Thursday, December 31, 2009

Inbox - are sick sending me this after tuesday´s letter

john - You have new video from Lidiya - the best Matchmaking agency in Ukraine
Video for john

You have new video!

Dear, john, you have new video from
Lidiya P #8135

Date: 31 December 2009

From: Lidiya #8135

Copy and paste link above to your browser you if have some problem with you mail client
If you have any questions you are welcome to apply to our friendly support center where they'll help you to solve any difficulties!

In reply to that letter I have posted here without
drawing the above mentioned lady into it, as she like myself I am sure
has suffered enough due to the mishandling of our relationship by these

On 12th October 2009 the lady says she is madly in love with an American
and to forget her. A week latter the agency is asking for someone from
Venezuala to send her a present, on tuesday she asks me to forget her
and now she sends me a video!

I am sure that she knows nothing of what is going on behind the scenes
and I feel very sorry for her.

The full details revealed here -
If you believe that the agency deceived Lidiya and John please leave your
opinion in the comment box. Thank you.

They have made the mess they have to sort it out!

В ответ на это письмо, я поместил здесь без
рисунок вышеупомянутой дамой в нее, как она, как я уверен
достаточно пострадала из-за неправильных действий наших
взаимоотношений этих

12 октября 2009 года леди говорит, что она влюблена в
и забыть о ней. Последняя неделя агентство просить
кого-то из
Venezuala отправить ее настоящем, во вторник она просит
меня, чтобы забыть о ней
и теперь она посылает мне видео!

Я уверен, что она ничего не знает о том, что происходит за кулисами
и мне очень жаль ее.

Они внесли беспорядок они должны разобраться!

Подробности здесь показали
Если вы считаете, что Агентство обманутых Лидия и Джон
Пожалуйста, оставьте ваше мнение в комментариях поле.

Они внесли беспорядок они должны разобраться!



pfigueredo said...

How cynical is this agency.

pfigueredo said...

I think this is rthe way uadreams,com operates:

I am seeing a pattern on the operation of ualadys and uadreams.

1,- Translation scam: Usually they're interested in keeping correspondence flowing and charging you for it by interpreters. The more letters the agency receives, more money gets. So they will avoid contact with the girl in order to keep correspondece flowing. It is a classical Ukranian scam style.

2.- Gold digging: If you by any chance get to meet your lady. In some cases will use your money in a fake relation. In others she doesn't even had read your letters and she doesn't know who are you.

3.- Regular Boris: It is a typical Russian scam style. Most of the time it is a man (On this site we call him Boris) pretending to be a girl with stolen pictures of models and previously written scripts with fields to be filled like the name of the victim. At any moment between correspondece the lady 'falls in love with you' and then...

john n said...

365 days - 1 day after VISA blocked our correspondence a D writes to me saying that he has also been corresponding with the lady, but he received a letter which made him skeptical when he received a 3 page letter addressed to "Dear Jeff" and not himself

This lady purported to be madly in love with an American and now she is writing to at least 2 more people.

Or have stolen her identity and writing letters in her name for a friend has brought it to my attention that her profile is no longer on the site!

Luckily I still believe she is innocent and I feel this information received this week strengthens my belief in her and warrants the group of us that are exposing the scam of these Ukrainian/Russian agencies