Saturday, March 17, 2012

marykiev "Sin Miedo a Nada" music video (Álex Ubago cover)

Uploaded by on Jul 4, 2011
Álex Ubago Letra - Sin Miedo a Nada
Me muero por suplicarte
Que no te vayas, mi vida,
Me muero por escucharte
Decir las cosas que nunca digas,
Mas me callo y te marchas,
Mantengo la esperanza
De ser capaz algún día
De no esconder las heridas
Que me duelen al pensar
Que te voy queriendo cada día un poco mas.
Cuanto tiempo vamos a esperar

Me muero por abrazarte
Y que me abraces tan fuerte,
Me muero por divertirte
Y que me beses cuando
Despierte acomodado en tu pecho,
Hasta que el sol aparezca.
Me voy perdiendo en tu aroma,
Me voy perdiendo en tus labios que se acercan
Susurrando palabras que llegan a este pobre corazón,
Voy sintiendo el fuego en mi interior.

Me muero por conocerte,
Saber que es lo piensas,
Abrir todas tus puertas
Y vencer esas tormentas que nos quieran abatir,
Centrar en tus ojos mi mirada,
Cantar contigo al alba
Besarnos hasta desgastarnos nuestros labios
Y ver en tu rostro cada día
Crecer esa semilla,
Crear, soñar,dejar todo surgir,
Apartando el miedo a sufrir.

Me muero por explicarte
Lo que pasa por mi mente,
Me muero por intrigarte
Y seguir siendo capaz de sorprenderte,
Sentir cada día
Ese flechazo al verte,
Que mas dará lo que digan
Que mas dará lo que piensen
Si estoy loca es cosa mía
Y ahora vuelvo a mirar el mundo a mi favor,
Vuelvo a ver brillar la luz del sol.

Me muero por conocerte,
Saber que es lo piensas,
Abrir todas tus puertas
Y vencer esas tormentas que nos quieran abatir,
Centrar en tus ojos mi mirada,
Cantar contigo al alba
Besarnos hasta desgastarnos nuestros labios
Y ver en tu rostro cada día
Crecer esa semilla,
Crear, soñar, dejar todo surgir,
Apartando el miedo a sufrir.

Me muero por conocerte,
Saber que es lo piensas,
Abrir todas tus puertas
Y vencer esas tormentas que nos quieran abatir,
Centrar en tus ojos mi mirada,
Cantar contigo al alba
Besarnos hasta desgastarnos nuestros labios
Y ver en tu rostro cada día
Crecer esa semilla,
Crear, soñar,dejar todo surgir,
Apartando el miedo a sufrir.

Germany - Nazi guard Demjanjuk dead at 91. Took part in killing of nearly 28,000 Jews at Sobibor camp in Poland

Published on Mar 17, 2012 by The former Nazi concentration camp guard John Demjanjuk has died at a care home in Germany aged 91.

He was convicted by a court in Munich last year but was released from prison after having spent two years in detention during the court case.

Ukrainian-born Demjanjuk had lived in the United States since the 1950s, but was extradited to Germany in 2009 to face trial.

It was not his first time before a judge.

In 1986, he was extradited to Israel after former inmates at Treblinka death camp accused him of being one of the most ruthless executioners there.

Demnjanjuk was condemned to death, but doubts lingered over his identity. The Israeli Supreme Court overturned the verdict, and he returned to the US.

The guard, known as 'Ivan the Terrible', said he had been drafted into the Soviet Red Army but was captured by the Nazis in 1942.

Demjanjuk had admitted working in various Nazi camps after that, but said he had been forced to by his captors.

The court in Munich had no doubt about his identity and convicted him in May 2011 of taking part in the killing of nearly 28,000 Jews at the Sobibor camp in Nazi-occupied Poland in 1943.

Belarus - metro bomber executed Published on Mar 17, 2012 by Euronews One of the men found guilty of a bombing attack on the metro in Belarus has been executed. 15 people killed & around 200 wounded last April in Minsk

Published on Mar 17, 2012 by One of the men found guilty of a bombing attack on the metro in Belarus has been executed.

Relatives confirm Vladislav Kovalyov was shot by pistol, after Belarussian president Alexander Lukashenko refused to pardon him.

The president also refused to spare co-conspirator Dmitry Konovalov, though he is still thought to be alive.

The two 25-year-old factory workers were given the ultimate punishment by the Supreme Court in the only country in Europe that still has the death penalty.

They were convicted of carrying out the deadly attack at a metro station in the capital Minsk last April, during which 15 people were killed and around 200 wounded.

Today in History 17th March

Published on Mar 17, 2012 by
Here is a look at some of the notable events that took place on this day in history, March 17th.

2012 Australian GP Qualifying - Video Lewis Hamilton Onboard Pole Position Lap + Analysis

Britain - Kate Middleton Duchess of Cambridge presents St Patrick's shamrock to Ist Battalion Irish Guards at Aldershot

Uploaded by on Mar 17, 2012
The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton presented shamrocks to 40 members of the 1st Battalion Irish Guards at their traditional St Patrick's Day parade in Aldershot.

USA - An Indian student student guilty of hate crimes for spying on gay roommate

Published on Mar 17, 2012 by An Indian student has been convicted of hate crimes in America after he used a webcam to spy on his university roommate kissing another man, in a case that caused a national outcry over anti-gay bullying.

Dharun Ravi encouraged others to watch the feed. He will be sentenced in May.

The roommate, 18-year-old Tyler Clementi, later committed suicide.

Venezuela - Hugo Chavez returns to Caracas after treatment in Cuba

Published on Mar 17, 2012 by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has flown home after cancer surgery in Cuba, vowing to conquer his illness and win October's presidential election.

He had already been treated in Havana last year.

There is speculation over whether he will be fit enough for the campaign. Medical experts say radiation treatment Chavez faces could take a heavy toll