Friday, January 28, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Friday 28th January 2011

Want your AstroChart? - Listen to Russell Grant via Real Audio


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're going to have to perform some unpleasant tasks to ensure a job is done properly. Nobody else cares as much as you do. Therefore, you must decide whether you're willing to lower your standards or roll up your sleeves. A perfectionist like you is bound to bite the bullet and put in the extra hours. Try not to let resentment consume you. Although your colleagues aren't nearly as diligent, they are talented and capable. You just have different standards.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A desire for acceptance could tempt you to bend over backwards for a demanding authority figure. Resist the urge to do so. You'll gain more respect by standing your ground. Blessed with a wonderful work ethic, you don't have to go out of your way to impress anyone. If someone tries to alter your methods, dig in your heels. You've spent years perfecting your techniques, and don't need an amateur to tell you how to improve them. Summon your self confidence.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) The competition is stiff, and you're not sure whether you'll measure up. Instead of pushing yourself too hard, just focus on doing your best. Let the shining stars take centre stage. Eventually, there will be an opportunity to show off your unique talent. Right now you should focus on playing a supporting role. If someone criticises your efforts, pay attention. You could get some valuable advice on turning an average performance into a superior one.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Taking care of a sick relative or neighbour gives you a sense of purpose. You love helping people in need. If you feel like your job is just a means to earn a pay cheque, consider getting a position in the non-profit arena. Alternatively you could volunteer at a hospital or animal shelter. You're always at your best when helping others. Doing such work every day will make you happier, healthier, and more energetic. Stop plodding along a treadmill that is robbing you of joy.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Your legendary patience helps you endure trying circumstances. A self important authority figure will be thrown out of the organisation in due time. Until then, keep reminding yourself that you're contributing something of value, while your tormentor is woefully inept. When the people at the very top get wind of what's happening, they'll be furious. You shouldn't be the one to alert them to the problem. If you do, you'll only be implicated in the whole mess.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Acquiring a new skill is just the challenge you need. You're very smart and pick things up quickly when you want to learn. The key is finding an instructor who bolsters your confidence. You need a teacher who has high standards and is sparing with extravagant praise. That way, when you get a compliment, you will know you have made real progress. Don't talk about your studies with people who can't appreciate them. You must be more discerning about friendships.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Sometimes you have to learn how to appreciate the ordinary, not just the extraordinary. Living in the moment is critical to your happiness. Get into the habit of making a daily list of five things for which you are grateful. This will make you more aware of the blessings you enjoy, but often take for granted. It will also dispel that vague dissatisfaction that undermines your zest for life. When you're fully invested in life, you become a magnet to love, luck, and money.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Certain colleagues are trying to make you into a scapegoat. Normally, you wouldn't care. You're not interested in proving yourself to a bunch of strangers. This time your professional reputation is being tarnished. You won't stand for this kind of slander. You've worked long and hard to get to where you are. Nasty gossip will cause people to think twice about using your services. Set the record straight and then confront the source of all these lies.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) When the pressure gets too much to bear, you simply detach. This is maddening for the people around you, who really require some help. The next time you catch yourself spacing out, bring your attention back to the problem at hand. Ask a colleague, lover, or friend how you can help. By putting yourself on the line, you'll alleviate tension. You'll also enjoy a greater sense of community. It's never pleasant to cope with problems, but overcoming them is great.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Pushing yourself beyond the limit of endurance will only jeopardise your health. Take a break, even if it means missing a deadline. It's not your fault impossible demands have been placed on your shoulders. Until the authorities realise there is too much work for one person, they'll continue to take advantage of your strong sense of responsibility. If you feel tired, leave early and take a nap. At the very least, turn your attention to a relaxing pastime.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Don't be afraid to acknowledge your grief. There are worse things in life than feeling sad. If you keep refusing to address your loss, your sorrow will come out in unexpected ways. You might lash out at an innocent victim. You could subconsciously undermine your own attempts at success. Take a little time off to dwell on the past. Formulate a plan for the future. Spending more time on your own will put you back in touch with desires that have been dormant since childhood.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You have a tendency to become despondent at the first sign of boredom. A better strategy is to undertake a project. Cleaning the house, fixing a broken appliance, or sorting out a storage area will keep depression at bay. It will also make you feel useful. Swinging from one emotional extreme to another is taking a toll on your relationships. Strive for a middle ground with everything you do. Having a more balanced outlook will increase your popularity.

Our most popular with you yesterday - 2011 Jan 27 09:00 – 2011 Jan 28 08:00 CET

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Enrique Iglesias, Juan Luis Guerra - "Cuando Me Enamoro" music video EnriqueIglesiasVEVO 52,378,796 views to date

Enrique Iglesias, Juan Luis Guerra - Cuando Me Enamoro CD

EnriqueIglesiasVEVO | May 18, 2010 | likes, 769 dislikes
Music video by Enrique Iglesias, Juan Luis Guerra performing Cuando Me Enamoro. (C) 2010 Universal International Music B.V.

Apple iTunes

Radio Top 20 (Updated January 24)

Enrique Iglesias Lyrics - Cuando Me Enamoro

Ohh, oh, ooh, oooh

Si pudiera bajarte una estrella del cielo
Lo haria sin pensarlo dos veces
Porque te quiero, ay
Y hasta un lucero

Y si tuviera el naufragio de un sentimiento
Seria un velero en la isla
De tus deseos, de tus deseos

Pero por dentro entiende que no puedo
Y aveces me piedro...

Cuando me enamoro aveces desespero,
Cuando me enamoro,
Cuando menos me lo espero, me enamoro
Se detiene el tiempo, me viene el alma
Al cuerpo, sonrio, cuando me enamoro

(Ohh, oh, ooh, oooh)

Si la luna seria tu premio,

Yo juraria hacer cualquier cosa,
Por ser su dueño, ay, por ser tu dueño

Si en tus sueños escuchas el llanto
De mis lamentos,
En tus sueños no sigas dormida,
Que es verdadero, ay,
No es un sueño, no

Y me alegro que aveces al final
No encuentres un momento, ooh no...
Cuando me enamoro aveces desespero,
Cuando me enamoro,
Cuando menos me lo espero, me enamoro
Se detiene el tiempo, me viene el alma
Al cuerpo, sonrio, cuando me enamoro

Cuando me enamoro aveces desespero,
Cuando me enamoro,
Cuando menos me lo espero, me enamoro
Se detiene el tiempo, me viene el alma
Al cuerpo, al cuerpo, sonrio,
Sonrïo, cuando me enamoro.

Enrique Iglesias Cuando Me Enamoro lyrics found on

Goldbug100 - Service Point Solutions (SPS.MC) Press release

January 26th, 2011

Service Point signs framework agreement with Aston Univerity valued at 900.000 pounds

  • The collaboration will run for 3 years plus 1 roll - on year contract