Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Horoscopes / Teen Deviyan: Moon Sign prediction by Meera for 10 May 2011

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Horoscopes/ Teen Deviyan: Tarot prediction by Monisha for 10 May 2011

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Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 10th May 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You will have to do the majority of the heavy lifting in a relationship. A business or romantic partner is simply too worn out to be very productive. Fortunately, you have enough energy for two. Be sure to give yourself a reward at the end of the day. Luxuriate in the bathtub, buy yourself a new outfit, or take a long nap. Even a workhorse like you has to pause to smell the flowers. Someone who is much older or younger than you appreciates your efforts.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Recovering from a health issue will take hard work and discipline. Follow your doctor's instructions to the letter, especially regarding diet and exercise. Medicine is all well and good, but you have to reinforce it with healthy habits. At first, it will be a real struggle to change your ways. In time you'll stop relying on certain foods as a reward. Exercise will feel like a break from the routine, instead of a dreaded chore. It's all about swapping old habits for healthier ones.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Romance seems very far away. Lately, all you've had time for is work. Still, take comfort in the fact your toil will have long range benefits. Learning a new trade or studying for an exam is taking you out of the social scene now, but the situation is only temporary. Pretty soon, there will be a party thrown in your honour and all sorts of personal and professional opportunities will pour in. Finding love will be easy when you're in demand.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) It feels as if you'll never get away from home, but fortunately, you love spending time with family. Even you get tired of taking care of everybody else. Let someone attend to your needs for a change. Give yourself the day off from cooking, cleaning, shopping and organising. Rent a movie and have some food delivered. Spending the day stretched on the couch and relaxing will revive you. Don't feel guilty; everybody needs a break now and then.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) This is a great time to read a 'How To' book or take a class in social skills. The more you know how to finesse various situations, the easier it will be to make progress. You have a reputation for being warm and giving. At times, people try to take advantage of your generosity. Knowing how to get people to do what you want without wasting your resources is critical to your survival. Such a talent will also help you advance in the workplace.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It's a good thing you've always been frugal. Your penny pinching ways have kept you out of trouble. Unfortunately, a loved one has not been as prudent. In fact, they have been downright irresponsible. Don't be surprised if you're asked for a loan or gift of money. Although it hurts you to turn away anybody who is in need, you must do so. You work too hard to throw away your money on people who will just waste it.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You'll have to cancel a social appointment to meet a personal obligation. Studying for a test, catching up on paperwork and running errands all take precedence over free time. It's wearisome to realise you are the only one who will attend these responsibilities. Still, dropping the ball will cause even more problems. On the plus side, you will run into somebody you haven't seen in months. Take this opportunity to plan a reunion.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A job with a hospital, government agency, or university will be offered to you. This will lend much needed stability to your household. It makes you proud to provide for your loved ones. Of course, you should set aside a portion of your income for your own needs. Don't feel guilty about buying yourself some luxuries that were previously out of reach. Go ahead and splurge on a restful retreat. You could use some time away from all the hustle and bustle.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Becoming a leader is both a blessing and a curse. At long last, you have the power to make real changes to a stuffy institution. Unfortunately, your situation will cause lots of jealousy. People who you thought were friends will turn against you. Try not to take the situation personally. There still remain loyal people who don't begrudge your good fortune. Still, it's nice to know where you stand. Break ties with an embittered person who hates it when others succeed.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) An important job will be awarded to you, allowing you to expand your personal fortune. Resist the urge to spend your money on status symbols. Put it instead in a savings account. Having a nest egg will give you the ultimate luxury: freedom. You won't have to settle for second best if you can finance another arrangement. Just having money in the bank will give you tremendous peace of mind. Aren't you tired of having to do things because you have to, instead of because you want to?
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Developing an interest in history, higher education, or philosophy will serve you well. Don't be surprised if you cross paths with someone with an advanced degree. This expert will take you under their wing. There's also a good chance the two of you will fall in love. Such an alliance will cause something of a scandal, but that doesn't scare you. Causing a commotion gives you a sexy sparkle that is impossible to ignore. Keep stirring the pot!
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Being put in charge of someone else's resources is a delicate business. Fortunately, you have good instincts about the best way to invest money. Long term, low risk ventures are favoured. Don't tell people about the decisions you've made. It will only create unnecessary problems. The less you draw attention to your role as the executor, the better off you'll be. If your employer offers a retirement program, take advantage of it.