Thursday, March 3, 2011

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes: Thursday 3rd March 2011

Sorry for the delay yesterday and today as I have got flu!

Want your AstroChart? - Listen to Russell Grant via Real Audio

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Make careful use of the space around you to create an airy appearance. If you’ve been feeling less than wonderful of late, use the principles of Feng Shui to help you get more done with less stress and frustration. Is your desk in a good position with as much natural light behind you to help you focus? Enhance the flow of positive energy by adding mirrors and fill your rooms with plants to increase your career luck.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Too many distractions keep you from concentrating on your work. Someone is being overly friendly; he or she wants to share all their thoughts with you. You understand it is in their nature to gossip incessantly but you need some quiet in order to focus on what you are doing. Rather than risk insulting them by asking them to be quiet, you could always ask them to do you a favour that gets them out of the room.
Gemini (May22/June21) Sometimes you amaze yourself with your brilliance! A project could have been ruined without your timely intervention. You really aren’t impressed with a colleague’s ideas when there is nothing dynamic or exciting about their suggestions. At times like these you might give off a few hints to try to help inspire their imagination. If your attempts to make others feel they’re making a contribution don’t work, there is always another day and another project in which they may shine.
Cancer (June22/July23) Everything is in place ready for a new long term project to begin. This news could also mean there will be changes in the family soon that everyone is looking forward to. You won’t be able to act on all information received but some facts will be useful to know. An invitation to spend the weekend with a friend or relative might seem to have come at an awkward time but you won’t want to turn it down. Travel and romance are actually high in your thoughts these days.
Leo (July24/Aug23) You’re stuck where you are right now because you have no goal. You’ve been spending so long supporting your partner or another with their aims that you’ve lost sight of your own. You must be true to yourself no matter what missed opportunities have occurred. If you look on it as things happen for a reason, accept what has already gone. But this is a state of affairs that must not continue. Personal fulfilment should now be high on your list of priorities.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Working out the benefits of introducing energy saving gadgets into your home makes this look like a viable idea. Reducing your projected costs will make it worth getting used to the notion of keeping a lookout for energy saving tips. Not all of these will meet your family’s running requirements; you have the common sense to choose which suits you best. You like the idea of learning month by month, how much money you will be knocking off your bills.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Someone nearby knows everything about everyone and is happy to share this knowledge with you. Bear in mind anything you tell them will inevitably be passed on to the next person they talk to. In your mind a friend or colleague gives up too quickly on something they’re trying to do. Had they got the help they needed and persevered they would have got results. Now you’re left with their unfinished business. Don’t beat yourself up about it as it isn’t your fault you weren’t around when you could have given them some support.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You feel there has been some injustice done and this will affect your mood. Someone who is in it for themselves is never going to encourage a team spirit. You don’t like to use the word ‘impossible’ but it’s how you might feel about a certain situation. At least you have the common sense to know when to give up while there are others who will persist in trying to make a success out of a situation doomed to failure.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) First appearances may not be the last but they are important and they will remain unforgettable. This is why you should strive to look your best if you are preparing for a nerve wracking experience like a business meeting or job interview. It will take time to build up trust between you and those you meet today. Although you can’t help but judge each other by appearances, in time you will discover how right or wrong these impressions are.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Take ownership of your thoughts; no-one else is thinking them for you. You might blame it on other people’s influences or on past experiences but what you’re thinking and how you’re behaving right now is your choice alone. So much in life is ambiguous so don’t feel guilty if you share the views of those in the minority. You could wait forever for absolute certainty or someone else’s approval before acting. Do what is right for you.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) If finances are in a muddle, don’t look for an excuse to avoid the issue. You need to attend to this matter right away to avoid watching your money disappearing down the drain. Deals and obligations arranged for the weeks ahead could restrict you in other areas. You may be limited through a professional contract in what you can or can’t do even in your off duty hours. This is a good reason why you need to give more thought to such matters before you fully commit yourself.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Set goals to keep you motivated and you will achieve what you deserve. If anyone exerts pressure on you today it is because they are sure you are capable of more. When you accomplish your aims, the sense of fulfilment this brings will encourage you to take on new challenges. If you had no goals, you’d be going nowhere in life. Joining forces with another person who shares your vision for the future could be the best thing you do, today.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes: Wednesday 2nd March 2011

Sorry for the delay yesterday and today as I have got flu!

