Sunday, May 15, 2011

Horoscopes / Teen Deviyan: Moon Sign prediction by Meera for 15 May 2011

Uploaded by on May 14, 2011

Horoscopes / Teen Deviyan: Tarot prediction by Monisha for 15 May 2011

Uploaded by on May 14, 2011

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 16th May 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Changes are ahead and you are starting to prepare yourself for whatever is to come. Subconsciously you sense your life is changing and very soon you will be striking out in new directions. You are about to embark on the path to self fulfilment. Ultimately this will bring you greater happiness. The first steps will be the hardest. After that you won’t have time to look back as life will be busy and exciting.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) It seems as if every day you are waiting for something new. Never before have you felt so impatient, excited and frustrated at the same time! A lot depends on the results of an interview, test or examination. You can’t wait to get it over but you’re nervous too that it all goes wrong. The more preparation, the more likely you are to be successful. Between waiting for taxis, texts and emails to arrive it’s a week filled with anticipation!
Gemini (May22/June21) It’s difficult to make choices when it could mean a difference between continuing with things as they are, or a completely new way of life. You will try to remain open to advice coming to you from others. Although one person in particular is pushing you to make a decision, take your time. With you being so intuitive, the best advice would be to sleep on it and let your subconscious do the work. This will give you the insight to make the choice that’s right for you.
Cancer (June22/July23) Whatever the situation, there is no reason why anyone should be allowed to intimidate you or boss you around. If a lecturer or senior official is treating you badly, don’t let their comments get to you. If someone thinks you are incapable of understanding certain procedures, you can prove them wrong by working hard to be successful. You are in charge of your decisions. Start laying the foundations of new career plans and soon you will be on your way to a glowing future.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Someone who is close to you is scared of losing something that has become a crucial part of their lives. You can sense what they are going to. You’re watching them hold on when it would be better to let go. It might seem like your role in life these days is to help other people face up to their hidden fears. Could this be making you suppress some of your own? A person you thought you could trust may deceive you and you don’t want to accept they have a devious side.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) A reputation you have worked hard to build should not be put at risk because of the people you are mixing with. A friendship that is causing tongues to wag might not be to your advantage. Someone is using you because they are relying on the way other people trust you, to benefit themselves. They will take what they can from your relationship and move on. Even if you are trying so hard to see the good in them.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) You’ve never liked discord and it may be up to you to offer an olive branch when things get tense this week. A disagreement will turn into an argument that could affect your closest relationships unless it is nipped in the bud. Work on resolving issues that are causing contention and once a compromise is reached, accept that it is over. Don’t rake it up again. Avoid any kind of action that might lead to gossip.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Jumping to conclusions could mean you will miss out on a great opportunity. You might dismiss someone as being unimportant just because they don’t stand out in a crowd. Are you being influenced by appearances and not seeing the real person beneath? Next time you walk down the street, try to see the person within and not just their clothes, cars, how slim, good looking or unattractive they are. Appearances can be deceptive: don’t rely on first impressions.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You’ve always grown bored with too much routine. Right now you need more excitement and spontaneity in your life. If your job fails to give you any satisfaction, don’t feel guilty about wanting to make a fresh start. If you’re tired of the same old schedule at home, encourage housemates to be more flexible. Lead by example. Introduce new ideas into your life and the job, social and domestic scene will all tingle with energy and excitement!
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Someone who has let you down in the past wants to be given another chance. You find it hard to forgive them and are of the opinion: once bitten, twice shy. Try to listen when others tell you how much they regret their past actions as to ignore them completely is making the assumption they are incapable of change. Due to what you already know, you may well suspect they will let you down again. You shouldn’t just assume they will. Maybe just once, you should give them the benefit of the doubt.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Make some contingency plans in case things don’t go as planned, because it is likely you’ll be needing them. This will be no surprise to you as you wouldn’t have made alternative arrangements if you had expected it to be easy. Someone’s inflexible attitude will make life difficult but you will know how to deal with them. Solitude brings you solace. You find something valuable out of being alone that helps you appreciate what your home and family have to offer.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Your boss, a senior colleague or an official will either under estimate or overestimate your capabilities. If they are new in your life and don’t really know you, try not to let this bother you unduly. Once they become familiar with your capabilities, such misunderstandings will quickly be forgotten. It is only if it is someone who should know better and who is deliberately trying to cause you grief that you should let them know they cannot intimidate you!

