Monday, October 24, 2011

Sears Deal of the Day: Craftsman 18V Cordless 12" Line Trimmer Sears Item# 07174815000 | Model# 74815

Sears Deal of the Day: 18v elec trimmer

Product Description

This cordless trimmer with an 18 volt battery delivers 7,000 rpms and powers the motor long enough to handle most jobs. An adjustable 4 position head and telescoping shaft combine to make the trimmer ideal for cutting, trimming and edging. The soft-grip handle provides maximum comfort and control. Four trigger switch has a Safety-on button. Auto-line feed. Easy spool replacement. 1 hr battery charger.

  • 4.0 AMP 7000 RPM Motor
  • 18 Volt Battery Ni-Cad Battery
  • Adjustable Telescoping Shaft
  • Adjustable 4-Position Head
  • Edge Guide
  • Ergonomically Designed Soft-Grip Handle
  • 4 Finger Trigger Switch
  • Auto-Line Feed
  • 1-hour charger

Spain today - El turismo supera a la construcción en España 21m en julio agosto y septiembre + 8.5%

EuropaPress 2011-10-24
Este ha sido uno de los tres mejores veranos de la historia del turismo en España. Julio, agosto y septiembre recibieron casi 21 millones de turistas, un 8.5 por ciento más que el año pasado.
This has been one of the top three summers in the history of tourism in Spain. July, August and September were nearly 21 million tourists, 8.5 percent more than last year.

El turismo supera a la construcción en España - Economía -
hace 2 horas – El turismo supera a la construcción en España. Comentarios. Este ha sido uno de los tres mejores veranos de la historia del turismo en ...

Spain today - El PP distribuye panfletos alertando de zonas de delincuencia ocupadas por inmigrantes en Barcelona

The PP distributes pamphlets warning of crime areas occupied by immigrants in Barcelona
En el distrito de Ciutat Vella (Barcelona) los populares han buzoneado panfletos en los que atribuye a rumanos, magrebíes y sudamericanos las zonas de carteristas en el metro de barcelona. En estos panfletos, el PP pide "tolerancia 0 a la inseguridad" del barrio y a alejar de sus sus plazas y calles el trafico de drogas y los robos a vecinos y turistas.Se atreven incluso a añadir un gráfico del metro de Barcelona donde señalan que se trata de delincuentes rumanos, sudamericanos y magrebíes. Especifican hasta los tramos en lo que actúa cada grupo.
In the district of Ciutat Vella (Barcelona) the PP have have distributed pamphlets to the mailboxes of Romanians, North Africans and South American naming the areas of pickpockets in the metro. In these pamphlets, the PP calls for "tolerance 0 to insecurity" in the neighborhood and away from its squares and streets, drug trafficking and armed robbery of tourists. They have boldly added a graph of the metro where they show where Romanian, South American and North African criminals are. Specifically showing where each group operate

Europe today - Euro crisis sparks heated exchanges and another summit

From: Euronews  | Oct 24, 2011 The headlines in Italian papers spoke of a sense of ridicule after leaders at the weekend's major eurozone crisis summit told Italy's Prime Minister to come up with a more convincing plan to deal with its towering debt mountain.
I titoli di giornali italiani parlavano di un senso di ridicolo dopo che i leader al summit dell'eurozona importanti del weekend crisi ha detto il Primo Ministro d'Italia a venire con un piano più convincente a che fare con la sua montagna di debito torreggianti.