Wednesday, December 7, 2011

South Africa - China could be Durban's climate change success story

Published on Dec 6, 2011 by The message coming from the climate change conference in Durban is that expectations of the outcome have to be practical.

As more delegates from around the world arrive at the summit in South Africa which began in late November, the UN Secretary General sounded pragmatic.

Ireland - tightens fiscal belt with further spending cuts - raise around 1.6 billion euros in taxes

Published on Dec 6, 2011 by Ireland's 4.5 million people are heading into tough economic times. Social welfare payments, health, education and public sector jobs are set to face the axe.

In Ireland's parliament the Irish Finance Minister, Michael Noonan has been outlining his plans to raise around 1.6 billion euros in taxes in a budget aimed at saving 3.8 billion euros. For the first time in a quarter of a century the prime minister addressed the nation on the severity of the situation.

Europe - US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner upbeat on European reforms‎

Published on Dec 6, 2011 by A positive tone from US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner as he started a three-day blitz of euro zone officials.

In Europe to urge decisive action to save the euro and resolve the crushing debt crisis, Washington's top money man said he sees "encouraging signs" from Europe.

Geithner started in Germany, at the European Central Bank, which the US would like to see take more decisive action.

Neither the American nor ECB president Mario Draghi commented on what they had discussed.

Russia - Protests spread over Russian election result / Россия - Протесты распространяется на русском результатов выборов

Published on Dec 6, 2011 by The Russian general election may be over but anger about the outcome rumbles on. Opponents of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, whose United Russia party won the vote, have promised more street protests over what they believe was a rigged election.

Large numbers of them were arrested, including a high-profile anti-government blogger, after police deemed illegal their rally in the centre of Moscow.
Россия всеобщих выборов может быть более, но гнев о результатах грохочет далее. Оппоненты премьер-министра Владимира Путина, чьи партии 'Единая Россия выиграла голосование, обещали больше уличных протестов над тем, что они считают, были сфальсифицированы выборы.

Большое количество из них были арестованы, в том числе громких антиправительственных блоггер, после того как полиция считает незаконным свое митинг в центре Москвы.

Prominent arrests and convictions in Russia protests

Published on Dec 6, 2011 by Police have arrested as many as 300 people, including journalists, as demonstrators in Moscow defied a ban on unnapproved protests.

This is the second day people have taken to the streets, angry at alleged election fraud on Sunday, and fed up with Vladimir Putin's United Russia Party.

More people were held after similar protests in St Petersburg and the southern city of Rostov-on-Don.

Among those detained by police are opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, prominent activist Ilya Yashin and opposition blogger Alexei Navalny.
Полиция арестовала до 300 человек, включая журналистов, а демонстранты в Москве бросили вызов запрету на unnapproved протестов.

Это уже второй день люди вышли на улицы, сердясь на предполагаемое мошенничество выборов в воскресенье, и сыты по горло Единая Россия Владимира Путина партии.

Все больше людей были проведены после того, аналогичные акции протеста в Санкт-Петербурге и Ростове-на-Дону.

Среди задержанных полицией являются оппозиционный политик Борис Немцов, видный активист Илья Яшин и оппозиции блоггер Алексей Навальный.

Britain - Charlotte Harris tells the Leveson Inquiry: News International spied on me and my children

Uploaded by on Dec 6, 2011
Charlotte Harris, a lawyer for Mishcon de Reya who represents phone hacking
victims, tells the Leveson Inquiry that she and her family were spied on by
News International.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Life is tough for some サラリーマン - The Japanese Businessman!

Ginger plays the role of a Japanese Businessman =)

Send as a Happy Christmas Greetings

Greece - Raw Video: Protesting high school students Students, Police Clash / Ελλάδα - Πρώτες βίντεο: διαδηλωτές μαθητές γυμνασίου, μαθητές, Clash Αστυνομία

From: AssociatedPress  | Dec 6, 2011  | 219 views
Protesting high school students hurled rocks and bottles during clashes with police Tuesday during a rally to mark the third anniversary of the fatal police shooting of a teenager in central Athens. (Dec. 6) 
Διαδηλώνοντας μαθητές γυμνασίου πέταξαν πέτρες και μπουκάλια κατά τη διάρκεια συγκρούσεων με την αστυνομία την Τρίτη κατά τη διάρκεια συγκέντρωσης με αφορμή την τρίτη επέτειο από το θανάσιμο πυροβολισμό της αστυνομίας ενός εφήβου στο κέντρο της Αθήνας. (6 Δεκεμβρίου)