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 15th May 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're tired of scrimping and saving all the time. Fortunately, it looks as if more money is coming your way. Make the most of this windfall by making a special purchase aimed at your happiness. Buying a lot of trinkets without any rhyme or reason will just leave you depleted. You're better off thinking about what you really want and then saving for it. A luxurious holiday, designer coat, or bottle of cologne will afford the lasting satisfaction you crave.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Usually, it takes a long time to make up your mind, but right now you're very susceptible to romance. Falling in love at first sight is a strong possibility. You're especially drawn to someone who has a strong artistic streak. You love the way they create beauty at every turn. If you're already in a relationship, it will feel like you and your amour are enjoying a second honeymoon. It will be difficult to keep your hands off each other!
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Trust your instincts about a relationship matter; if you think someone is harbouring a crush on you, you're probably right. The two of you could make a great couple, provided you're both free to pursue a relationship. If one of you is already attached, you have to make a strategic retreat. It would never do to be implicated in an illicit affair. At first, it will be fun to create a stir, but eventually, you'll regret all the damage done to your reputation.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You're more interested in friendship than romance right now. Unfortunately, someone is intent on trying their luck with you. Although it pains you to break their heart, it's really the nicest thing you can do. Giving false hope will lead to even worse turmoil. Stop beating around the bush and say how you really feel. Some people will accuse you of being cold and calculating, but they don't understand what pressure you've experienced.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A desire for status causes you to make a bold move. Volunteer to oversee an important project. Apply for a high powered job. Throw a glittering party. Anything that will put you in the spotlight is favoured. People are impressed by the depth and breadth of your knowledge. If you happen to meet someone whose area of expertise is totally foreign to you, be sure to ask lots of questions. Experts love talking about the subjects they know best. You're sure to make a great impression.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) A golden opportunity to expand your horizons will fall into your lap. It's a relief to leave an old, outmoded routine behind for something new. Taking a class, writing a book, or going on a trip will be exhilarating. You're sure to meet lots of interesting people along the way. One of your newfound friends will be shockingly selfish, treating themselves to a whole host of luxuries. Maybe you should take a page from their book. Too often, you deprive yourself of the finer things in life.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Your physical magnetism is overwhelming. No wonder there are so many admirers swarming around you! In the past, you brushed off their attentions as friendly interest. Now you realise several of your biggest fans are harbouring serious crushes. If you're in a relationship, take care your partner doesn't become jealous of their rivals. Single? Take this opportunity to play the field. You especially enjoy a suitor who is good with their hands.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You'll bend over backwards to accommodate your best friend, lover, or business partner. Making other people happy lifts your own spirits. Fortunately, the object of your affection appreciates your hard work. The two of you will come together in a spirit of cooperation. This is a great time to launch a creative project, have a child, or open a business. Your intensity is nicely balanced by your friend's whimsy. When pressure starts weighing on you, turn to your partner for relief.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Making a serious commitment is never easy for you. You're the type who prefers having lots of possibilities to a few certainties. Still, you owe it to yourself to create a little stability in your life. Whether this means settling down with a devoted lover or putting a deposit on a house is immaterial. You've got to establish some roots. Yes, this will limit your options in some ways, but will liberate you in others. Get in touch with your inner optimist.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're the embodiment of sex appeal; people can't resist your earthy sense of humour and fantastic bone structure. It's nice to be admired; stop brushing off compliments as if they were flies. If you're single, you have a chance to embark on a very passionate romance. The two of you will enjoy indulging yourselves together. For once, you won't feel so bad about spending money on your own pleasure. If you have a lover, the two of you should plan an intimate getaway.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You've always prided yourself on your logic, but now your heart takes precedence over your head. It's hard to make an important decision because your affection is getting in the way of practical matters. An irresponsible relative wants a loan or some other kind of help. You're tempted to give it, even if such a gesture will put you at a great disadvantage. To add insult to injury, your family member will take your assistance for granted. Protect your interests.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Your social schedule will pick up quite a bit so make lots of time for fun outings and short trips. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a park, botanical garden, or art gallery. Keep your ears open for someone with a throaty, wicked laugh. The two of you share an appreciation for the finer things in life. Making the rounds of fine restaurants will be a great way to get to know each other. It's easy to be open when you're having fun.