Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekly LoveCast™ "Is your love rattled? " by Cortney Litwin

Source: California Psychics

Tuesday's emotionally charged New Moon eclipse in Cancer can rattle relationships throughout the week, so try not to overreact to the stress. Passion and drama both escalate in the middle of the week. During the weekend, feelings are chaotic on Saturday afternoon - but love casts a rosy glow over relationships on Saturday night and Sunday. Best days for love are Wednesday and Sunday.

Week of July 20 - 26, 2009

Cancer: The New Moon in your sign brings a fresh start in your personal life, but the eclipse can make you moody as well. Access your daring side to inspire passion midweek - and look for a moneymaking opportunity as well! Creating an enticing environment or throwing a party will inspire love and friendship on Saturday night or Sunday.

Leo: The week's New Moon illuminates your inner life, so heed your intuitive guidance concerning your direction, and strive to resolve the past. You're irresistible in the middle of the week, when a romantic interlude gives you fresh energy - and your creativity kicks into high gear. Rash words disrupt romance on Saturday, but flirting (and other heartfelt talk) sets romance aflame on Sunday.

Virgo: Socializing escalates during this New Moon, but a friend may be troublesome. A sexy, peaceful setting lights your passion afire midweek! Also, meditation will enhance your intuition - which is especially strong around then. You're irritated easily on Friday, and your sense of style draws admirers (and perhaps someone special) on Saturday night or Sunday.

Libra: A career opportunity may arise during the New Moon this week, but be sure it's right for you. Networking with colleagues will bring opportunities as well. Romance can be found through a friend or during a group activity toward the middle of the week. Your charisma kicks into high gear, and inspires a romantic liaison, on Saturday night or Sunday.

Scorpio: Your future is revealed this week during the New Moon, so listen to your inner voice. Also, look for romance during a spiritual activity, class or trip. Passion is hot and complicated midweek, when your willfulness is both intriguing and troublesome to others. You're feeling restless or dissatisfied on Saturday. A serene locale can deepen love on Sunday!

Sagittarius: The New Moon illuminates emotional blocks to intimacy or finding true love this week. It's time to heal the past. Impulsiveness can disrupt your relationship on Friday. Your sense of adventure percolates passion toward the middle of the week, so plan a rendezvous to somewhere exotic! Socializing is weird on Saturday, but a group gathering attracts and inspires romance on Sunday.

Capricorn: This week the New Moon energizes partnership activities (and issues). It's time to focus on improving your relationship, or on finding someone compatible. Intimacy heats up midweek, but you may need some time alone to recharge. Fine dining in a luxurious or beautiful location inspires romance on Saturday night or Sunday!

Aquarius: The New Moon encourages you to focus on improving your diet or exercise routine this week - and it may provide a work opportunity as well. Also, your helpfulness will prompt a romantic interlude. A rendezvous with a lover or close friend energizes you toward the middle of the week. An exotic environment or a trip for two brings romance on Saturday night or Sunday!

Pisces: Romance escalates during this week's New Moon - but feelings can be changeable, so you'll want to strive to stay grounded. It's time to work on or promote your creative project as well. Your imagination is on fire midweek, when some sexy inventiveness heightens passion. An artsy environment revs up romance on Saturday night through Sunday, so be creative!

Aries: The New Moon favors showing off your style while entertaining sometime this week. Just don't let family stress throw you off-balance. Romance is aflame in the middle of the week, so plan an enticing rendezvous to take advantage. You may feel like relationships are too much work on Friday, and small irritations escalate on Saturday - but love blooms anew on Sunday!

Taurus: This week's New Moon prompts you to express your feelings, which can deepen love. Just be sure to think before you speak. A trip can also inspire romance. Your wild side comes out to play midweek, when a little drama makes passion soar! Love feels irrational on Saturday - yet a mix of sensuality and artistry put romance into high gear on Sunday.

Gemini: Focusing on your values will help clarify your love life during this week's New Moon. Also, a moneymaking opportunity may present itself - but be sure it's reliable. Your sense of humor sets flirting afire toward the middle of the week, and a trip can heat up romance as well. Feelings are unpredictable on Saturday. Love is yours to enjoy on Sunday - so open your heart!

