Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - Deals of the Day Start Friday!

Starting with Black Friday, will be kicking off its Holiday Deals of the Day that feature huge savings nearly every day for 3 weeks! Our promotions are stronger with savings across several categories and in some cases site wide!
Deals will be valid only on the days listed below.

Black Friday 11/26 – 15% off a case
For one day only, shoppers will save 15% on 12 bottles or more. This is our biggest wine sale of the year, a great time to stock up on wine for holiday parties. Promo code BLACKFRIDAY. Good one day only, 11/26/10.

11/27-11/28 – $15 off $150+
An early shopper discount! For two days shoppers will save $15 on orders of $150 or more. Promo code SAVE15, 11/27/10–11/28/10.

Cyber Monday 11/29 – 1 cent shipping on orders of $49+
Daily Deals keep rolling with 1 cent shipping on orders of $49 or more. This will be one of the highest grossing sales days of 2010! Promo code CYBERMON, valid 11/29/10 only.

Tuesday 11/30 – $5 flat shipping, no minimum order
Promo code 5FLAT, valid 11/30/10 only.

Wednesday 12/1 – 1 cent shipping on orders of $75+
Promo code 1CENT75, valid 12/1/10 only.

Thursday 12/2 – $10 off $75+
Promo code SAVE10, valid 12/2/10 only.

Friday 12/3 – 1 cent shipping on 12 or more bottles
Promo code ONECENT12, valid 12/3/10–12/5/10.

Francis Ford Coppola Exclusive Gift Basket

Vineyard Feast - Gourmet Gift Basket

Super Grand Gourmet Gift Basket

Walmart's Amazing Online Specials Continue While Supplies Last!

The savings continue with Amazing Online Specials in categories like electronics, video games, toys, home and more.

Below, we've highlighted some great items from an Ab Circle Pro with Free $50 Gift Card to Nintendo Wii Console w/ Wii Fit Plus & Balance Board and more!

Was: $498.00
Now: $448.00

Price: Only $199.00

Price: From $249.00

Price: From $598.00

Price: Only $699.00

Was: $129.99
Now: $79.00

Was: $199.00
Now: $169.00

Price: From $50.00

Was: $40.00
Now: $30.00

Price: Only $39.00

Was: $229.00
Now: $199.00

Was: $438.54

Amazing Online Specials in Toys & Video Games at Walmart!

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 24 November 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Your ambitions don’t impress your family. In fact, they’ve grown tired of your tendency to miss parties, plays, and sporting events for the sake of work. It’s time to reassess your priorities. While it’s admirable you want to get ahead, you shouldn’t do so at the expense of close relationships. If you don’t get a raise or promotion, remain calm. This may be a sign that you’re not ready to reach the top yet. All good things come to those who wait.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) Resist the urge to discuss an issue without getting the facts first. Mouthing off to an expert will make you look foolish. Although you may disagree with their basic theories, you aren’t in the position to contradict them yet. Make it your mission to read everything you can on the subject before speaking up. That way, you’ll be able to make an intelligent argument the next time the issue arises. Your instincts are good, but they won’t be enough to change the tide.


Gemini (May22/Jun21) Coming to terms with your sexual desires can be scary. You’ve always prided yourself on being ultra logical. Unfortunately, you can’t apply reason to physical impulses. You just have to act with them, or at least find a healthy outlet for these needs. Painting, writing, and playing music will be very therapeutic. If you’re single, resist the urge to throw yourself at the feet of someone. Playing hard to get, gets impressive results.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) It angers you when your lover doesn’t notice small details, like the way you take your tea or when you change your hair. Unfortunately, not everyone has your capacity to notice such fine points. Instead of dwelling on your disillusionment, focus instead on what your amour does well. After all, the two of you were drawn together by mutual admiration. By thinking back on those days, you’ll remember what it was that originally captivated you.


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Don’t make too much of a small, nagging health problem. The longer you dwell on a minor discomfort, the more it will bother you. Let ‘mind over matter’ be your motto today. A negative person will try to strike fear into your heart, claiming to know people who had similar symptoms, only to meet with disaster. Take your tormentor’s words with a pinch of salt. They have a long history of stirring up trouble. Don’t become their latest victim.


Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) A romantic obsession is starting to interfere with your daily life. You have to consider whether the object of your affection returns your love. If not, you need to make a clean break and move on to greener pastures. Taking a short trip out of town will put life back in perspective. You may even meet someone who is far more receptive to your charms. Give your heart a chance to heal. Continually subjecting yourself to rejection is too masochistic for words.


Libra (Sep24/Oct23) A relative who pretended to be one thing will be revealed to be a liar. Try not to be too harsh on a loved one; they had their reasons for promoting this deception. Let this be a lesson in taking things at face value. There is always more to people than meets the eye. Your boss is moody. Don’t try their patience with nagging questions. Just plod along the best you can without instruction. Now is the time to demonstrate your ability to work independently.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’re not entirely convinced you’re being told the truth, and decide to do a little research. The facts you unearth will astound you. Before going public with your findings, consider the effect they will have on innocent bystanders. It may be best to keep this information to yourself, at least for now. The time will come when you’ll be able to use this intelligence to your own advantage. Until then, pretend to go along with the popularly accepted view.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A precious object will break or get stolen, causing you great heartache. You need to come to terms with this loss. Holding on too tightly to possessions is never healthy. The memories attached to this object were precious, and can never be destroyed. Take this opportunity to create something of beauty. Nothing is as healing as exercising your imagination. Even the simple act of making a cake can ease your troubled heart.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your intensity turns people off. If you sense someone is uncomfortable by your impassioned discussions, back down. Enquire after their interests. You don’t have to revert to boring subjects like the weather; just steer clear of controversial ones like religion and politics. Fortunately, you do have friends who feel just as strongly about certain issues as you. Beware of insulting an oversensitive friend, business partner, or lover.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Repressing your emotions has taken a toll on your work relationships. It’s time to let a colleague know just what you think of their shoddy efforts. In the past, you felt sorry for a colleague, fearing an illness or disability affected their performance. Now you realise they’ve taken you in. Stop correcting their mistakes. You aren’t paid to do two jobs. Someone will intrude on your privacy, prompting you to put personal information under lock and key.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) It feels like your personality is being diluted by a large group. You’re tired of having to temper your opinions for the sake of friends, colleagues, and neighbours. Breaking away from these people won’t be easy. You’ve become a great favourite because you don’t push your ego on others. That’s the problem. Until you make some friends who aren’t threatened by your unique ideas, you’ll be miserable. Don’t ask people what they’d like to do tonight; just do your own thing.

Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope
for the UK shopper
American Mobil(e) Shopper
for the USA shopper