a friend, lover, or business partner. You've grown tired of being the responsible one all the time. Being able to devote more attention to creative pursuits will rekindle your zest for life. It's hard to feel inspired when you're always struggling beneath the weight of a thousand tasks. Surprisingly, your friend will be happy to take some jobs off your plate. This is their chance to demonstrate their support for you.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) An unorthodox job is worth taking. This position will involve different tasks every day; you'll never fall victim to dull routine. Although your schedule will be erratic, it's a sacrifice you're willing to make. Too many of your friends are stuck in dead end jobs that make them feel as if they're sleepwalking through life. Getting a chance to express your creativity through work is a real blessing. A relative may call with questions about the past. Give honest, detailed responses.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're tired of reining in your impulses to satisfy friends and family. Pursuing a dangerous sport or hobby fills others with fear, but satisfies your urge for excitement. If you're in a relationship, beware of falling for a flirtatious person's charm. It would be a shame to hurt someone you really love for the sake of momentary pleasure. There is no action without a reaction. The results of a test will be better than you anticipated. This is cause for celebration!
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Disruptions at home work to your advantage. You're able to rearrange the household so it better suits your needs. A relative or roommate will not be so lucky. Resist the urge to gloat. If you've been thinking of getting your own place, this would be a great time to do so. You may have to pay more than you bargained, but having an added measure of freedom will be worth the price. Besides, you have an excellent opportunity to negotiate a raise or land a well paid job.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're tired of stroking a relative or neighbour's ego. The next time you're asked for an opinion, be honest. Don't sugar coat the truth. The response will be anger and outrage, but you can't be blamed for offering constructive criticisms. It's never been your intention to demean others. You're only interested in honing talent to a diamond like brilliance. If the people around you think they're already perfect, they shouldn't be asking for feedback. There's no need to apologise for respecting someone's feelings.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You'll have a little extra money to play with, but be sure to spend it wisely. Recently, you've been yearning to put your work on display. Holding a showcase will draw favourable attention. People like your direct approach, and are willing to pay you handsomely for your services. This is your big chance to escape the corporate world and enjoy some creative freedom. You won't be able to do that if you waste your resources on expensive status symbols.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) It pays to be honest. You've been harbouring a secret for a long time, mainly to protect a friend. Now it's time to bring everything out in the open, where people can resolve buried resentments. Once you free yourself from this burden, you'll feel a tremendous surge of energy. Stepping up your exercise routine will cause your creative juices to flow more freely. Working with metals and gemstones will be especially rewarding. You can make a nice profit from handmade jewellery.

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