What do the stars hold for your love life? Talk to a psychic to find out more. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Solar Eclipse in Cancer

Did You Know?

This week's Solar Eclipse in cuddly Cancer will act like a turbo-charged New Moon. Eclipses bring about change and encourage you to take the next step on your evolutionary path. They also act as catalysts bringing events to pass much more quickly than they might have otherwise. This is the reason they can be quite stressful and emotionally challenging. Solar Eclipses have greater potential for new beginnings whereas Lunar Eclipses often coincide with letting go. Those born under the sign of Cancer will be powerfully affected as well as those with planets closely aspecting the degree of the Eclipse. The Eclipse can be active for months or years after the date. To get an overview of what this Eclipse means to you, contact our team of astrologers for up-to-the-minute advice.

The Importance of Faith

Achieve a fuller understanding

by Jamie Nishi
Source: California Psychics

Whether we are aware of it or not, faith permeates each day of our lives. Everything we believe in is based on some form of it. Faith in oneself. Faith in each other. Faith in life - or in a Higher Power. These are the three overarching areas of faith that enrichen and deepen our lives, and quite possibly hold us together in an ever-changing and often frightening world.

Faith is all too often misrepresented as blind (based not on reason, experience or fact, but on unquestioning adherence). More often than not, however, our faith is deeply informed by reason, experience and fact, as well as less-acknowledged sources such as instinct, intuition and gut feeling. How does a painter know she must paint? How does the healer know he must heal people? Tied in with the rational reasons (upbringing, education, history) is the faith each individual has - that he or she has a purpose, and is called to make the best out of this life.

What is faith?
In broad terms, all faith - religious, spiritual or secular - is a belief that life is worth living no matter what obstacles are thrown in our way. In the book, Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience, meditation teacher Susan Salzberg writes: "Faith is the animation of the heart that says, 'I choose life, I align myself with the potential inherent in life, I give myself over to that potential.' This spark of faith is ignited the moment we think, 'I'm going to go for it. I'm going to try.'"

We have all seen or heard examples of what faith can help people do. Such as a survivor of the Holocaust, who witnessed unspeakable horrors, who is still able to rebuild a life... an accident victim who transcends a disability into a new direction.... an artist, despite rejection, who remains creative and makes an important contribution. Many times over, we have seen that when all else is stripped away - safety, comfort, security, home, country, loved ones - faith is what has kept people going. It is both a basic instinct and a spiritual balm.

Faith can strengthen our capacity to meet challenges and face adversity. It gives us a mooring, a direction and a purpose - and, in so doing, lends meaning to our existence. But faith is often difficult to hold onto. One moment life feels full of possibility - and the next, it seems cruel and hopeless. When we are faced with difficult or terrible things, our faith is challenged, and sometimes momentarily lost. What then are we left with?

Faith's foil
Doubt is often referred to as the opposite of faith, but is truly its handmaiden. Doubt can lead us to question and think critically about our beliefs. It often helps to strengthen or reaffirm faith. Much closer to the opposite of faith is despair - disconnection from life. Salzberg writes, "Without a sense of possibility, we would be stuck - isolated, hopeless, and unspeakably sad." Many of us have experienced this type of sadness.

When you feel as if you are about to be plunged into the depths of despair, it's important to consider the very real possibility that you are not seeing the big picture. The events in our lives are so vastly interconnected that it is impossible to know all the factors that contribute to a difficult situation. You may think you are powerless, but you don't really know for sure. You may see injustices taking place and begin to lose faith in humanity, but you may not be seeing the whole picture. None of us can know all the elements involved, even in our own situations - or what the future might bring.

The possibility of change
One of the most striking lessons Salzberg teaches is that life is ever-changing - and so are we. Change doesn't always feel great, but it does allow for new possibilities. "Life is not likely to deliver only pleasant events," she writes. "Faith entails the understanding that we don't know how things will unfold. Even so, faith allows us to claim the possibility that we ourselves might change in ways that will allow us to recognize and trust the helping hands stretched toward us. It enables us to aspire to a better life than the one we have inherited."