Want your AstroChart? - Listen to Russell Grant via Real Audio

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Something you see isn’t to your liking and you won’t ever pretend it is. If people want your opinion, you will be frank with your response. In terms of a new colleague’s skills, you couldn’t give them more than five out of ten. If this was a genuine test, in your eyes this would be a failure. Someone is not up to the job and the problem will have to be addressed. You need to know you can rely on the professionalism of your workmates.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) After some contention, talks today are all about limiting the damage. New doors will be opened to you; accept the invitation to step over the threshold and learn something new. Making a few further enquiries is the signal other people need to indicate you are interested. Just push the door a little more and it will open fully. Opportunities today will lead you to some interesting people and places.
Gemini (May22/June21) You’re next up to have a go at something you’re both nervous and excited about. It’s hard to try and create good experiences for yourself when you’re also trying to keep a partner happy. Today’s events provide the chance for you to do something you’ve always wanted to do. You might feel your enthusiasm would have been greater had this opportunity occurred earlier. Even so you won’t turn this offer down now it has finally come your way.
Cancer (June22/July23) Frustration is building up inside a team that has recently been put together. One person in particular is starting to take over. Any hope you had for giving some assistance to someone who needs it is spoiled by someone who tries to interfere. You feel resentful of their meddling. You had really wanted to be able to share your skills and knowledge with someone who could have benefited from these.
Leo (July24/Aug23) A close relationship is growing stale; you have been together for so long, there is no surprise or excitement. Your partner seems more interested in your friends and others than you are. You’ve probably settled into a comfortable rut and neither of you have anything to work hard for. Do something out of the blue to add more spark and lift this union out of the monotonous trap of routine. If you aren’t sure how others will take to your ideas it will be very much a case of trial and error.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) It is likely to be a challenge and a half to please someone who is more of a perfectionist than you! Your efforts will be very much appreciated because if there is anyone who can get it right, it will be you. You’re trying to fit more in your life now and this could be made easier if you drop a draining activity. Despite all your current responsibilities you still need to have time for fun and to see friends.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Happiness in romance is like sunny spells that keep your life interesting and exciting. You’re tuned in to what feels right for both you and your partner and you’re giving yourself plenty of time and space to do this. Simple pleasures like walking in the park, painting, and seeing friends will actually spark your imagination. The more relaxed you are, the more creative you seem to be. Expect to get a lot of help from your family if you want to make some changes.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A situation is not ideal but you will have to grin and bear it. If there wasn’t so much administrative meddling it would be easier to make progress. In the short term you won’t be able to carry out some jobs the way you want to. Have a little patience because it is entirely possible someone will approach you for suggestions on how to improve matters. This will be your chance to get things going your way.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Past matters are highlighted but not in a nostalgic way; more as a method to decide on the course of your future. You get the results from an investigation you have been following and this helps you make a decision you have been deliberating over for some time. If ties to a person, group or organisation mean a lot to you, ending it all would be a stupid move. It’s all a matter of taking control and directing your life and relationships in a way to bring about positive results.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Placing the blame on you for something you didn’t do is another person’s way of shirking their responsibility. The mature thing to do would have been to admit to their mistake and try to sort out the problem. Today, the buck stops with you and like it or not, you’re the one who is going to have to deal with the matter. A rushed job may be a bit rough around the edges but this can all be improved on in the future.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Today is a jumble of events with you mixing with many different personalities. An item no one admits to having ordered is delivered. There’s something of an intimidating Big Brother feel about the day when someone is keeping an eye on what’s going on each and every moment and checking up on everything you do. You are intrigued with technology being used but you won’t like the feeling of being constantly watched.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Dismiss dark thoughts as they enter your head; you need to stay positive and focused today. Doubts will slow you down and give your competitors the advantage; just throw them out of your mind. Eventually negative thinking will stop as you grow more certain of what you are doing. A more relaxed attitude will also lead to you feeling more confident.