Thursday, October 6, 2011

Our most popular with you last 24 hours - 2011 Oct 5 06:00 – 2011 Oct 6 05:00 CET

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Libra - Daily stars for today 6 October 2011 -

There's a distinct line between daydreaming, which you've been doing a lot of lately, and allowing your imagination free rein. The latter isn't just appropriate, you need to allow your mind to explore ideas that, at other times, would be completely unrealistic. Now, however, they could be the start of something wonderful.
not your star sign? then click here -

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 6th October 2011

Low from $14.99 to Get Your Fashion Lucky Horoscope Clothes, Saves A Lot. Just Be Quick!
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Working with a partner gives your contributions finesse. You’re great at completing jobs in record time, but you need somebody who can polish your work. Fortunately, an inventive rebel will step forward to offer their services. As a general rule, you like going solo, but you will benefit by joining forces with this character. Be willing to compromise for the sake of increasing your stature. A little flair goes a long way towards building your reputation as one of the most talented people in your field.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) If you’ve hit a creative block, venture into the natural world. Nothing inspires you like greenery, flowers, and wild animals. When you get out of touch with the natural rhythms of the world, your imagination dries up, too. Take this opportunity to take a short trip to your favourite beauty spot. You’ll feel immediately better once you leave a familiar landscape behind. When you return, be sure to add some flourishing plants to your workspace so you don’t fall into the same rut.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Be sure to put your unique stamp on a project, so your contributions will be unmistakable. In the past, rivals have taken credit for your work, which makes you red with anger. By proclaiming your talent to the world, you’ll get commissions for other projects. Your romantic life is looking up, too. A stylish and gracious admirer will confess a crush on you. This may not be the most convenient time to embark on an affair, but that’s the way love works.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A surprising memory is jarred by a scent, sound, or scene. Suddenly you see an unusual relative in an entirely different light. In the past, you found this rebel’s erratic behaviour annoying. Now you admire their iconoclastic ways. Maybe it’s time you come out of your own shell. You’re tired of being held prisoner by preconceived notions. You’re a lot more creative than you pretend. It’s time to give your inner artist room to play.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You’re intent on doubling your pleasure and there’s no reason you should be limited to one choice. Having a happy public and personal life is easy so long as you insist upon it. Stop letting others dictate what you can and cannot do. If you want a job at a certain company but can’t tolerate the long commute, arrange to work from home. Alternatively, you can get a small place where you can sleep during the week, then go home for breaks. Where there's a will, there is a way!
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) There’s never been a better time to hammer out a lucrative business deal. If you’re interviewing for a job, negotiate for a bigger salary. Are you happy with your current position? Ask for a raise. Your employer is willing to pay a great deal more for your services. It’s important to be properly compensated. Too often, you underplay your talent, causing the powers that be to take advantage of you. Do a little research into how much people in similar positions get paid, then adjust your fees accordingly.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It’s important to defend your position, even at the risk of seeming belligerent. People will be astonished to see a diplomatic person like you becoming so impassioned. Normally, you’re willing to forge a compromise. When it comes to a creative project. you’ve got to insist on perfection. It will take additional work and money, but the results will be worth it. Remember, your name is going on this piece, so it has to be as impressive as possible. Assert your authority.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) An unexpected opportunity to work for a volunteer organisation falls into your lap. It gives you great pleasure to protect a vulnerable segment of society. You’re good at finding imaginative ways to garner publicity. Bringing awareness to a problem is half the battle. Some people will call your methods cheap and theatrical, but you’ll have the last laugh once donations come pouring in. Don’t be surprised when you’re offered a paying position as a result of launching this successful campaign.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You’re intent on breaking free from a restrictive environment. A free spirit like you can’t abide following a bunch of arbitrary rules and regulations. While you have respect for the law, you’re not impressed by power hungry authority figures. By going off on your own, you’ll be able to fraternise with artistic people who fuel your imagination. Pretty soon, you’ll be able to access parts of your personality you have been forced to suppress. What a relief! You’re tired of pretending to be someone you’re not.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) If there’s anyone who can handle a stressful challenge, it’s you. A shocking changing of the guard has everybody scrambling for cover, but not you. Instead, you step forward to assume the reins of power. For the last few months, you’ve been thinking how you’d do things differently if you were in charge. Now is your chance to put your plans into action. People appreciate your ability to issue orders in a kind, respectful tone and that’s the way to get things done.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A book, movie, or song moves you to explore the big questions of life. You long to find your place in the Universe. If that means abandoning a boring job or stifling lifestyle, so be it. An intelligent teacher will be impressed by your initiative and offer to take you under their wing. Thanks to their guidance, you’ll be able to forge a meaningful path. Granted, your choices won’t be conventional, but they’ll feel right to you. You’ll never fit in with the status quo.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You’re able to unearth secret information that gives you a measure of power. Use this knowledge to forge a better financial deal. In the past, you were willing to let someone else make decisions about your economic resources. Now you’re intent on taking control. Get into the habit of putting a percentage of your income into savings each pay period. Formulate a plan for retirement. Find ways to make your money work for you, instead of the other way around.

Heartbroken - the wild boar returned last night

 this damage is new so I think I will have to stay up all night to try and stop them doing anymore damage tonight
 I think that they returned to the rear patio again last night as 3 of the pots were overturned
They also returned to the fruit tree area and the plumb tree was uprooted for the 3rd time in 4 nights

Aries Horoscope
Wednesday, Oct 5, 2011
If you're a little distracted by some complicated issues today, you really won't feel much like dealing with any social obligations you might have. And if you're just not feeling up to it, you'd be better off backing out of anything you'd rather not deal with right now.

You’d much rather just relax at home tonight even if some friends expect you to get together and do something with them. But if you really don’t feel much like going out, then you ought to think about inviting some friends over to your house later. (Yes a wild boar party) That way you’ll be able to keep everyone happy. Mantra: I will live life free of expectations. (Yes that wild boars will be exterminated)
Is Killing Wild Hogs Really Necessary?