Since everything, including this life, is temporary, allow yourself a moment to take a step back and take a deep breath. Reaffirm what faith means to you. In good times and bad, faith in yourself - which is the touchstone of faith in life - is the one thing that can remain steady at your center, getting you through the changes and keeping you open to all the new possibilities.

Are you having issues with faith? Let a psychic clear your way. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Act Simply... Dream Big!

Why the little stuff matters

by Jill Hoppe

Source: California Psychics

We've all heard the saying, "dream big," and having lofty aspirations is admirable. Yet because of our busy lives, we may relegate our smaller goals to a "tomorrow" that never comes. However, our smaller achievements may set the stage for larger ones. Plus, they can be satisfying in their own right.

So rather than focusing on the time you wish you had to get in shape, take guitar lessons, or learn a second language, why not try a different approach to making the more manageable dreams a reality? After all, if you wait until retirement - or you meet the perfect match - to do the things you want, you'll deny yourself experiences that might bring enrichment to your life right now.

There are countless goals you can achieve in as little as 20 or 30 minutes a day - in between work, family and daily chores. Forget all the excuses that have been holding you back. Here are some life-enhancing ambitions that you can satisfy quite easily.

Shape up!
Eager to get into better shape, but just can't find the time to fit exercise into your hectic schedule? Developing a fitness regimen you can stick to is easier than you think. Independent activities such as walking, jogging and weight-training can be performed any time - day or night. Even if you can only devote 20 minutes per day to a physical activity, fitness experts have developed dozens of "express" routines that work different areas of the body - such as abs, legs or arms - in just 15 minutes. By rotating two or three different routines, you'll get a full-body workout each week. Even the simple task of walking briskly for 20 minutes burns approximately 100 calories. Do that every day, and you'll burn 700 calories per week.

Bust a move
More than 22 million people watched the premiere of Dancing with the Stars this season. It appears that there's a big group of happy feet secretly yearning to demonstrate a little fancy footwork of their own! Dancing is a timeless art that not only keeps you in shape, but also provides tremendous entertainment. Whether you tango, mambo, swing, foxtrot or engage in hip-hop moves, dance lessons are an incredible way to meet new people and are usually held only once a week - which is perfect for even the busiest lifestyle. Even if you never reach the level of Ginger or Fred, you'll have gained a skill that will please you and impress others - and you'll burn calories while you're at it.

Learn a foreign language
Yes, we've all heard that the best way to master a foreign language is to immerse yourself in its nation of origin. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the ability to pack up and move to Paris, Tuscany or Madrid. But that shouldn't prevent you from living out your dream of being able to converse in another tongue - you can now download language lessons online, and practice during your commute. There are hundreds of books and DVDs available that will assist you with everything from pronunciation to vocabulary. In fact, even if you can only devote 30 minutes a day, you'll accomplish a great deal. By setting a goal to learn 20 or more new words each week, you'll build a vocabulary of more than 1,000 words in your first year.

Start saving
There's never been a better time to get your finances in order. Whether you'd like to pay down student loans, save for a vacation, put money away for retirement or reduce your mortgage, big-picture thinking can be daunting when it comes to money. Rather than limiting spending in extreme ways or taking on a second job, implement small measures that save money but don't deprive you of the things you love. For instance, the $3 you spend on lattes every morning may not seem like much, but those little purchases add up. Enjoy coffee at home four days a week and you'll save more than $600 a year - money enough for vacation airfare, or to cover unexpected expenses such as an automotive repair. Take it one step further by depositing $20 a week into a savings account - the equivalent of one dinner out with friends - and you will have accrued more than $1,000 in a single year.

Savor the journey
No matter what goals you set out to achieve, it's important to remember that the process is part of the journey. If you focus only on the endgame you won't enjoy the little milestones along the way. When it comes to dreams - big or small - little successes should be just as gratifying as the final outcome.

You should also be flexible about the time it takes to reach your goals. As we all know by now, life is what happens when you're making other plans. If you can't fit in a workout one week, or you miss a few guitar lessons, don't give up in frustration - or convince yourself that you simply don't have the time to make your dream a reality. Resume the quest as soon as you're comfortable doing so. Stops and starts are a part of all such endeavors, so turn dreaming into doing. It's easier than you think!

What is your dream? Let a psychic guide you. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.