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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) A selfish friend will try to tear you away from your own concerns. This could upset a partner who was looking forward to the tasks you're working on together. Someone doesn't realise how their thoughtless behaviour is affecting your life and close relationships. Bring this problem to their attention. You won't have as much time for them over the weeks ahead so they're going to have to get used to doing without you! Joint ventures of any description will be bubbling away at a high old rate. What's more you have plenty more ideas to keep them on the boil!
Taurus (Apr21/May21) If you're thinking of getting rid of old habits that aren't good for you concentrate on one at a time to increase the odds of being successful. Let friends and family know you're looking at techniques for self improvement and most will be encouraging and supportive. Any time spent on understanding the person you are is invaluable. Whatever is outside yourself including people, possessions and money may matter a lot to you but none of these can put you in touch with your spiritual nature.
Gemini (May22/June21) Shared activities give your creativity a healthy kick where it is needed most! Today it's not what you do, where you are or where you go that counts but who you spend your time with. The warmth you're getting out of your relationships with family and friends reminds you of what's truly important in your life. An appreciation for the creative arts could lead you to make a love connection if you are single. This will feel like a perfect time to form a romantic alliance.
Cancer (June22/July23) Your ideas regarding a home improvement project are reasonably sound but they aren't without flaws. This is why you need to discuss all thoughts in detail before going ahead with anything of a long term nature. Someone else will spot the weaknesses you can't see because you're standing too close to the subject. Not everything will be disappointing. Keep your fingers crossed as there's a strong chance a recent family discussion will lead to a decision that will be in your favour.
Leo (July24/Aug23) You're under pressure to keep on pleasing people with expensive tastes and you can't always afford it. You don't want to disappoint anyone or to miss out on social experiences yourself but it's growing increasingly difficult to justify the expense. Start persuading others to consider ways to cut costs. You can still continue with projects you've always enjoyed if you start managing the financial side better or find a way to share expenses. Later, short journeys will be prone to disruption. You'll probably be better off staying at home!
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) You can't feel sympathy for someone who has so much yet continually whines about their life. You've always felt it is better to give than to receive but you've given enough of your time, affection and attention to a friend who rarely shows any sign of gratitude. A colleague or neighbour will ask for a favour to do with you taking over some of their responsibilities. If you're in a situation where you have no authority to delegate and you already have enough on your plate, suggest they take their request to someone else. You have your own work to deal with.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Take a deep breath and go with an opportunity that might change your life. What's holding you back is the fact that it's hard for you to decide between taking a risk or sticking with what's safe and familiar. These next few weeks you will feel motivated and focused if you have a goal to shoot for. You need something to focus your aims on. This could be the chance you've been waiting for to show others how disciplined and self reliant you can be.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A strange experience steers your mind to realms of the mystical and supernatural. Working on your spiritual or personal development is preferable to anything that's too noisy, crowded or boisterous. You might try to remember recent dreams and figure out whether they may have a deeper meaning. Spend some time in a quiet place where you can lose yourself in thought. New plans for the future could spring into your mind during this period of seclusion.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You don't have to feel guilty about not having had a lot of time recently for friends; you can make this up to them now. You've always been a sociable person and you're ready to push your personal agenda aside for the sake of your friendships. Spending time with like minded people will give you a much needed respite from everyday work and family matters. Volunteering to help a big group project will increase your chances of success. A road trip to somewhere scenic could lift your spirits.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Hints about a new opening that seems made for you may come from someone you hardly know; be sure to chase up this tip. You can't go far wrong by showing your interest and asking for more information. This could be the start of a new and prosperous stage in your life. Be sure too, to spend time getting to know new friends as they could have some power in high places and may be willing to pull a few strings on your behalf.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It's not going to be easy to expand your horizons when you're weighed down with responsibility but you will find a way. It could be easier than expected to delegate a lot of your work onto colleagues or other members of your household. Past kindnesses to keep others happy will be well rewarded over the weeks ahead as they now put themselves out to please you. This in turn will allow you to make room in your life to pursue new goals.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A sudden expense makes you question all you hold dear and what is and what's not important in your life. There are luxuries you will happily do without if it means you might be less worried about finances and happier in your relationships. If you're single or in a new relationship, don't fall into the trap of trying to buy someone's affection. Be honest about it, if you can't afford to support another person's expensive tastes. If they really care for you, they should understand.