Tuesday, January 4, 2011


-----original message-----
From: Dr. Malik Wasim [mailto:drmalikwasim@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 11:15 PM
For: undisclosed recipients:



I am Dr Malik Wasim, Manager Audit Accounting Department BANK OF AFRICA( B.O.A )I would like to know if this proposal will be worth while for your acceptance.

I have a Foreign Customer,Manfred Hoffman from Germany who was an Investor, Crude Oil Merchant and Federal Government Contractor, he was a victim with Concord Air Line, flight AF4590 killing 113 people crashed on 25 July 2000 near Paris leaving a closing balance of Nineteen Million Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($19.3m) in one of his Private US Dollar Account that was been managed by me as the Customer's Account Officer.

Base on my security report, these funds can be claimed without any hitches as no one is aware of the funds and it's closing balance except me and the customer who is (Now Deceased) therefore, I can present you as the Next of Kin and we will work out the modalities for the claiming of the funds in
accordance with the law.

Now,if you are really sure of your trustworthy,accountability and confidentiality on this transaction without dissapointment, contact me through email for further details.If you are interested, Please reply me back urgently for further details and Please indicate your willingness by sending me mail and for more clarifications our sharing ratio will be 50% for me and 40% for you.while 10% will be for the neccesary expenses that might occur along the line. 

Thanks for your coperation

Dr. Malik Wasim. 

Inbox - SPAM ALERT "You have new message!" this spammer offering a degree cannot even write a letter that can be understood!

-----original message-----
From: Alejandro Engle [mailto:hr@sgahr.com]
Sent Tuesday, January 04, 2011 12:55 PM
For: webmaster@itccommunications.net
Subject: You have new message!

Get a Degree in 4 toy25k6064 6 Weeks with owmur pro7hqrgram!

~We owelgzcffer a produ0shbqbgram that will help ANYodriNE with proapelfessio0d41nknal experience
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This is a rare chance tox1u make a right mosi5x5vve and receive yokfh0o5ur due
benefits... if yooa4oxelvau are qualified but are lacking that piece og33f paper,
Get oifs46qne fro7ipzm us in a fractio9fyarw4n otp0j8elg2f the time.

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It is you7mwielur monxptpave...
Make the right decisio8d0fu1n.

Due tohp3hx1im time zo3ifne variatioo2hstins acro5gdrwrfss the co62vf3untry, a representative may noxbt be in the o8kffice at the time oo5f yoisur call.
If that is the case please leave us a message with yogzamcgur name and pho10k8o61ne number and we will get back toc7avvqf yo8ojpxr3u as sos5njhkkxot9htanabn as pojhhssible.

Do87r5sw1 No85xw63t Reply tob1upj2r this Email.
We don2j nox6t reply to9ks3 text inquiries, and obxjelcsur server will reject all respo0fxnpvainse traffic.
We apoy3h5lo52vwmsygize fok2jrzr any inco9el2nvenience this may have caused yojciu.

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes Tuesday 4th January 2011

Want your AstroChart? - Listen to Russell Grant via Real Audio


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) A painful piece of news makes you feel like you're experiencing a nightmare. Unfortunately, the situation is all too real. If you're going to move past this grief, you must maintain a positive attitude. Make a list of five things for which you are grateful each day. What you focus on expands and multiplies. That doesn't mean you should ignore your pain. On the contrary, confront it. But when the tide threatens to pull you under, turn around and swim for shore.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A source of income will dry up or a cherished possession will be stolen. This makes you realise you've been putting too much emphasis on material things. It's time to put your energy towards something nobody can take away from you. Creative pursuits like writing, painting, dancing, or playing music bring out the best in you. Money you were expecting from a refund or inheritance finally reaches your bank account. Save it for a rainy day. Only buying essentials will be good practice for you.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) An image you've been fighting to maintain comes crashing down around you. You're tired of putting up a front to impress family. Once the truth comes out and your embarrassment subsides, a strange sense of peace will overcome you. At long last, you'll be able to pursue your favourite interests. At first, the process will be lonely, but if you keep chipping away, you'll meet some very interesting people. Join a club or study group and enjoy being with idealistic people.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A terrible secret comes out in the open, triggering an angry fight. You're tired of a neighbour or relative holding you hostage to their emotions. It's as if this troublemaker doesn't realise you have any dreams and disappointments of your own. It's time to set the record straight, even at the risk of delivering some hard truths. Someone you worked with in the past will ask you to help with a new assignment. A little extra cash is most welcome. Besides, you'll like this sort of work.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Breaking away from a group is never easy, but it's critical to your self esteem. You're tired of being dragged down by a bunch of pessimists. A lot of your self-worth was wrapped up with these friends. You've got to find out who you are apart from these people, even at the risk of discovering something unpleasant. Lately, you've been neglecting your creative side. Take up an artistic pursuit you abandoned some time ago. It will be like getting on a bike; everything you've learned will come flowing back.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Your tenure at a company or organisation will end, leaving you adrift. At first, you'll be angry at being left to your own devices. Eventually, you'll realise you've been given a marvellous gift. It's been so long since you've been able to set your own schedule. Take this opportunity to get your household in order. Creating a work space where you can write, read and study will cause your self esteem to come flooding back. When one door closes, another opens.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Your admiration for a religious leader or teacher comes to a crashing halt. That's the danger of putting a mere mortal on a pedestal; you're bound to be disappointed. In future, you have to put all of your faith in yourself. Looking to others for affirmation is an understandable impulse, but it takes you away from your heart's desire. Listen to the angry voices that have been nagging you. They will be a powerful catalyst to a new experience. Read up on a subject that has always captivated you.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Money from an inheritance, legal settlement, or insurance refund is coming to an end. Alternatively, your partner will be laid off from their job. This will necessitate some changes. You have to find another source of income. Friends may not sympathise with your desire to find work that is close to your heart's desire. They'll accuse you of being spoiled and maybe it's true. Still, grabbing the first thing you're offered will make you miserable. Hold out for a job that speaks to your soul.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A troubled relationship comes to an end. It feels like you have been hit by a truck. That's natural; you've always put great store in your friendships. It will take time to adjust to your new life. In time, your grief will subside and you'll feel much better. As much as you care about your loved one, you've grown weary of walking on eggshells. Once all the drama is over, you'll be able to put your energy towards something constructive, like getting in shape.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your health is very delicate. It's time to get a check up. Your doctor will propose a radical change to your daily routine. The prospect of such a profound transformation is daunting. You're not sure if you have the discipline to change the way you eat, work and sleep. Don't make the process so hard on yourself. Taking small steps to reach your goal will yield more impressive results than recreating the wheel in one fell swoop. Trust your instincts about a would-be mentor.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) The fun and games are drawing to a close, leaving you withdrawn and despondent. It was never possible to sustain this level of freedom. Everybody has to come back to down to earth. Instead of dwelling on your loss, reach out to your friends. They'll help you put the world back in perspective and give you a fresh appreciation for things you've been taking for granted. If your partner loses their job, this is your cue to bring home the bacon.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A loud argument will break out, disrupting a family gathering. You may have to decide between your kin and a loved one. In this situation, you should cast your lot with your relatives. They're worried your partner has gained too much influence over your decisions. Asserting your independence is critical to your happiness. Although it gives you pleasure to cater to your partner, this will desire will lead you down a dark path if you never make your own demands.